Anja Meyer [Resonance]

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Anja Meyer [Resonance]

Post by gunnar »

IRC Nickname: Gunnar

Name: Anja Meyer
Alias: Resonance
Date of Birth: June 3rd, 1990
Hometown: Pueblo, Colorado

Height: 5'5"
Weight: 153lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Classification: Mutant
Nationality/Race: Caucasian
Status: trainee/refugee
Occupation: Currently Unemployed

Personality Profile: Anja is a naturally friendly and outgoing young woman. Always willing to offer an easy smile or a word of encouragement, she constantly seeks the most positive ways to present information and approach situations. This often leads her to appear somewhat ditzy to those that don't know her, but she doesn't mind, as her intelligence quickly shines through with those who take the time to become her friend.

Physical Description:
Average height and weight, Anja isn't the most physically striking person, she has somewhat high cheekbones and a broad forehead. This combined with her large green eyes often gives her a slightly dazed, 'deer in headlights' appearance. Her clothing style tends to alternate between college casual: baby T's, camisole tops, hip hugging jeans and the like though there are always leather accents, be they leather embellishments like lace up pants or something as simple as a wide leather bracelet or boots and belts. Anja often wears her hair fairly short, favoring a straight combed style that sweeps from right to left, often screening her face and one of her eyes. Her ears are pierced in a series of small rings, and she has a small stud in her nose.


Power set: Vocal Manipulation/Modulation

Ability One: Banshee wail. She can emit such a loud wail that she can be heard for miles, depending on pitch, glass will shatter, dogs and other animals will feel pain, those within a 20ft radius risk damaged hearing, and those within 5ft could suffer ruptured eardrums and other negative physiological effects from her wail. Anyone with boosted hearing could suffer permanent damage

Ability Two : Siren Song. When she sings, it draws people to her. Similar to the pied piper of Hamlin, her song induces a trance-like state in those that hear it and do not successfully resist. This trance-like state produces a feeling of mild euphoria and a desire to follow her.

Ability Three : None at this time

Drawbacks/Weaknesses: When overly stressed, or frightened suddenly, she may scream, causing property damage and potentially harming her friends hearing. If she loses her voice, her powers are rendered completely useless. No sound = no effects. A side effect of her powers means that Anja is very careful not to sing around other people, and goes to great lengths not to do so. She loves to sing, so this occasionally makes her sad. Because she hasnt used her abilities all that often, over use (much like anyone who hasnt sung in a while, or who is unused to yelling) will leave her hoarse and with a sore, scratchy throat for days afterwords.

Projected Power Growth & Development: With training, Anja may be able to better control her voice, producing stronger effects with both her secondary and primary abilities. This may enable her to resume singing for her own enjoyment and for the enjoyment of others without risking the Siren's Song. In time, she may also learn to use her voice as a direct weapon against specific targets (think: Dune)

Skills: Anja knows how to fence! She also has a basic understanding of camping and outdoorsy skills related to that, as well as being able to cook reasonably well for herself, and she has tried her hand at brewing beer, though she used too much hops in her last batch

Background: Anja grew up in a small middle class family in Colorado. Her mother was a local manager at a retail bookstore and her father sold insurance. She is the oldest of three children, all girls (Bianca - the middle child, and Claire - the youngest). Anja's powers manifested themselves while she was auditioning for a school musical. Everyone in the room seemed to suddenly become silent, in rapt attention to her singing. Needless to say, the she got the part, and the school went on to have some of its most successful choral performances in it's history, with Anja singing of course. Her primary power didn't manifest itself until she was nearly in a head on collision on I-25. Distracted for a moment, Anja looked up to find that a vehicle was traveling the wrong way down the highway, and was heading straight for her. Momentarily panicked, Anja screamed, as many of us would, and every vehicle within 50 ft of her car (including her car) suddenly had all their glass explode outwards, tires shredded, and *thankfully* only minor injuries were sustained by those involved!
And the voice of the lord said: Whom shall go for Us? Whom shall We send?

And I heard my own voice reply: I will go. Send Me.
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