Frank Davis

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Frank Davis

Post by Glorybound19D »

IRC Nickname: Frank`Davis

Name: Francis "Frank" Peter Davis
Alias: N/A
Age: 23
Date of Birth: June 25, 1987
Hometown: Louisville, KY

Height: 5'11"
Weight: 188
Hair Color: Sandy Brown
Eye Color: Green
Nationality/Race: American/White

Occupation: Freelance programmer; student

Personality Profile: Friendly, but somewhat introverted. Usually keeps to himself unless in social situations, but once he makes friends with someone, is friendly and outgoing. Having retired a staff sergeant, he is usually professional at all times, though not rigid.

Physical Description: His training as an Army cavalry scout has ingrained in him a physical fitness routine which he adheres to strictly. As a result, he is in excellent physical shape, and while not bulky, is toned and physically strong.

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Primary : Armor Skin - Frank can turn his skin into a carbon-fiber steel alloy, which appears a grey, metallic color. This makes him incredibly resistant to kinetic weapons, such as firearms or thrown weaponry. His is practically invulnerable to pistol and small rifle fire, though larger calibers of ammunition can slow him down. Small, solid-core rounds may ricochet off of him because of the composition of his armor skin. Against 5.56mm rifle rounds he does not suffer physical injury while maintaining his armor skin, but his motion is slightly hampered due to the high velocity and kinetic energy of the round. Against 7.62mm rounds he suffers some knockback, and movement while under heavy fire becomes difficult. His power can be activated at will, though it may also deploy involuntarily when a threat is percieved as a defense mechanism.

Secondary : Enhanced Strength - Though primarly a defensive measure, Frank has begun to try extending the mutation to other tissues of his body. He can augment his muscle, bone, and connective tissues with a form of the armor that coats his skin, granting him greater strength than normal. While maintaining this form of his mutation, he can lift and move objects up to 2150lbs.

Tertiary :

Drawbacks/Weaknesses : While utilizing his power defensively, Frank is still vulnerable to heavy rounds (such as .50 caliber ammunition). Though these will not cut through his armor skin, they can cause internal trauma varying on the kinetic energy of the round. Artillery rounds, such as those fired from howitzers and tanks, can actually pierce his armor and cause serious physical injury or death; if fired upon by an M1 Abrams, Frank may likely die. Explosives can also knock Frank off balance or completely on the ground, depending on the strength of the blast. A standard RPG is likely to stumble him, while a shape-charge could knock him down and cause significant internal trauma. While his armor is extended, Frank is generally slightly slower than normal, though this effect depends on whether is armor is being activated defensively or being used to enhance his strength and power.

Frank can enahnce his strength while using his powers defensively, but it requires significant physical exertion. Using his power as a means of enhancing his strength at any time is physically taxing, though moreso when activated for another purpose.

Due to the composition of his armor, he is susceptible to electrical current, and such current has the same effect on him as does a normal human being. While he is heat resistant, due to the composition of his armor, he cannot survive in temperatures above 570 degrees.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? As of right now, Frank has no problem activating and maintaining an armored outer layer. His main focus will be on more easily enhancing his strength and encompassing his protection not just in the tissue of his skin, but through the fiber of the vast majority of his tissue.

Background: Frank was born to Louise and Thomas Davis in their small home in Louisville, KY. His father worked in the computer programming industry and specialized in artificial intelligence, while his mother held a job at a nearby Ford manufacturing plant. He was very intelligent from an early age, learning both mechanical engineering while visiting his mother at work and computer programming and engineering from his father. He quickly excelled at computer programming, and by age 9, he had his own computer. His childhood and adolescence were unremarkable. By the time he entered high school, he fell into the category of introverted computer nerd, obssessed with scifi and academia.

His power first manifested when he was 16. He was sifting through some tools that were on top of one of the closets in the garage, when the whole box came crashing down on top of him. Despite the heaviness of the steel tools, he found he was unharmed, and, what's more, that his skin had become a flat grey color. He took one of the heavier pipe wrenches and smacked it against his arm, resulting in a loud clanking noise. On this first occasion, his armor disappeared within a matter of seconds, but over the next few years, he began to learn to summon it on command. By his 18th birthday, he had learned to control his power, though extreme situations that would likely result in injury would still cause it to activate on its own.

When he turned 18, Frank, against the advice of his parents who wanted him to go to college, signed up for the United States Army to fight in the campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq. Despite being able to select any Military Occupational Specialty due to his high ASVAB and physical scores, he decided to enlist as cavalry scout. He excelled at rifle and mechanical training, and graduated high in his class. Before turning 19, he was deployed to Iraq to continue peacekeeping operations.

On April 3rd, 2009 while on patrol, Frank's unit came under fire from insurgent rifles and explosives after being ambushed by an IED. He had maintained fire control on the building from the turret of the LAV, but an RPG struck the two Humvees behind him, clearing his fellow soldiers onto the street. Without thinking, his armor activated as he ran into the line of fire, covering the three infantrymen who had not jumped into cover. Despite their initial shock, Frank was able to convince them to return fire and use him as a shield. He used his ability to cover their retreat into a nearby building for additional cover, firing back on the insurgents and rescuing five other cavalry scouts who had been injured in the blast.

Once the incident was reviewed, and despite strong opposition from the soldiers in his unit, Frank was honorably discharged and recieved the Bronze Star for his action in battle, as well as promotion from sergeant to staff sergeant. Initially bitter at being discharged for his status as a mutant, his Army training overwhelmed his bitterness; if the United States decided this was the best way he could serve his country, then this would be the way he'd follow. Despite the discharge, he was allowed to keep in contact with his former unit and their families. While many of them disliked mutants, they accepted Frank for saving the lives of their sons/husbands/brothers, a respect enforced by the injured soldiers he visited at the VA once they were discharged.

Since being discharged, Frank has thrown himself into computer programming and design, resulting in lucrative web-content design contracts and various programming jobs that have netted him a fairly large sum of money. Coupled with the money from his military pension, he is now seeking a college education, and the Cobalt Academy seems like the perfect place.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Frank can seem stiffly professional upon first meeting him, but that is his Army NCO training and his naturally introverted nature. Once you get him talking, he is as friendly as anyone else.

Frank is also, despite being a decorated Army cavalry scout, a huge nerd, and if you get him talking about Battlestar Galactica, anime, Tron, or StarCraft, you'll probably never hear the end of it.
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