Willow Quercus [Medical Staff]

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Willow Quercus [Medical Staff]

Post by Suzthulhu »

Player Nickname: Suzthulhu

Name: Willow Quercus
Age: 30
Date of Birth: November 15
Place of Birth: Erie, PA

Height: Human form - 5'6" Tree form - whichever tree she's in
Weight: 120
Hair Color: Grassy green to mossy greyish brown, depending on the season.
Eye Color: Lavender.
Place of Origin: Earth.
Nationality/Race: American
Classification: Mutant

Status: Staff/Other
Occupation: Healer, Groundskeeper

Themesong: "Pax Deorum" - Enya

Personality Profile: Willow has a kind, tolerant heart. There is room for all there, good and bad, and she is almost always very forgiving, even to those who may not deserve it. Her patience knows almost no bounds, and she is always ready with a kind word, a soothing song, or a gentle touch to comfort. But woe to any who do manage to incur her wrath, for it is mighty and terrible indeed. Those who seek to destroy nature and its inhabitants out of hate, or who disrespect its beauty and purpose will suffer the consequences of their actions.

Physical Description: Her appearance tends to change with the seasons, going from bright, fresh coloration in the Spring and early summer to colors that reflect the changing leaves in the fall, and finally, to more muted tones in the winter. Her hair displays the most noticeable of these changes, turning from bright green with fresh flower blooms in the Spring, to darker green in the Summer, to Autumn oranges and reds, and then to a mossy greyish green in the Winter. In certain places her skin bears mottled coloration as well, which will also change, but not nearly so dramatically.


Artist credit: http://susanschroderarts.deviantart.com/


Powerset: Nature-based and Healing

Ability One: Florakinetics: Willow can control the plants around her in up to a 30 foot radius. She can cause plants to grow spontaneously, alter the growth patterns of plants that already exist, and make them do her bidding for up to an hour at a time. Plants that she causes to spontaneously grow will recede after 24 hours unless she goes into the ground with them overnight to make them permanent. Plants who's normal growth pattern she has altered, say for topiaries and the like, are permanently altered. Plants used for her bidding, such as to attack, restrain, etc, will return to their normal state after an hour or after she releases them from her control.

Ability Two: Nature Slumber/Travel: Willow can slumber within the earth or a tree, simply going into them and becoming part of them. While she sleeps this way, her wounds heal a great deal faster than normal (mid-level regeneration). She may also travel from tree to tree at will, over a distance no greater than 30 feet at a time.

Ability Three: Healing Voice: Willow's singing carries a soothing, healing effect. When she sings, pain is washed away from an injured party so long as they are within two to three feet of her, ideally within a hospital room setting or someplace calm and quiet. Very minor cuts and bruises will heal almost instantly, and worse injuries will begin to heal, broken bones to knit together, etc, at a faster rate. The most noticeable effect is the pain relief. A broken limb will heal two to three days faster than normal, and a wound requiring stitches will see the stitches ready for removal two to three days earlier as well, provided she sings for the injured once per day for at least thirty minutes straight.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: As a nature-based mutant, Willow is prone to great sadness and moodiness in places where nature is not respected or has been maliciously damaged due to man-made processes. Even normal clear-cutting and other such instances leaves her greatly disturbed because she views it as disrespectful. She also has a fear of fire, enough that when faced with it, she becomes catatonic or goes into the ground and disappears. Her willingness to accept all types often leads to trusting those she shouldn't.

Florakinetics: Plants under her bidding that suffer damage leave injuries on her as well. If a plant loses a branch, she will not lose an arm, but may lose the use of her arm depending on how large a limb the plant possessed. In order to make something she grows spontaneously (as in, it wasn't there before) permanent, she must sleep in the ground with it to nurture it overnight, or it will recede and vanish within 24 hours. She also cannot make something grow that would not otherwise appear in the environment. There will not be rare orchids, cactii, or tropical palm trees on campus anytime soon, at least not from her.

Nature Slumber/Travel: If she goes into the ground or into a tree to sleep, she must have at least 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep, or it's like she hasn't slept at all. Wounds will still be fresh, and she will be completely unrested. Also, if the tree she is in suffers any damage while she is asleep within it, she will incur the same damage. If it is cut down or killed, she will die with it.

Healing Voice: This requires a great bit of concentration to maintain. Outside interference can cause her to miss a note, breaking the song's healing effects and making her have to start over again. Too much noise can also cause the song not to have any effect at all because the listener, conscious or not, cannot tune into the music's rhythm. Each day she may carry the song on for no more than two hours at a stretch, and then must rest for a full 8 hours if she intends to use the song again the next day.

Projected Power Growth & Development:

Skills: Swimming, running, hiking.... anything out in nature, she's all over it.

Background: Willow's family has always been involved in the natural world. Her father, father's father, and his father before that were all park rangers or botanists, and her mother was an ornithologist. She grew up in the woods around Erie, PA and Presque Isle, learning about trees, birds, butterflies, and spent more time camping than she did hanging out with friends over the summer.

Her abilities began to manifest little by little around the age of 16, when she noticed strange markings on her skin. Concerned, her parents took her to a doctor, who ran all the usual tests for skin cancer, lupus, and various other things and found nothing. One morning on a solo camping trip, Willow woke up... underground. It was a terrifying experience, needless to say.

It took many years to really get a full grasp on what it all meant, and her parents were retired before she ever told them. Neither seemed particularly surprised, and in fact, her father seemed pretty tickled by the notion.

Criminal Record: None.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Contrary to what one might think, Willow is not a vegetarian. She has a fondness for venison and pheasant.
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