Todd Winters

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Todd Winters

Post by Hazmat32 »

Name: Todd Winters
Alias: none
Age: 18
Date of Birth: June 9 1991
Hometown: Portland Oregon

Height: 6’1
Weight: 189 lbs
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: green
Nationality/Race: White

Occupation: Student/Musician

Personality Profile: Todd is a easy going friendly guy who wants nothing more then to play his music and enjoy life though he can get all brooding when he has writers block, he also has a protective streak in him when it comes to friends and family.

Physical Description: Todd stand about 6’1 and has a medium build from regular exercise, he is you classic musician with long brown hair, intense brown eyes and an easy smile. Todd prefers dark clothes and boots but has no real set style. In his wrap form, Todd has a human shape though he lacks definition or distinguishing features, he tends to wear shades in this form so people have a place to focus when talking to him.

Character Picture (Optional):
Wrap Form: ... 2/todd.jpg


Mutation/Powers: Modern Day Mummy

Primary : Wrap Form: Todd’s primary power has transformed his body, he now consists solely of white almost bandage like wraps allowing him a few benefits. Todd can control these wraps completely allowing him to wrap things up, swing around on them, go through tight spaces, and lift objects from a distance … things of this nature. Another side effect is that do to lack of any muscles or internal organs, Todd doesn’t need to eat, sleep, drink, or breath though he still can if he chooses.

Secondary : Durability: Todds wraps are made of a yet unknown strong yet stretchy/flexible material that are highly fire retardant, resistant to slashing or cutting weapons, and can take high ballistic impacts making them harder to damage. Now if a wrap is broken it will cause Todd great pain much like if you lost a finger or limb, they will grow back slowly over time but if enough are damaged at one time, Todd will die.

Tertiary : Enhanced Strength: Todd can lift about max of 2 tons under optimal conditions.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses : Todd is stuck in his wrap form without the help of dampener to help him, he also controls his body with his mind so sonics and telepaths can cause him to lose control of his body. Electricity can also cause him to lose control of his body along with causing him great pain.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? Hopefully Todd will eventually be able to shift back to his human form on his own, his strength, durability may increase as well.

Background: Todd grew up in Oregon with a good family, had a lot of friends, a steady girlfriend, was in a band, even got decent grades all that changed on his 16th birthday when a drunk driver slammed into his car. The stress of the accident caused him to shift into his wrap form saving his life. Life wasn’t easy for this modern day mummy and took a lot of adjustment especially in his school life but Two years later and Todd has just graduated from high school and is now on his way to Cobalt Academy to enroll in there college courses.

Quirks/Extras (Random fun facts about your character!): Todd is a skilled guitarist and was at one point part of a up and coming band. Todd owns a 1970 Caddy which he got for his graduation present and the insurance settlement. In his wrap form, Tim has no finger prints. ... 1258264356
Last edited by Hazmat32 on Sun Sep 11, 2011 12:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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