Robert Spencer [Roulette]

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Robert Spencer [Roulette]

Post by Sly »

Player Nickname: M`

Name: Robert Logan Spencer
Code name: Roulette

Age: 20
Date of Birth: 6/18/1991
Height: 6'3
Weight: 230s
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue eyes
Place of Origin: Annapolis MD
Nationality/Race: Caucasian/native American, America
Status: Trainee/refugee
Occupation: Student

Personality Profile:Down playing his natural intelligence and charm. Robert is Just a man who fits into a crowd, hiding often in the crowd outside his height. Hes a shy boy who works on good grades, and keeps himself out spot light. He has a lot internal demons with the first mutant he ever sensed

Physical Description: Tall. Robert is lean with almost seemingly No mass, thou the fact is hes a power lifter. The boy is quick on his feet, and stronger then he looks due to Olympic and power lifting. Heavily tattooed, thou no one ever see's the muscles and tattoos, as he seeks to hide them. The young man often used hiding due to what he was. ---------------------------------

Powerset: Empathic Aura Mimicry

Ability One:Aura Mimicry: Robert possesses the ability to mimic the aura of other Mutants in his immediate vicinity, thereby gaining any powers they possess. The powers He mimics will last only for twenty four hours unless they refreshed from the source being in his range or he replaces it with another power.
- His Range is About five feet
- His powers he mimics are only at 40% to 60% strength of the source
- He only has a cache of three powers sets, thou he can only use one power at time.
- He only has physical alterations if they are critical for a power to work.
- Changing which set is active, or rewriting a set knocks any current sets out for 120 to 150 seconds. Meaning he can not change them or rewrite them in heat of the moment.
- he often in a group will get a different power set then he wished, or under pressure will activate the wrong one from his cache

Ability Two: Aura sensing. Robert sense's the aura's of others in general. He will get a feel of their general mood, thou no thoughts or further information. The aura of other mutants, meta humans seems to grow brighter then any normal man. Due to his first power he can often sense powers based on biological means through the aura but only mimic mutants. He can get a feel but not exacts on what they have as a power set.
- This ability has a range of 10 yards.
- This ability works on anything living.
- He can use its sensing/reading on mutants, meta humans and aliens
- he can get over whelmed if he uses this ability around to many people in general or mutants.

Ability Three: Unsure yet. possible to bloom with time and experience.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: General : Hes basically human unless a copied ability makes him not. He can burn out to fast from trying mimic to many people. or to strong of a source to often and rapid. The abilities also sometimes give him any flaws the owners and sources had.. Physical needs, flaws and requirements. etc Or weakness's. The biggest draw back is the amount time he needs to rewrite or change patterns, leaving him weak and out of powers for a few precious moments at times..

Projected Power Growth & Development:
Primary : Longer duration, larger cache, larger range and ability use more then One at a time.
Secondary: More information or larger area.
third.: May evolve into something, thou no idea yet.


Background: Born to a middle class family. Robert was a average child. growing up rather quietly. Mom was a stay at home mom, dad a factory worker. he got good grades, fit in and just did well. His biggest issue came at age fourteen when he got a few headaches. Not realizing his power's were awakening, and he was sensing another mutant for first time. He began to hate and pick on the child. causing people to ridicule him and becoming a mutant hater. thou that only lasted through part of middle school. until he used his ability for first time and realized.. he was what he hated. He became withdrawn. he spent all high school avoiding standing out for his body or brains, not dating. He became a shy man the man also lost in the crowd even for his height. He seemed to be able just blend in well. With all happening in the world he was staying out trouble. then he saw a man get into a accident and tried help him,watching him die. Matthew decided to find sanctuary at the hill. He wanted to make it up to the boy who haunts his dreams.. for see he had found out just a few weeks ago, the first mutant he sensed. had hung himself due to the pressure.. and he had started it all.

Criminal Record: None. he is clean as sho on cussing.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Fluent in a few languages. Matthew enjoys learning but is a closet nerd as he was a closet Mutant. He speaks klingon, vulcan and drow. as well real languages. He often is trying learn.
Last edited by Sly on Wed Apr 18, 2012 5:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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