Paris Mission - Sat Jul 10, 2010

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Paris Mission - Sat Jul 10, 2010

Post by Sisip »

Paris mission took place after London, a follow up mission! Things went horribly wrong.


[19:22] <Scathien> *After having a nice long several hour nap on the flight over, followed by more review on the bus ride, Conall climbs off of the bus, backpack slung over his shoulders and glancing around at the surrounding area while waiting for everyone else to disembark*
[19:22] * Ives ( has joined #Cobalt*MA
[19:23] * Skieweaver reaches into her pack and pulls out the M1911, checking it over quietly and popping off the main safety. Slipping it into her thigh holster she gets off the bus behind Conall.
[19:23] <Ives> Jim hadn't brought anything along, like usual.
[19:24] * Skieweaver straps a belt around her waist that has little pouches in it containing her various small pointy things. She didn't know whether or not she should bring them but opted for the 'just incase' route.
[19:25] * Thomas`Marshall would get off the bus behind Sisip, the mostly empty bag thrown over his shoulder, he would reach inside and grab his leather jacket, slipping it on, he looks around at everyone, doing exactly what he was doing before they left the school, right hand in his pocket, left hand holding the strap that was over his shoulder, staying quiet
[19:28] <@AnE> All of Delilah's belongings were with her so-called uniform, aside from a small silver ring worn on her pinky, its tiny crystal center catching the light. It wasn't there for fashion purposes, mind you, but before she could change she'd wanted to be guaranteed -some- form of protection. Stepping off of the bus, she'd look around, stretching languidly with a soft yawn before stuffing her hands -
[19:28] <@AnE> - deep within the pockets of her jeans. Nervous? A little. The thought of having to, erhm, 'take care' of living breathing human(oid)s did strike a chord, but it was something she needed to push to the back of her mind now. And so, she did.
[19:31] <Jigsaw> Daniel steps off the bus, those plane rides, sucked. Still, it gave him a chance to clear his mind, as the team for the most part was silent in their trip, at least from where he was sitting they were. Though Daniel had very little to desire to be overly social at the moment, more concerned about making sure that there were no mistakes this time, that no one got shot. Sisip still had one of --
[19:31] <Jigsaw> -- Megan's guns from last time, while Daniel had given his back that same night, he didn't know they were allowed to hold onto them. He wishes he had known that part, he looks over at Delilah for a moment, given the condition they both left London in mentally? Well, there was a bit of concern, because she may be having the same thoughts he was at the moment. But there was no time to strike up a --
[19:31] <Jigsaw> -- conversation, this wasn't support group time or anything like that. No, this was the time for them to strike, maybe they can end this tonight... That would be nice. --
[19:31] <^Edge^> *The bus itself had stopped right around the couner of the shop in question it as better this way in case they had eyes on the street, which they did. But their presence would be known soon enough anyway. It was still daytime and there were people about so they blended in better with the background and the bustle of the early evening traffic. The store at the end of the block with its front ...
[19:31] <^Edge^> ... entrance facing away from them. The sign on the front showed it was some sort of glass making house...most of the decorative pieces lined the front window. Some shoppers inside milling about as two watchful attendents answered questions and rung up customers. Two large blue panal vans were parked at the end of the street, their front windows were tinted but the moment they turned the couner ...
[19:31] <^Edge^> ... somebody nodded in their direction, "They're here...let them take the store then move in..."
[19:33] <^Edge^> *Early morning time*
[19:38] * @Mandi time was, at least, on their side, wee hours of the morning meant that traffic should at least be relatively minimal. Off the bus they filed and Megan spent a moment eyeballing the shop, "Nonchalant boys and girls, don't go in guns blazing just yet. We're taking the shop yes, but with as little collateral damage as possible, please remember that," read, if you don't remember it, I'll --
[19:38] <@Mandi> -- kill you, "Remember, we want to draw as little attention as possible, and we don't want Edge knowing that we're here, until we want him to know. Take the front, we'll clear the back and meet you in the middle." it would be lovely to say that it seemed like Alaula was all for this...but there was a certain level of reluctanct there that she was trying not to show, "Be --
[19:38] <@Mandi> -- careful."
[19:39] * Skieweaver walks over and puts a hand on Thomas's shoulder with a bit of a forced smile. She didn't say anything as she looked about the rest of the team. With a quiet voice she says something in the tongue of her people. She spoke mostly to herself. Nodding to Megan and Gidget she looked over to the shop.
[19:42] <Ives> Jim got to his feet and looked around. "Who will go in first?"
[19:42] * Thomas`Marshall looks at Sisip, a soft sigh passing his lips, he smiles a bit, trying to ease up the tension, his arm would wrap around her, giving her a bit of a hug before he looked around them, "No attention on us, meet in the middle.." *He nods a bit, "Sounds like a plan." *He wouldn't look at Megan though, she seemed extremely calm considering the situation
[19:44] <@AnE> Daniel would be regarded with a fairly neutral expression, though a small, somewhat reassuring smile would be cast his way after a moment. Delilah wanted everything to be all right, for the world to be sunshine and rainbows where puppies and kittens shot out of everyone's ass. But that wasn't reality; it would never be. Instead, she'd try and make it at least a little better. Glancing over -
[19:44] <@AnE> - toward the shop, 'Lilah swallowed back a knot in her throat, dipping her head in a slow nod. "...understood."
[19:53] <Jigsaw> He looks towards Megan and Gidget, nodding his head at what Megan has to say. "Well, no point on standing around, right?" go into the shop, simple isn't it? Daniel walks towards the door, looking at the glass displays in the window as any passer-by would. Play it cool and causual, don't draw attention or anything to yourself and you'll be just fine. He pushes the door open, stepping inside --
[19:53] <Jigsaw> -- the shop and he sticks to the walls, looking at the glass but his attention was everywhere but there. He went in first because well... If he got shot, everyone else would at least be aware, right?
[19:55] <^Edge^> *A man sitting on a bus bench reading the morning paper not drawing attention to himself. It was..Paul? Indeed it was but he wasn't Paul today...he didn't even look toward the group that was moving in the direction of the shop. He did however glance down the street noting the other people on it, he quickly spoke to himself into his earmic " Alright...people...I want this to go by the ...
[19:55] <^Edge^> ... numbers..the moment they step in I want ops to pull the security systems and jam it...and loop those security cameras...van one...van preapred to move in front and clear the building after they take it...then we prep and breech..." He quietly folded up his paper and walked off...but he would be nearby just in case. When Daniel entered one of the attendents nodded his head smiling ...
[19:55] <^Edge^> ... greeting him in french, not that Daniel knew French. The shop didn't seem anything out of place really once inside...a few other window shoppers just milling about. But the several security cameras clearly visible recording them all. ...
[19:58] <Scathien> *Conall waited for a short while and then filtered in with another group of people, seeming apart from Daniel and the others, he just looked a little interested at some of the glass pieces while taking in a view of the shop itself and where they would need to strike to quickly take the location with as little... fuss as possible*
[19:59] * Skieweaver nods to Thomas as she reaches out for his arm. Touristy tourists for everyone. Headed towards the building she smiled up at him and moved towards the window, looking in a moment before looking at him almost questioningly, wanting to go in and spend lots of touristy money.
[20:01] <Ives> Jim headed towards the building along with the rest of the group.
[20:02] * Thomas`Marshall moves with Sisip, his arm linked with hers, he would look through the window then nod to her, he would stand behind her and push her inside the shop playfully, acting normal for right now though his eyes were moving everywhere once they were inside the shop
[20:02] <@AnE> Delilah'd wait a bit, keeping a close eye on Daniel as he moved into the shop, tensing considerably. She'd step inside as some shoppers stepped out, dipping her head politely and smiling as they held the door open for her to move in. Brushing her fingers through her hair, she cupped her hands as she made herself seem interested in the glassworks, curiously murmuring nonsensical things to -
[20:02] <@AnE> - herself, trying to make it seem like she was, you know, contemplating price and all that. Bending at the waist, her one hand stuffed within her back pocket.
[20:03] * Skieweaver weaves through the shelves, looking about the shop with curiosity, eyes going from glassware to the faces of those around her. She pointed at items randomly, cooing quitely about their delicate shapes.
[20:08] * @Mandi or die time. Megan snapped a curt nod at the group before she, and Alaula, darted down the side alley and around the back. If either of them were aware of the other units moving into place...they didn't let on. They knew there would be back up of course, but they'd neglected to pass that information on. Intentionally? Maybe. But people couldn't expect there to be someone to save --
[20:08] <@Mandi> -- their asses all the time, and how the team behaved in these first few moments would be telling. Once out of earshot though, and out of sight, the pair slowed down, "You know, we can find another way to do this Alaula. You don't have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders." "And if I don't, who will? No one touched his apartment but me. I tipped my hand too soon Meg, and I --
[20:08] <@Mandi> -- screwed this all up. I should have waited, we could have-" "I'm just as responsible. It's not all your fault. Just...keep it together okay?" the island girl barked a dry little laugh, "Yeah. Of course. What choice do I have? Fearless leader don't you know. I know everything, and see all. Let's just get this overwith." easier said than done, and yeah, alright, so Allie was getting a --
[20:08] <@Mandi> -- little bitter about being the one everyone counted on, but she'd brought it down on herself. A heartbeat waited, a second, buying time, because there was the assumption that the CIA teams would handle the camera systems. And then Megan was at the door, rapping lightly. Why knocking? Well, there was a reason for that, sure she could pick the lock, but being able to gain access through one of --
[20:08] <@Mandi> -- their own was so much more satisfying. So, she knocked, and then ducked back just barely out of sight, but still within arm's reach. --
[20:12] * Mandi changes topic to ' The city of Salem, off-campus RP for #Cobalt*Academy #Cobalt*OOC is the OOC for the school POSTING ORDER: Edge, Scathien, Ives, Skie, Thomas, Ane, Jigsaw, Mandi'
[20:16] <^Edge^> *There would be a time before the door would be opened, the store's older manager dressed in three piece suit, he could have swore he heard somebody knocking. He was expecting a delivery of supplies for the shop but wasn't expecting to be grabbed the moment he stepped outside to look about at first wondering why he didn't see a truck. They were always trying to use this door instead of the ...
[20:16] <^Edge^> ... loading dock like he had asked fifty million times. He gave a small shout of surprise as Megan swiftly pushed him against the wall. His hands went up speaking in French, " Please don't kill me..take my wallet.." Asshole thought it was a robbery. Inside the shop nobody heard anything or saw of the attendents walked up to Ane speaking to her at first in French, " Excuse me ...
[20:16] <^Edge^> ... there anything I can help you with?"
[20:17] * AnE is now known as Delilah
[20:24] <Scathien> *So far so good.... Connal made his way through the shop, closer toward the door that would take them further into the facility, and waited for the others to get into position as well*
[20:28] <Ives> Jim walked over to one of the walls near the door, since he could just walk through it, there was no point in crowding the door. "Need me to see what's on the other side?"
[20:28] * Skieweaver smiles a bit up at Thomas as she picks up a piece of glasswork, nodding her head to him as she tells him that it was the perfect piece for his mother. Glassware in hand she heads towards the counter and the cashier. They had to take the shop, chances were good that the employees would try to stop that or alert someone. With a bit of a ditzy smile she reaches down into a pouch on her belt, -
[20:28] <Skieweaver> - then blinks, turning to Thomas to ask him for money cause she was such a silly goose and had left hers at the hotel. Inane chatter was good.
[20:29] <@Mandi> ('kay.. guys. The door into the facility is behind a bookshelf in one of the back offices. Not just randomly out in the open.)
[20:31] * Mandi changes topic to ' The city of Salem, off-campus RP for #Cobalt*Academy #Cobalt*OOC is the OOC for the school POSTING ORDER: Edge, Scathien, Ives, Skie, Thomas, Ane, Jigsaw, Max, Mandi'
[20:32] * Maximus ( has joined #Cobalt*MA
[20:33] * Thomas`Marshall would pat down his pockets, blinking when he realizes he didn't even bring his own wallet, he would tell Sisip that, shrugging slightly, a sorry look on his face, the bag still held over his shoulder
[20:34] * Shannon ( has joined #Cobalt*MA
[20:34] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Shannon
[20:35] <@Delilah> Delilah straightened up, casting her eyes over her shoulder toward the attendant, her heart leaping into her throat. A saccharine smile would be flashed, and while she didn't understand a word of French, the upward inflection of speech was a good enough giveaway that she was being asked a question. Play the role, Delilah, you're a tourist and you sure as hell don't know French. "...Um. I don't -
[20:35] <@Delilah> - -- no Francais?" A ditzy little grin, then, as she peered the attendant's way. How long were they expected to keep this up? To try and shift the attention elsewhere, she'd exclaim 'Ah!' and point enthusiastically to a colorful piece of work. On the top shelf, no doubt. That's right, make sure his back is to you ...
[20:44] <Jigsaw> Daniel luckily, was unphased though he was now watching Delilah out of the corner of his eye. If something happens, he would be ready to make a save, moving closer to the middle of the shop and in turn, Delilah and the attendant. There was no point in taking chances, still keeping up the civilain cover, Daniel picks up a small glass vause, looking at it as any interested customer would. So far --
[20:44] <Jigsaw> -- so good, no one was shot and unless the people working here were giant robots, well there was very little for them to be worried about. He was hanging around the middle of the shop now, just as orders had told him-and everyone else- to do, instead of a small cluster beginning to form at the entrance to the back offices. Stay cool Daniel, they're not drawing attention to themselves, and the worst --
[20:44] <Jigsaw> -- is that they may be asked to leave... but Daniel had a feeling that the shop would be empty soon enough, after all they didn't plan on starting the fireworks with civilians in here, did they? Daniel may have an issue with that, but he doubts that will be the case. Still, attention goes back to Delilah, who seems to be the only team member with even the slightest risk of being put in danger at --
[20:44] <Jigsaw> -- the moment. --
[20:47] * Jake_Welding ( has joined #Cobalt*MA
[20:49] * Mandi changes topic to ' The city of Salem, off-campus RP for #Cobalt*Academy #Cobalt*OOC is the OOC for the school POSTING ORDER: Edge, Scathien, Ives, Skie, Thomas, Ane, Jigsaw, Max, Mandi, Shannon'
[20:55] * Maximus Had his camera out, an ole Nikon D5000 with a matching black short ranged lens attached. He had on his normal wear, dark blue cargo pocketed kaikis like pants with a dark blue and white baseball jersey. A white shirt underneth that with the jersey worn open. Around his neck was a name tag proclaiming him to be a photographer for a private travel firm under the name RJ Williams.
[20:56] * @Mandi Megan tilted her head and smiled oh so very, very sweetly to the poor man, "Sorry pops, but I don't speak the language," and then? Pop, a well placed blow to knock him out, no major lasting damage to the poor man, but certainly probably a lump on his head, before she started patting him down for the keys she'd assume he'd have on his person. Gidget paced, back and forth, anxiously, and --
[20:56] <@Mandi> -- sort of cringed when Megan knocked the poor man out, "Was that necessary?" "Do you really wanna run the risk of him running back inside screaming about crazy bitches trying to rob the place?" "" "THen shut the fuck up and let me do my job."
[20:59] * @Shannon she was feeling even more out of place than some of the others. Partilly dampened on a mission. She felt semi helpess and squishy... But at least it was just a partial dampening. While she wasn't in her energy form and could not fly, she still could shoot blasts. While being in Paris should be a very exciting experience, this was no leisure trip. French had not been one of the languages -
[20:59] <@Shannon> - she'd chosen to learn at her sleep less nights. Though speaking the language was not a neccessity for the trip or the mission. Gidget voiced the question before Shannon could and Megan's answer was the smart thing to do, but she kept quiet on the subject nonetheless.
[21:03] <^Edge^> *The attendent gave a light smile...and as she pointed the man's eyes dropped to her ass...ugh was he checking her out? But his eyes quickly lifted from her ass back to what she was pointing at. " Oh..American...excuse me...I was just making sure there wasn't anything I could help you WITH?" He waited for her to turn around as he wiggled his eyebrows...ugh MEN. The other attendent was busy ...
[21:03] <^Edge^> ... watching the others while the casher waited for the pair to pay...and still waiting..with the look of ugh Americans written on his face. *MEANWHILE OUT BACK* The old man went down without much fuss as Megan fished the keys out of his pocket. Thus allowing the to unlock the door now and just about everything else in the building. The two van's started the engines now just waiting for the word. ...
[21:03] <^Edge^> ... Paul was quietly watching the monitor on his screen giving him a clear view of the inside...only a matter of time now before they would make their move.* ...
[21:08] * Mandi changes topic to ' The city of Salem, off-campus RP for #Cobalt*Academy #Cobalt*OOC is the OOC for the school POSTING ORDER: Edge, Ives, Skie, Thomas, Ane, Jigsaw, Max, Mandi, Shannon'
[21:09] * @Mandi ah, victory, sweet, sweet victory. But of course, this was the easy part, the worst part was going to come when they got into the facility itself. Megan eased the poor guy down to the ground and went about unlocking the door, "This is really no time to be getting squeamish. At least I only knocked him out, I could have done a lot worse." And she could have, really, from more damaging --
[21:09] <@Mandi> -- ways to put him out, to just outright death. Door unlocked she peered inside, cautiously, "So, this is what we're going to do. We go in, we get one of the attendents to send everbody home, and we close this place up to keep any civies from wandering in." "But...what happens to the attendent?" Megan shot the smallest of the trio a look that just screamed 'are you --
[21:09] <@Mandi> -- serious?'
[21:10] <Ives> Jim turns one of the glass sculptures over in his hand, playing with the glass sword.
[21:11] * Skieweaver gave an embarassed apology as she started to explain that they never did this at home and gods this was so silly of them. Reaching into her belt to search for money she takes a glance around. It was no or never, everyone seemed to be where they'd be able to lend a hand. She smiles up at Thomas with a wink, "Oooh here we go." Raising her hand as if pulling out money she turns to the -
[21:11] <Skieweaver> - cashier, extending her arm. Sisip's hand flicks out and opens as a forceful gust catches the small handfull of nails that she had taken from the pouch on her belt when she had reached for her 'money'. The nails propelled themselves towards the cashier with the hopes of securing his clothing to whatever he happened to be near. Unfortunately they also could have ended up plunging into the fellow's -
[21:11] <Skieweaver> - clothes. Collateral damage was a bitch, but this wasn't play time and they had to secure this store. That was their job, their task, before moving on.
[21:17] * @Shannon oh yes, Shannon was greatful a lump on the head would be all the man suffered. She was not squeamish, she'd seen (and had actually been the unwilling cause of) stuff a whole lot worse and messy. "Got it." She nodded, not voicing her thoughts on how unintimidating herself and Gidget looked, Megan was the muscle of their group, that much was evident. Even though Meg's look had been aimed -
[21:17] <@Shannon> - at Gidget, Shannon still felt the venom running through those eyes.
[21:20] * Thomas`Marshall would blink as he sees nails flying at the cashier, Todd would turn and look at the people inside the store, just keeping his cool, hoping that the nails Sisip had thrown don't kill the cashier, but if it did, so be it
[21:23] <@Delilah> Nervously did her eyes slide Daniel's way, brief as it may have been. She wasn't exactly certain what to do in this situation, and ... oh, god. Delilah felt her stomach churn, almost able to sense the lech's eyes on her bottom. Not that ... she'd blame him but this was neither the time nor place, goddammit... "Well, actually, I-" Turning back to face him, she'd cast another sugary smile his -
[21:23] <@Delilah> - way, absently bouncing on her heels and then Sisip made the move to pin the other worker against the wall? There went that -- things were going to be a bit faster from there on out, no doubt about that. Sinking onto the flats of her feet, her eyes would go wide, darting from Sisip to Creeper and then back again, smile frozen on her face. Motherfucker. A single hand would be placed over her -
[21:23] <@Delilah> - mouth, a tiny little gasp of shock or something like it passing her lips. She wasn't entirely sure how to proceed besides looking surprised at what Sisip had done. Maybe they could defend her as crazy? Either way, the cover seemed blown. -
[21:24] <Jigsaw> Did he just... He did! Daniel may not be the rawr, I'm gonna kill you type... But right now, his grip gets a little tighter on the glass vause and for a moment? He can almost feel it crack in his grip and he looks down, setting it back on the shelf as he doesn't want to draw attention to himself. His gaze goes back to the person that just checked out Delilah, but luckily he can keep his calm, --
[21:24] <Jigsaw> -- fighting the urge to walk up and pop one of the guys eyes out with the knife currently stashed away in his boot. Is there a way to get that guy without drawing attention? Well if he could move objects with his mind, he could have one of those nice shiny objects fall on the assholes head. Luckily though, he's distracted as there's a bit of commotion by the counter, someone now pinned to the wall --
[21:24] <Jigsaw> -- with nails and Daniel mutters under his breath "What the fuck? How do you get 'meet up in the shop' with 'pin people to the walls'." though there was a use for one more flying pin, Daniel knew exactly where on the attendant it should connect. Still, Daniel looks shocked and he moves past she shelf and goes to Delilah "What...What happened?" play stupid, act casual and scared. Save your --
[21:24] <Jigsaw> -- cover Daniel, Delilah's too in case one of these motherfuckers decides to pull out a gun and blow all the suspicious people away. --
[21:27] * Delilah is now known as AnE
[21:34] * Maximus Max was taking pictures, milling about the store, looking all tourist photographer like. When the nails flew, Max blinked, stepping back out of the way, a look of mock shock on his face. A bottle of water was in his hands at the moment with the top off, so when the action of nails flying took him by mock surprise, he dropped the plastic bottle in shock. "Holy crap!"
[21:41] <^Edge^> *The cashier was pinned against the wall giving a shout of alarm, that very moment the two panals vans casually moved up to the front of the building blocking the entrance and covering up the front view through the window. Men calmly got out and placed several cones and street barriacdes up with signs that read in French that construction was going on and there was gas work being done and to ...
[21:41] <^Edge^> ... keep back a certain amount of feet. They were dressed the part not drawing attention really as people went about their day not even casting a glance to the men and their vans. What they were doing here wasn't actually legal...hell the French goverment had strict rules when it came to this sorta thing...but the intellgience communites were talking now..people were being told that something was ...
[21:41] <^Edge^> ... going on and they needed to work with one another. Paul had watched his monitor as the cashier was pinned to the wall, the man frowned lightly..."...subtle.." He sighed speaking into the mic, " the room..." A pair that had also been posing as customers along with the rest of them removed firearms not really saying they rounded up customers who ...
[21:41] <^Edge^> ... hollared and whimpered thinking it was a robbery or terrorist attack making them lay down on the floor their hands on their heads, they ignored the team members. The doors to the back of the vans opened as dozen or so men wearing white overalls to cover their body armor and weapons strapped to them. The moment the door opened to he shop the customers were led out in pairs into the van..Paul ...
[21:41] <^Edge^> ... would move into the room last..a lit smoke from his lips..he didn't look pleased really. ...
[21:44] * Murua is now known as Mrrafk
[21:45] <Ives> Jim dropped the glass sword and phased through the wall looking for a path through.
[21:47] * @Mandi it was incredibly too quiet in the back, there should have been some form of activity surely. Of course, Megan was, at this point in time, unaware of the breaking of cover at the front, but that wouldn't last long. Silently, she gestured to her two companions to follow and led the way out to the front where...what. The. Hell. Yeah, that was the look on Megan's face as she took in the front --
[21:47] <@Mandi> -- area, customers being rounded up and shuffled out, by the god damned CIA, "What the fuck is going on here?" "Oh no. Not again." Gidget actually almost whimpered the statement, fidgeting uncomfortably. It had seemed simple why was Paul looking like he wanted to smack people?
[21:47] * @Mandi it was incredibly too quiet in the back, there should have been some form of activity surely. Of course, Megan was, at this point in time, unaware of the breaking of cover at the front, but that wouldn't last long. Silently, she gestured to her two companions to follow and led the way out to the front where...what. The. Hell. Yeah, that was the look on Megan's face as she took in the front --
[21:47] <@Mandi> -- area, customers being rounded up and shuffled out, by the god damned CIA, "What the fuck is going on here?" "Oh no. Not again." Gidget actually almost whimpered the statement, fidgeting uncomfortably. It had seemed simple why was Paul looking like he wanted to smack people?
[21:48] * Skieweaver blinks as commotion happens all about them, attention not even on the cashier at this point. Customers were escorted out and a fellow stepped in, looking less than amused. It was obvious they were there to assist because if they weren't Sisip was sure she would have already been gunned down. There was another team? Her face turned from being shocked and concerned at the appearance to a bit -
[21:48] <Skieweaver> - dour herself. Why the hell did nobody ever tell the grunts what was going on? Were they just there for fodder afterall? They had been told to take the room, she went to do that. Why weren't they told there were others.
[21:53] * Thomas`Marshall blinks as the two people inside pull weapons, his hands instinctively ingulfing in flame but they would quickly go out when he realized they were on their side, extremely confused and wondering what was going on, he simply scratches the back of his head, he would watch the customers being escorted out then note the guy smoking enter the room, Todd would raise his right hand and pinch his
[21:53] <Thomas`Marshall> index finger to his thumb, the flame on the end of the cigarette going out, "No smoking." *A grin on his face, even though the guy looked pissed
[21:53] * @Shannon was following after Megan obediently not making any load or unecessary sounds. And wondering how the other half of the group was doing. "It's eerily quiet back here, shouldn't..." Shannon stopped in mid-sentence as she saw the CIA guys and Gidget getting spooked. This was not going well... Not at all. "Crud..."
[21:54] <@AnE> "I don't... I don't-eep!" Yeah; that was a real live 'eep' of mild surprise as the government guys revealed themselves, so to speak. Arms falling to her side, eyes wide, she looked toward Daniel, obviously confused. A useless shrug, hands patting her pockets gently as the customers were subdued and subsequently escorted out. A little frown, and then? A -wince- when Megan spoke up, the tone of -
[21:54] <@AnE> - voice telling it all. They'd fucked up -- well, not 'they' specifically, but still. Shuffling her feet, she cast her eyes toward the ground, sidling closer toward Daniel. She imagined that Paul and Megan would have words, and then the whole lot of them would get chewed up and spat out.
[21:56] <Jigsaw> Well, there was that Paul guy again and he... did not look amused. Daniel sighs and shakes his head, looking away from a pair of customers as they're escorted past. Under his breath he mutters "Fucking train wreck..." and they hadn't even gotten into the facility yet! Really, why couldn't one mission, ONE. MISSION. Allow them to get through the doors of the facility before something goes --
[21:56] <Jigsaw> -- wrong, is it that much to ask for? Daniel didn't think so, he wanted to see things go smoothly. Surprisingly enough though, it was Sisip and not Connal that messed up this time, and the fact that it was the girl, that so far had seemed farily responsible... Well, a disappointed sigh can be heard, at least him and Delilah hadn't blown their cover? If anything, they played it to perfection. Then --
[21:56] <Jigsaw> -- there was Megan, Gidget and Shannon and crap, and the leaders didn't look happy. Gidget looked more disappointed, Megan might just be ready to gut someone. Did Thomas just... no, Daniel wasn't staying silent. "Hey, these guys just covered our asses after that, show a bit of respect. Or would you rather deal with what WOULD have happened were they not here?" Daniel didn't like that they were --
[21:56] <Jigsaw> -- here, it made him uncomfortable but there wasn't much of a choice. He puts an arm around Delilah, sitting back as he waits for Megan and Paul to exchange words, new orders and all that good stuff. --
[22:02] * Maximus MAx, ever the quiet one, simply sat his camera off to the side. Well it wasnt his really, he snatched it from somewhere before he got here. He was about to fog the place up on something serious and rip the breath from the chasier that was nailed to the wall....and everybody else in the store that wasnt part of the team but the guys moving in to 'set up order' blew the possibility. M [CUT]
[22:02] * Maximus [CUT] ax stayed back and out of the way, standing behind the counter, leaning against it as he waited. The water his spilt on the floor when he dropped the bottle was promptly moved back into the bottle and slide out of the way. [END]
[22:08] <^Edge^> *Paul paused for a moment as his smoke went out, he looked in the direction of Thomas. There would be a flickering of his lighter again as the smoke was relit. He didn't look to Daniel nor to Thomas anymore, " No..its quite alright..just won't ask you guys to get me a cup of coffee...might fuck that up as well.." He shifted some to the side as several more wen came in carrying cases ...
[22:08] <^Edge^> ... placing them on the floor busying themselves with their task and what they had been ordered to do. If they needed body armor and extra weapons they would have access to them, they shouldn't be allowed but it would be offered just the same. The men in the white overalls stripped down to reveal their own personal protection gear and assault style weapons. From some of them one could tell that some ...
[22:08] <^Edge^> ... of them looked human some of them however didn't with physical mutants that gave some of the green skin...odd colored hair..whathave you. But there were all mutants in that room least Daniel could tell being in so close. Two of the men shifted toward the backoffice to remove the lock and prep for breech. Paul finally looked toward Megan taking a drag on his smoke before remarking, " ...
[22:08] <^Edge^> ... Get your people ready..." He wasn't going to be their babysitter. ...
[22:18] <Ives> Jim pops through the wall and into the glass workshop. He notes the workers being led out and picks another random direction to move in in his search for something of interest.
[22:19] * @Mandi Megan was...shall we say less than pleased with the entire situation. She gave the members of her team a look, the kind of look that suggested that when this was all said and done...someone was going to be in trouble, "Congratufuckinglations boys and girls. Was it too much to ask that you not send up the red flags until after we got downstairs?" oh yeah. Megan was pissed, extremely --
[22:19] <@Mandi> -- pissed, and she jerked a gesture towards the crates, "Grab your gear kids. And if any of us manage to make it out of this still breathing, take a moment to thank the nice feds for saving our asses. But don't get to comfortable with it. Paul and his kids won't always be there to haul your asses out of the fire." Gidget wasn't really so much...spooked, as she was, extremely, extremely --
[22:19] <@Mandi> -- disappointed. And it made earlier decisions weigh all the more heavily on her mind, "Megan they're-" "Not children and need to accept the fact that their actions have consequences. The last time someone fucked up, you lost an arm. This time, someone could have died, someone probably will if this is the attitude that they're going in with. They're the adults Alaula. It's time they started --
[22:19] <@Mandi> -- acting like it, and started coming to terms with the fact that it's not all a game, and it's not all about showing off how big and badass you can be. These missions take a combination of skill and finesse...but finesse seems to be something most of these people are missing. And it's going to get someone killed." --
[22:21] * Mrrafk is now known as Murua
[22:22] * Skieweaver stepped up and over to Megan. Something about this whole thing stank and it wasn't just the way she apparently fucked up. "This was my fault. I jumped the gun, I got over eager..." She frowns a bit and shakes her head. She really did think things would go better. She really did think that's what they were here for. Take the store, get into the complex. A million reasons ran though her -
[22:22] <Skieweaver> - head to justify why she had acted but she knew it was, in the end, her stupid mistake. She wasn't, however, going to whimper and whine about it. She'd take her lumps and then she'd carry on and finish the job, whatever it may be and whatever other little suprises they weren't told about popped up. squaring her jaw she watched Megan closely. "Do what you want with me when we get back but -
[22:22] <Skieweaver> - unless you're going to send me off... I believe I've got to change."
[22:27] * Thomas`Marshall steps over, moving between Megan and Sisip, "We're all on the same fucking side." *He would look to Megan, "Yeah, they saved our asses, but you really need to calm the fuck down." *He sighs a bit, not really caring about Megan -the big bad wolf-, "It's not like going in there pissed off at us is going to get you anywhere either." *He slowly shakes his head, "Let's get this done and get the
[22:27] <Thomas`Marshall> hell home." *He would stay standing between Megan and Sisip
[22:29] <@AnE> Thumb and forefinger would be rubbed against her forehead, eyes closing as Delilah leaned against Daniel. Though this wasn't exactly the time to be embarrassed, she was. This was the second time, after all. Hopefully this go around nobody would get severely injured, but she was, frankly, beginning to lose her faith, to be honest. They deserved the reaming Megan gave them, really -- well, maybe -
[22:29] <@AnE> - not -all- of them, but she her words had merit. Not a word would be spoken on Delilah's part; she'd merely shake her head, stalk up to the crate in (in silence.), grab her stuff (in silence.) and then creep away again (in silence!). Sensing a theme here? She had to agree with Thomas, at least on the 'get it done and go home' front.
[22:32] <Jigsaw> Daniel makes his way towards the equipment crates with Lil, he's a little offended that Paul grouped them all together like that. Daniel didn't make a mistake, in fact he's now one of the few on the team that hasn't now! He looks over, pulling out a piece of the body armor and sliding it over the armor that Gidget had made. A little extra padding couldn't hurt, right? Sure, it may seem a bit too --
[22:32] <Jigsaw> -- cautious, but he wanted to live beyond this and was going through the steps to do so. He looks at the weapons, well he grabs a pistol from the crate and rounds for that, as well as an assault rife, because you know what? Big robots, big guns might be needed. He collects about as much ammunition as he could cary without becoming a human snail and backs away from the crates. Megan's sweet, sweet --
[22:32] <Jigsaw> -- words of encouragement were appreciated. He looks around the room, checking out the rifle in his hands and getting accustomed to gripping it. Daniel glares at Thomas, shaking his head. "Look, I don't know what your problem is buddy, but you need to start showing a little respect. Megan is in command here, and with your attitude? Well, I know exactly what I'd do with you if I were in her --
[22:32] <Jigsaw> -- shoes. This isn't the time to try and be some badass fucking hero, Connal tried that in Lonon and it cost us. It almost happened here again today, and of course you don't care right? What we need right now, is to STOP bickering like children, can we please focus on why we're here." he looks at Megan, shaking his head "Hopefully I'm not stepping on your toes by saying that, boss." he --
[22:32] <Jigsaw> -- throws out to Megan, but Daniel... Well, after seeing what happened to Gidget, Daniel didn't want to see another mistake, he didn't want to see another member of the team wind up hurt. --
[22:37] * Maximus MAx continued to live up to his quietness, staying just that. It really didnt matter about the guys barging in or that they screwed up. As far as he knew, no fundamental plan was laid out to take over the shop so the fact anything got done without somebody or bodies being killed was a surprise for him. Megan ranted, Sisip stepped forward to own up to her actions, Thomas stepped in t [CUT]
[22:37] * Maximus [CUT] o save her from Megan's wrath and Danial dug into his throat for that. Max shook his head and sighed, simply grabbing his things from the crate and resumed holding up a spot off to the side. [END]
[22:39] * @Shannon ok, not Crud then, these CIA people were on 'their' side. Shannon relaxed, though just a little bit, she was still on edge and on alert. The last mission had not gone well, true she was not on the last mission nor did she know the delicate details of just what went wrong, but it still stood. Don't make yourself stand out. Don't mess up. A semi-unconscious glance was cast to Gidget's new arm, -
[22:39] <@Shannon> - whether her fault or not this was real, not a training sim. They had to work together and not draw attention... Not directed at her, but Megan's words still hit. Even though that had been what Shannon had been thinking, Megan's tone intensified those thoughts. She glanced over to Sisip, good that the girl was admitting it. Hopefully tempers wouldn't raise too much, in-fighting was not what they -
[22:39] <@Shannon> - needed right now.
[22:44] <^Edge^> *Paul really didn't like this assult idea, he had said on the phone before that this smelled like a setup. But the intel was backed up that Edge was here and that a target that needed to be taken down. Unknown to Gidget or anybody else orders had been issued through him that Edge was a shoot on sight. Paul knew that they wanted to take him alive if possible but cutting the head of the snake ...
[22:44] <^Edge^> ... was going to be hard enough...let alone taking him alive. He didn't like it but orders were orders...but he kept that to himself and if it happened. They all did what they were going to have to do in this...some of it distasteful at times. Paul nodded to his man and they huddled up some, " Alright..your going to be attached to their hips on this..I already voiced my thoughts on ...
[22:44] <^Edge^> ... the idea of going after our target like this..expect anything...keep close..they breathe, you breathe with then. They piss, you help...get it done.." One of the men spoke up, " Rules of engagment?" Paul paused taking a long drag of his smoke speaking rather plainly, " Kill anything moving..." ...
[22:45] <^Edge^> (err shot on sight)
[22:51] * @Mandi blue eyes went glacial as Megan rounded on Thomas, and the girl's voice pitched to a dangerously sharp edged tone, "Let me make one thing perfectly clear to you Asshole. This is my command, and if you have a problem with my attitude, then you can stay the fuck behind. Everyone else. Gear up. Let's get this shit done." she shot a look at Sisip and gave the woman a curt little nod, "I'll --
[22:51] <@Mandi> -- deal with you when we get back. If we get back." It was probably better that Gidget didn't know about the shoot on sight orders, mostly because...well, she still had hope right? There was still hope, and where there was hope, there was a way. The smaller girl shifted uncomfortably, as if...maybe, there was something she wanted to say, but couldn't before she started to flit towards the back --
[22:51] <@Mandi> -- office, "I'll just...go help them with the lock."
[22:51] * Scathien ( has joined #Cobalt*MA
[22:56] <Ives> Jim finds himself in a set of offices, and continues moving through the building in his futile quest.
[22:58] * Skieweaver nods to Mandi before stepping away to do a quick-change into her gear, the M1911 strapped to her thigh and her belt filled with woodshop bits and bobs around her waist. Her mind raced, her screw up that the entire team got chewed out for. She knew that nobody had told Megan who was responsible and that's why she had turned her wrath on the group but it didn't make her feel any better, even -
[22:58] <Skieweaver> - after she stepped up to the plate. Then there was Thomas, by now really one of her best friends, coming to her rescue. She appreciated the thought but would have to pull him aside when they were done to talk to him about that... if she didn't end up as roast grouse on Megan's table before that. Her eyes flicked to Paul. Kill anything moving? She knew there would be, most likely, a lot of -
[22:58] <Skieweaver> - bounderies tested. People hurt, people killed, but 'anything'?
[23:01] <Skieweaver> *megan
[23:02] * Thomas`Marshall sighs as he hears everyone jumping down his throat, he would have a word with Daniel after that got back, unless Daniel 'accidentally' got toasted while they were down in the compound, he would move to grab his gear, throwing it on over what he was already wearing, he snaps his fingers on both hands and a flame ignites on the tip of each of his index fingers, a soft sigh passes his lips when
[23:02] <Thomas`Marshall> the flames go out, he would slip his hands inside the pockets of his leather jacket
[23:03] <@AnE> As she slipped into her 'uniform' ... how the hell that even works, I don't know. Use your imagination. She'd tie her hair back into a ponytail, a look of resolve painted across her face. Frankly, Delilah wanted everyone to stop talking. To stop fighting. To just ... stop. Get all this over and done with and fight about who screwed up later! Plucking her ring off, she'd drop it into one of the -
[23:03] <@AnE> - small pouched on her belt before pulling her gloves on, fingers absently flexing. A roll of her shoulders and she'd slip her hands behind her back, waiting quietly in the rear of the group. Gaze lazy rolling toward Paul, she'd simply nod her head in silent understand before whispering softly to herself, soft pulses of vaguely visible psionic energy eminating from one of her various -
[23:03] <@AnE> - pockets.
[23:07] * Murua is now known as Lily
[23:09] <Jigsaw> Anything that moves? Excessive, but the safe approach, Daniel could live with that. Thomas could be unimpressed all he wants, but Daniel wasn't going to apologize, because Daniel was right. Megan not saying anything to him though, makes him wonder if he didn't piss her off with his little rant. Daniel did not want to deal with people flaunting their egos, trying to be cute or anything of the --
[23:09] <Jigsaw> -- sort, sadly that's all Thomas seemed to be good for at the moment. He sighs a bit, they needed to get on the same page, a little Cohesive Unit Bootcamp to go along with the other training that awaited them in the future. Daniel continues to wait for the green light to move in, holding the rifle in his hands and he looks at Delilah, "Ready?" he asks simply, given that she may be having the --
[23:09] <Jigsaw> -- same round of doubts that he's currently keeping locked in the back of his mind.
[23:13] * Maximus Slipped off into a back room to set himself up. He'd return to the main room of the shop, slipping what looks like a silencer out of his pocket, fitting it to the front of his 1911. Another, smaller silencer came from his pocket, that one slipping snuggly into place at the barrel tip of the charcoal black P229, something he personally slipped into the crate. He'd adjust his gear bel [CUT]
[23:13] * Maximus [CUT] t, the four 10 once bottles of water strapped in special holsters to his side. The heavy 1911 would rest in a thigh holster which gave some room for the silencer. His 229 was slipped into another holster strapped around his left arm with the handle facing forward. That was a last resort. Bottles check, ammo...check....check check check....yup...he was ready. [END]
[23:14] * @Shannon And no venom was unleashed on Sisip, or Thomas for that matter (Well, not much). Shoot on sight orders unknown to Shannon as well, and likely not a thing she wanted to hear. The dampened nuclear mutant was ever the optimist. Always trying to look on the bright side of things, and taking a lot of effort to discourage her. Gear up - did that mean reactivate her armor? Probably not yet, walking -
[23:14] <@Shannon> - around like that was too noticable. Once they needed to actively engage on the other hand... Wait, did they say 'kill anything that moves?' She was really not liking the sound of that. Shannon who'd been given the nickname of 'the pacifist nuclear bomb' in the past. She didn't think she was in over her head, it was that darned optimism again. Optimistic that she wouldn't have to kill anyone. -
[23:14] <@Shannon> - But, even so her eyes also flicked to Paul. But, Shannon moved onto the gear, getting ready without saying a word.
[23:20] <^Edge^> *With Gidget's help the tech were able to unlock the series of security devices that had been attached to the entrance. As the bookcase swung back several of the men riased their weapons to make sure it was was. It revealed a series of steps leading downward into ground below. The security system was on loop as Gidget got closer A.M.I was interfacing with the system carefully making ...
[23:20] <^Edge^> ... sure nothing was in their way. A tech member of the team made sure to give each one of them a bonemic for their ear so they could stay in communcations with eachother as well as their CIA counterparts. Two members of their babysitters backup team moved ahead weapons outward keeping in contact. *~Moving to clear the stairwell...*~ ~*...Passing to the third floor...Clear..*~..*~ Forth ...
[23:20] <^Edge^> ... floor clear..~* They would clear it all the way down to the very bottom as it led to another series of hallways ..they stopped just around the couner of the large security door leading to the complex...there seemed to be a guard standing at post. *~We got a guard up here by the entrance....holding..*~ One of them whispered letting the group catch up to them. When Megan would join them with ...
[23:20] <^Edge^> ... the rest of her party one of the men crept back toward her. " Orders?" He was asking her for orders...well it seemed that Paul had put her in charge of this little mission so in truth she sat at the top of the foodchain of command. ...
[23:21] <Scathien> *Conall waited for everything to die down once the shop was secured, and gave a little twitch before his civvy clothing seemed to rip and shred at the seams before simply falling off of him, leaving him clad in that dark green full body suit of his, cracking his neck as he pulls on the gloves and tosses the remenants of his clothing and the shoes that he wore
[23:21] * Kaija|away is now known as Kaija
[23:21] <Scathien> into his backpack, extracting a handgun and several magazines, slipped into pockets as the gun was inspected and readied... just in case*
[23:38] * @Mandi Gidget was...remarkably quiet throughout the duration of this excursion, offering only the barest of comments, and keeping her thoughts mostly to herself. And Megan was...well, she was Megan, dropping her voice to a just barely audible whisper, "We don't want gunfire to alert them. Give me thirty seconds to handle the guard. Once this passage is clear we progress to the loading zone by the --
[23:38] <@Mandi> -- port, and from there cut across to the biolab. If our target isn't there, we clear the comm center next, before moving on to clear the living quarters, storage, and armory." yeah, okay, so the one lone guard could have been taken out any number of ways, most of which were loud and noisy, sure to draw attention. Megan slipped one of of the knives from her right boot and slipped off down the --
[23:38] <@Mandi> -- corridor, essentially silent, not because of any powers, but because of years and years of training. As soon as she was within reach one hand snapped up to palm the front of the guard's head, jerking backwards, while the other simultaneously slipped the knife in through the side of his throat before wrenching it forward, severing the major blood vessels, shredding the esophagus, and effectively --
[23:38] <@Mandi> -- rendering the dying man silent. --
[23:47] <Ives> Jim pokes his head through the floor of the building to take a look at what might be going on below.
[23:48] * Skieweaver listens to Megan closely, this time not even going to look about without getting an order first. Last time she tried to take the initiative it obviously was not the right time. Again excuses were just that. No pratice with a complete team, no practice with the actual team leader, just fumbling about pretending to be heroes when in fact they were just unreadied bumbling peons. Hating the -
[23:48] <Skieweaver> - negative side that seemed to appear in her lately she frowns, shaking her head. She was Sisip, happy optimist, strong and ready for any situation. She wasn't supposed to be Sisip, blunderfuck extrodinairre. She watches the girl kill the guard, dark eyes widening slightly. It was efficient, effective. Reminded her a bit of when she and her father would blood a deer after a -
[23:48] <Skieweaver> - hunt.
[23:53] * Thomas`Marshall would follow close behind Sisip, a hand placed gently on Sisip's back letting her know he was there, he would note Megan killing the guard, sighing a bit to himself, what a great plan, kill the guard and when someone tries to talk to him, they won't get an answer, then they'll come checking around the place and be more alert, he wouldn't say anything though, cause that make make their
[23:53] <Thomas`Marshall> 'leader' whine and scream some more, which would bring more unwanted attention their way, he would simply stand there and watch
[23:53] <@AnE> Rolling her shoulders, Delilah shook off and loosened up as she continued to murmur under her breath. The last word she spoke would be clear: hunter. The ground beside her would soon be covered by a thick, viscous substance before a black beast resembling a large, skeletal cat dragged itself nimbly from the ground. It shook off before creeping to Delilah's side and, oddly enough, rubbing -
[23:53] <@AnE> - against her leg. It stared forward through eyeless sockets and padded silently alongside its mistress as they made their way. Pausing, Delilah watched with wide eyes as Megan dispatched the guard, swallowing back a knot in her throat as the man's body went limp. Damn if her heart didn't skip a beat. A glance would be shot Daniel's way as she silently followed the group, her familiar sniffing at -
[23:53] <@AnE> - the ground.
Session Time: Sun Jul 11 00:00:01 2010
[00:01] <Jigsaw> It was quick, silent and well... A little messy, but two out of three isn't bad, right? It doesn't take long for the guard to go limp, Daniel surprisingly enough doesn't seem to be shocked or disturbed by the sight, he spent the entire trip readying himself for that to happen. He knew he'd see blood, he knew people would die and such but there was nothing he was going to say to go against what --
[00:01] <Jigsaw> -- had to be done. Skelecat had made a return, and Daniel remembers their last encounter all too well, and that he winded up bleeding after that one. It seems as if he's more tamed now though, which was good given there wasn't a lot of room to run if he decided to go crazy. Daniel takes off the safety, ready for whatever comes now, and he takes a deep breath. It is now go time, the first body had --
[00:01] <Jigsaw> -- fallen... But it would not be the only one.
[00:11] * Maximus Well that was exciting. Reminds him of playing Modern Warefare 2.....although he would have snapped the guys neck. Less messy. But this wasnt him doing it so he didnt really care. Hazel eyes would turn down to the SkelaCat and a brow would raise. Interesting how she makes these things seemingly appear out of nowhere. Eyes would turn from the cat to the rest of the group as they made [CUT]
[00:11] * Maximus [CUT] their way into the hall. Max would bring up the rear, casting looks behind him as they went. One cant be too sure if anything would come from the floor....the ceiling...hell even secret compartments in the walls. Not feeling comfortable at all, Max would draw his weapon, flicking the safety off and hold it down and at the ready. [END]
[00:12] * @Shannon no guns for shannon even if they had been offered. And not just because she wouldn't want to use one nor really knew how... She'd be more likely to shoot herself in the foot than an enemy. Her own blasting power would suffice should the need arise. It was silent and fast and she had more control over it than a hunk of metal. She wished her partialy dampening still enabled her to fly, -
[00:12] <@Shannon> - floating was quicker and quieter than walking. Quicker and quieter; but a lot more noticable. It made her glow really really stand out. And Megan slit a guard's throat... Shannon did not cringe. She did not turn away (during the action anyway, once the body slumped Shannon's gave averted), and she was not going to squeak. Although a hand did raise to cover her mouth just in case some sound did -
[00:12] <@Shannon> - try to escape. At least the death had been a quick one. It was part of the mission... It was known that people may die, known that not all of them may return, that people were going to get hurt. The guard's death was a marker. The hard part was coming. Shannon's dampener was subconsciously stroked, Skelecat was glanced to, odd little creature. There was no sign that Shannon was readying her own -
[00:12] <@Shannon> - powers aside from the greeness of her eyes brightening a little. -
[00:14] * Maximus ( Quit (Quit: User banned)
[00:15] * Lily ( Quit (Quit: Check out my updated artwork at ^.^)
[00:19] <^Edge^> *Paul went back to the truck to monitor things from there, he was getting too long in the tooth to go shooting around the rest of them. Besides when shit hit the fan...and he knew it might be best for him to watch from a distance in case he had to send in another team to pull their fat out of the fire. He lit another smoke...god he hated jobs like this honestly. Through one of the ...
[00:19] <^Edge^> ... helment cams stationed on the helments of his men he watched Megan kill the guard. His voice came in clear over the bonemics in their ears. " Ami...take care of the radio traffic for us..." A.M.I would take over to make sure that if anybody did call for the guard on the radio she would make sure the message was returned. On the other end of the screens in the security booth just beyond the ...
[00:19] <^Edge^> ... door saw nothing wrong...A.M.I was taking her time to try and get into their systems. The computer system made sure that on their side they saw the guard still standing there. The men moved toward the door keeping to the sides of the hall, standing in the middle wasn't a good idea in their mind. There was that moment building up for that door to open. Paul was took another drag of his smoke, ...
[00:19] <^Edge^> ... "AMI...lets open the door..." The men tensed lifting their weapons up as the locks were bypassed and opened with a series of small metal clanks. One of the men spoke into his throat mic, " Eyes up..." ...
[00:21] <Scathien> *Conall pondered, and after a moment reached back into the bag, and affixed a silencer to the end of his gun, cocked it and dropped the safety... he walked up toward Sisip's other side and patted her shoulder* relax hon... this is gonna get a lot worse before its over... *with that he moves up closer toward the front, that way if shit did hit the fan and it
[00:21] <Scathien> came from infront of them, he could at least help stop a hail of gunfire... he kept back just enough so Megan could stay in the lead, following her direction for now*
[00:24] * @Mandi and this was it. There was a brief plea that the members of her group would be smart enough to follow orders and fall in line...or at least not to potentially get themselves killed. Megan slipped the knife back into its place, thinking that she'd clean it later, and switched to the rifle that had been slung across her shoulder, "Gidge-" "On it. Initiating thermal scans, be --
[00:24] <@Mandi> -- honest, I'm thinking that if the door's up, it's a little late to be running scans. But you're the boss." although to be perfectly honest, Gidget's only real function was supposed to be keeping A.M.I present, and since she was the only one with the technical know how, she'd had to come alone.
[00:24] <@Mandi> *along
[00:24] * Maximus ( has joined #Cobalt*MA
[00:29] <Ives> Jim phases through the ceiling above the group and drops down on top of them.
[00:29] * Skieweaver turns to look at Thomas. Glad of the contact and the unvoiced support she knew he'd give her she tries to smile his way but finds herself unable. They were a good team, she had a feeling he knew her appreciation even if she wasn't smiles and grins. Nodding to Conall she couldn't help but sigh. He was right, of course. Stewing over her failures was only going to get someone hurt. Listening to -
[00:29] <Skieweaver> - the men and the 'eyes up' she tensed a hand slipping out to the side, not towards her gun though. For all it's comfort there was an obvious lack of silencer on it. No good here, that's for sure. She'd have to put her trust in her own abilities for now... well, perhaps abilities and a few more nails. Hearing the quick talk between Megan and Gidget she turned all her attention to the door, ears -
[00:29] <Skieweaver> - open for a confirmed order to do something.
[00:30] * Thomas`Marshall would keep his eye on the door, a soft sigh passing his lips as he hears Conall, yeah way to keep her relaxed telling her it's going to get worse, he slowly shakes his head, he would stay near Sisip, staying quiet though, hoping that there wasn't anything waiting on the other side of that door for them, his right hand dropped to his side, palm forward, ready for anything, but still hoping
[00:30] <Thomas`Marshall> for nothing, right now anyway
[00:32] * `Todd ( has joined #Cobalt*MA
[00:33] <@AnE> Turning her eyes on the door, Delilah's eyes narrowed sharply. The skeletal beast hunched down, looking ready to pounce, but a hand resting firmly against its spiked spinal column would discourage it from moving. A low, gutteral growl rumbled in its ... well, it didn't have a throat, but it was rumbling. The door was being opened and the chaos was certain to begin. Swallowing hard, she took a -
[00:33] <@AnE> - single step backward; she was hardly effective rushing forward, leaving the job of getting dirty to her 'pets' with a silent command. God, but her heart could have burst from her chest at that moment, but still, she tried to keep her resolve, lips pursing tightly.
[00:37] <Jigsaw> As the door opens, Daniel raises the rifle towards the door, sticking against the wall and waiting for see something move. There was going to be more than just that one guard, they all knew it and where they are now? Hardly where they want to get into a gun fight, even more-so when the guys they'd be fighting are a lot better trained than most of them. With the closed in area, Daniel's mutant --
[00:37] <Jigsaw> -- sensing radar was only picking up a few close mutants, the ones around him and it was frustrating. Plus it wouldn't give away any human follows Edge may have, he's tempted to look at Skelecat, just to make sure it wasn't trying to get away but his eyes had to be elsewhere. This was it now, all the fighting upstairs, the fear and such, it all needed to stay there. Now this was about capturing --
[00:37] <Jigsaw> -- Edge, this was about surviving.
[00:44] * Maximus Bringing up the rear would put Max in perfect position to see the entire group. This also gave him a good view of a certain mutant who decided to drop down from the ceiling in an already tensed moment. MAx already had his side arm drawn, being more comfortable with a hand gun and rather deadly in a pinch with one. The 1911 would snap up, finger pulling slightly on the trigger before [CUT]
[00:44] * Maximus [CUT] his mind caught up and recognise the guy. It was Jim, being....well....Jim. A low growl drifted from his throat as he lowered his aim, giving Jim a glare that could set the sun fire. His attention, as quick as it was diverted to Jim, would snap behind him before returning back just in time to see the door opening. Finger resting on the trigger, he'd scoot off to the side, aim relocating [CONT.]
[00:44] * Maximus [CUT] back up to the open door....incase something decided to jump out. [END]
[00:46] * @Shannon Swayed a little and shook her head as though to clear it as A.M.I. put some precautions on the radio traffic. Her powers enabled her to access radiowaves, and the signals A.M.I. was putting out momentarily fuzzed up her head. She snapped out of it soon enough, probably would have taken longer if she hadn't been dampenned and had been actively searching the signals. Eyes were on the door, a -
[00:46] <@Shannon> - brief glance to Gidget as she brought up the thermal scanning. Her focus was spread across the door and up like instructed, and then Jim made his uncerimonious appearance. Shannon was startled and looked at him, arm not even raising for a blast; that would be too slow. If she had to shoot at someone she wanted to have it over with quickly. Jim was lucky that Shannon had chosen to use her eye -
[00:46] <@Shannon> - beams. Smaller, though more concentrated. She'd aim for the head, between the eyes, wouldn't kill but it would hit with some force and leave some nice little burns if her aim was true. -
[00:51] <^Edge^> *The door opened finally revealing the front entrance to the base, several security guards were standing there looking over the systems in question and the fact that they were now looking at a group of people pointing weapons at them...well they got the drop on them. Two signal shots were taken from a pair of shooters in the front dropping them without question, the clock started. " MOVE!" ...
[00:51] <^Edge^> ... One of them shouted as the group shifted forward as a unit several men to each of Megan's own as personal backup. They swept through the entrance door and and down one hall toward the direction of their first target. It would be fine for the first few moments, one of the men spoke into his mic, " Keep it spaced people...hug the walls.." It wasn't a suggestion.
[00:55] * @Mandi Megan didn't need to be told twice, this was normal protocol for her, she hoped that everyone else would be smart enough to listen too. Gidget...well, after the last outting where she'd ended up losing an arm, she had no problem hugging to the wall either though she was doing something...odd. Odd as in stripping off the right gauntlet from her armor to leave the bionic hand and wrist there. --
[00:55] <@Mandi> -- Megan shot a look back at the rest of her people as she edged forward against the wall, "Be smart for once in your lives, listen to the man. Keep to the walls and stay out of the fucking vortex, because I'm not taking a bullet for anyone stupid enough to stand in the open."
[00:57] <Ives> Jim strides through the door in full on phased out glory. The bullets didn't seem to concern him all that much.
[01:00] <Scathien> *Conall moves through the door as well, and through Jim if he didnt get out of the way, hugging the wall and looking for targets... if any of the security guards were still up the silenced pistol lifted up and took aim, firing at the head of whichever guard happened to get in his way with his silenced pistol, otherwise he kept to the wall and kept next to
[01:00] <Scathien> Megan, trying to remain as quiet as possible*
[01:02] * Skieweaver watched with almost morbid fascination as the guards were dropped without incident. Keeping tight to the walls she moved quietly, barely even wanting to breathe too loudly. She followed behind Conall, spaced properly, keeping pace with the group. Her hand flexing slightly as she caught sight of Gidget's own hand being re.... what in the name of gods was Jim doing? Her mouth dropped open -
[01:02] <Skieweaver> - silently as he strides through the middle of the room. Fucking up the shop was one thing... this? This was an entirely new level of not listening. God she hoped this turned out alright.
[01:03] * Thomas`Marshall would hold up his left hand and make a talking motion, mouthing the words 'Blah, blah, blah', he wouldn't actually say anything though, but he would follow close behind Sisip, blinking when he saw Jim, he would raise a brow, tempted to yell at the moron, but not wanting the attention, so he stays quiet
[01:04] <Ives> The eye beams went through the phased out mutant and burned some holes in whatever was behind him.
[01:05] <@AnE> A slow nod of her head and Delilah would proceed forward with slightly narrowed eyes, barely wincing as these other guards were taken out so swiftly. A glance down toward her skeletal feline companion and she'd hold a single finger up. 'Don't do anything stupid and don't attack unless I tell you to.'. A command simple enough for the excitable, battle-ready cat to follow. She'd move along the -
[01:05] <@AnE> - wall as instructed, not one to ignore those who obviously knew what they were doing. ... Unlike some people. Eyes went wide as Jim strode into the room, proud as a peacock, and Delilah would supress the urge to facepalm. A small shake of her head, the beast at her side tensing up, seeming ready to pounce on anything that so much as looked at it funny.
[01:07] <Jigsaw> Daniel sticks to the wall, so close that Daniel probably should have bought it a drink first. Daniel looks at Jim as he walks through the door, Daniel shakes his head, but he wasn't gonna risk his life for someone that can't follow simple instructions. Daniel's gun remains raised for the door, maybe he can at least cover the fucking moron. Phased out or not, they had no idea what they were going --
[01:07] <Jigsaw> -- against here, and this had bad idea written all over it. Daniel takes a moment to look at everyone else in the hall, shaking his head and still, maybe Jim had an idea?
[01:11] * Maximus glancing back the way they came, Max didnt see the guards get dropped but heard it. Cue one....its party time. After the others slipped thru the entrance and hugged the walls, MAx would do the same, glancing down at the dead men on the floor as he passed, keeping a lil distance between him and the group. Occasionally, his gaze you look behind him, checking their 6 as he went.
[01:14] * @Shannon Or not... apparently Jim was Mr. Inviso-tangible and Shannon's blast passedright through the man. shannon winced noticing it had been one of their own but sighed in relief that she'd missed him. Shannon growled a bit to herself that Jim would do something so stupid... Anyway back to the real danger reather than the imaginary danger that was Jim, who'd just phased through a wall solo without -
[01:14] <@Shannon> - back up. Shannon stuck close to a wall, following orders, she may be wearing the protective gear offered, but she missed her energy state and couldn't shake her mind off of the fact that humans are squishy. If worse came to worse she'd turn her armor on.
[01:21] <^Edge^> *Normally Jim would have fine, but there was big difference between some two bit operator and Edge. He KNEW they were coming...he PLANNED IT! Somewhere in the complex Edge was watching them....he was watching AMI filter through his systems...just a few more feet down the hall. The comm line was open as his men were laying in wait, the walls were hard to peer through being re-enforced concrete ...
[01:21] <^Edge^> ... and steel but they were there. Edge leaned forward in his chair, "Now.." That certain section of hallway was a security wing, it led to the rest of the complex and had bee rigged for trouble-makers like them. From above Jim something turned on...the halls were sectioned and in Jim's certain section an SND dampaner field preapred to turn on. At the very end of the hall something moved into sight, ...
[01:21] <^Edge^> ... its metal legs made fluid movements without much trouble. It's metal body stood at about six foot in hight, it paused lifting a handcannon of a machine gun to bear. One of the men in front screaming out "CONTACT" people would be lifting their weapons preparing to fire. Jim would feel a tingle on his skin for a second...the field was active...Jim phased back into the real tangible world. The ...
[01:21] <^Edge^> ... robot fired his weapon sending a hail of streaming metal death down the center of the hallway. There was no time for poor Jim to react as the bullets ripped into his body frailing his body around like a doll. There was no place really for him to hide anyway, rounds took off his arm...a leg and as his lifeless body fell to the ground one entered through the top of his skull exploding in a mess ...
[01:21] <^Edge^> ... off blood, brainmatter and hair. ...
[01:22] <^Edge^> *Players choice if they were standing in the feild close enough to shut down their powers as well*
[01:23] <^Edge^> ( picture of robot if wanted )
[01:29] * @Mandi oh Jesus H fucking christ. As soon as Gidget heard those god damned metal legs she went pale under her own armer and pressed back against the wall like she was trying to press through it, "We've got...there's...uh...people...and other things...I think. Heat signatures are hard to see, because of the walls, but there's definitely more than that thing." oh god Gidge breathe, just breathe. --
[01:29] <@Mandi> -- Breathe. Megan cursed, colorfully and reached for her belt wait. What the fuck. Grenade? Hell yes. Where had she gotten it? Well, it was amazing what you could get into whem you had someone with the technical know how and the drive, and Edge had left a lot of equipment just sitting around collecting dust. Why not use it right? Right. Exactly. So maybe they'd have to clear through some rubble, --
[01:29] <@Mandi> -- but no one was going anywhere with big, metal, and ugly standing down there. Pin pulled and she leaned out just far enough to give the grenade a good toss, aiming to land it just between the hulking thing's feet. "Now would be a damned good time to start praying if you're the religious type, hug the walls and hope kids." --
[01:34] * Mandi changes topic to ' The city of Salem, off-campus RP for #Cobalt*Academy #Cobalt*OOC is the OOC for the school POSTING ORDER: Edge, Mandi, Scathien, Skie, Thomas, Ane, Jigsaw, Max, Shannon'
[01:37] <Scathien> *Blinkblink* Holy Shit..... *he took aim as the robot unleashed metal hell on poor Jim and practically vaporized him with bullets, he thought to shoot at the monitor... but that brain encased underneith it seemd much more vulnerable, he fired off two rounds at it, and then removed the silencer... there was no point in using it anymore
[01:37] <Scathien> *
[01:39] * Skieweaver 's scream catches in her throat as she see's Jim's body torn apart by gunfire. Bits of Jim-matter splattering everywhere. Her skin seems to drain of all colour as she presses back against the wall, hand defensively raising but doing nothing. Not that it mattered. Her abilities could not repell fire power of that magnitude. Her brain was numb for a moment, completely forgetting about the -
[01:39] <Skieweaver> - M1911 against her thigh up until the moment she watched Megan toss the odd little thing towards the robot. She vaguely heard her advice, turning her face to the wall and crouching, mind reeling with shock. Watching Badger get skewerd was one thing... watching Jim explode into meaty-bits and splutting about the room was another thing entirely. Grabbing the pistol she gripped it tightly as she -
[01:39] <Skieweaver> - braced herself for the grenade blast.
[01:42] * Thomas`Marshall blinks as he sees Jim get literally ripped apart by bullets, an audible sigh given as his head drops, he would stay against the wall, giving a quick flick of his right wrist, his right hand would engulf in flame, he would be happy that he wasn't in the SND field, but he had too much to worry about to be anywhere near happy, a quick glance given around, "Anyone get the feeling that he KNEW we
[01:42] <Thomas`Marshall> were coming?" *With that, his left hand would ignite as well, he would lean just far enough out from the wall to send a massive ball of fire at the robot, hoping it would have some sort of effect on it, maybe fry that little brain
[01:42] <@AnE> Keep moving. There's probably traps in .... oh god. Delilah went pale as a ghost, the ominous sound of heavy footsteps presenting another giant fucking robot for them. Her eyes followed Jim as he -- well, it didn't matter did it? At first, she'd felt a twinge of worry, but he wasn't quite there, right? He was like, phased or som--and then he's raped with bullets. Forget pale, Delilah was -
[01:42] <@AnE> - -transparent-. Don't puke. Don't puke. She tried, she really tried to keep her composure, but a kid was just turned into a human meatpie. There woudn't be any puking, the shock was too much. But... "...Why?" Would be the only word to escape her lips -- it was hoarse, forced. Now was no time for questions, but still! He wasn't going to be recovering from that, was he? Barely hearing Megan, -
[01:42] <@AnE> - Delilah'd nod stupidly and turn, sinking down low and covering her head, 'skelecat' curling its sinewy form around her in kind. She was going to need new pants. -
[01:45] <^Edge^> *The grenade would indeed land at the robots feet and explode taking half of it to pieces in an exploding. Paul watched the poor kid get shot to pieces...he rubbed his temples.."Fucking three and four... now..pull the heat off them" There was another full combat team that had breeched through the water entrance and had been lying in wait until now. They pushed through the surface ...
[01:45] <^Edge^> ... and unleashed holy hell in the dock area. Megan's team would push forward not really having a choice at this point. As they rounded the couner they would run into fleshy security guards that they could kill. (Players choice for their char to kill some security guards ) The tight interconnecting hallways were alive with gunfire and death as they fought their way toward the biolab. With their CIA ...
[01:45] <^Edge^> ... buddies in tow they had a chance as one of the men in their group fired his gernade launcher dropping another one of the pesky brain bots in messy fashion. The chair Edge had been sitting in was now empty...where was he? Who knew. He didn't care about his men or what they were after...he was just blinded by one goal and one goal only. To break them over his knee right here and now..and he was ...
[01:45] <^Edge^> ... going to enjoy EVERY FUCKING SECOND OF IT! ...
[01:45] <^Edge^> (gak..didn't mean to post that yet)
[01:45] <Jigsaw> Don't break, don't break Daniel... You can do it, and he was trying! Not that it was easy, after all he did just kinda watch someone basically get turned into goo, which made his love for the wall grow times ten. In fact, he should write his number down, maybe they could get together when there's not so much... brain matter on his boot... EWWWW! Daniel tries to shake the Jim-bit off his foot, --
[01:45] <Jigsaw> -- sending it falling to the floor and she shuddes a bit. Gross? Oh yeah. Nightmare enducing? Uhhh... Try insomnia inducing. A great display to everyone else why they should follow orders, and scaring anyone that may have had ideas straight? Yes, oh god yes. Megan throws the grenade at the Destroyer of Jim, clinging to hope for survival and this was where he hopes it would work. Daniel looks at --
[01:45] <Jigsaw> -- Delilah, shaking his head they needed to keep their composure. He wants to say something, but instead he fires a few rounds at the robot as well, aiming for the encased brain and looking to make that closely resemble Jim. Three, short bursts that fire about three or four rounds each would ring out through the hall. --
[01:56] * @Shannon There was a sound, an odd mechanical whirring. Didn't sound good, sounded like motion and foot steps. A robot? very very likely. and Oh god... Shannon turned green. Not her usual and familiar brilliant and glowy shade of green mind you, but that subtle dull yellowy green that denoted sickness. That phaser... That had been a person, now a smear of gore. Jim was on the floor, and the walls, -
[01:56] <@Shannon> - and the ceiling, and probably a little bit on her and the rest of the group. How the monkey feces had that happened?! He'd been phased! Terrified and jumbled thoughts cleared just a tad. Enough for the answer of Dampened Walls to spring forth in her mind. She was breathing deeply, the opposite route of Skie, Shannon didn't scream she was beyond screaming. Her pants felt damp, tears were in her -
[01:56] <@Shannon> - eyes, and a few retching sounds came from her mouth, but nothing came up. Shannon would try to get the taste of bile out of her mouth, she hadn't vomited but that taste still creeped in the back of her throat. She was one of the lucky ones, her powers remained active. All the same, wall was hugged and she hoped that the grenade would take care of that robot. Some guilt flooded her for having -
[01:56] <@Shannon> - taken a shot (no matter how unsuccessful) at Jim earlier. She thought the same as Conall and Daniel; shoot that thing's brain. It had turned a student into chum! Chum! There was no overkill for this thing. An arm raised and Shannon would shoot a powerful blast at it. She was mindful of fallout and the blast's potency was reduced for the safety of her fellow team membe -
[01:56] <@Shannon> - rs. -
[01:56] * Maximus MAx heard heavy footsteps and glanced down the hall in time to this lurking bot come forth. Holy dam the looked awesome! And the awesomeness would raise a few more points when it lifted to bear a hand cannon that'll make regular hand cannons look like pellit guns. He'd note the hum of the activating SND emitter and sighed when poor Jim phased into the real world. The awesomeness fad [CUT]
[01:56] * Maximus [CUT] ed away when the thing opened fire on poor Jim, MAx pressing himself against the wall to keep from catching bullits. Bits of Jim parts flew everywhere, a slap of skin from Jim's head the size of a dollar bill whapping him across the face and sticking. Fuckin gross!! He'd reach up and flick it away and got a view of Megan tossing off a grenade. Protection...the word popped in his head ins [CONT.]
[01:56] * Maximus [CUT] tantly. One of his 4 bottles of water opened itself, its contents shooting out and towards the front of the group in a stream about 8 feet long and growing. The few onces of water would grow to a few gallons, enough to bring to bear a shield which he'd build up. It wouldnt be enough to stop a bullit, really ment for protecting those upfront from flying debris when the grednade went bang, [CONT.]
[01:56] * Maximus [CUT] p. It wouldnt be enough to stop a bullit, really ment for protecting those upfront from flying debris when the grednade went bang, but once said rounds go thru this water shield, it would slow them down enough to where it would feel as if one was getting hit with a bean bag gun. All of this was done with eyesight alone.....but he was sweating a bit from exerting himself more than normal. [END]
[01:59] <^Edge^> *The grenade along with everyelse shot at this POOR ROBOT..HE DID NOTHING TO YOU! MEANIES! would indeed make the robot explode into pieces of metal and fire. Sniff...he had a toaster for a son you know. Paul watched the poor kid get shot to pieces...he rubbed his temples.."Fucking three and four... now..pull the heat off them" There was another full combat team that had breeched ...
[01:59] <^Edge^> ... through the water entrance and had been lying in wait until now. They pushed through the surface and unleashed holy hell in the dock area. Megan's team would push forward not really having a choice at this point. As they rounded the couner they would run into fleshy security guards that they could kill. (Players choice for their char to kill some security guards in their posts if they please ...
[01:59] <^Edge^> ... COMON YOU KNOW YOU WANNA KILL!! WRAHHH LEMMIE SEE YOUR WARFACE! ) The tight interconnecting hallways were alive with gunfire and death as they fought their way toward the biolab. With their CIA buddies in tow they had a chance as one of the men in their group fired his gernade launcher dropping another one of the pesky brain bots in messy fashion. The chair Edge had been sitting in was now ...
[01:59] <^Edge^> ... empty...where was he? Who knew. He didn't care about his men or what they were after...he was just blinded by one goal and one goal only. To break them over his knee right here and now..and he was going to enjoy EVERY FUCKING SECOND OF IT! ...
[02:04] * @Mandi the robot down, and with the CIA teams providing distractive cover from the port, Megan led the team down the hallway, and woe between any fleshy fool stupid enough to try to stand between them. For the most part, Megan favored her knives, but these people had guns, and you just didn't bring a knife to a gun fight, it was a good way to end up dead. She did, however, prove to be a fairly --
[02:04] <@Mandi> -- accurate marksman, not perfect mind you, but good enough to land a headshot maybe three out of every five shots fired. She didn't seem phased by the fact that there were splatters and pieces of a team mate scattered across her, blood smeared along her cheek from a more sizeable bit she'd flicked away. Gidget's armor had fared about as well, spattered and speckled with blood and other --
[02:04] <@Mandi> -- unmentionable, more fleshy pieces. For several seconds she seemed...almost stunned, like the lights were on, but no one was home, until Megan had smacked the side of her helmet and hissed something soft enough only the Hawaiian could hear it. Right. Right. Focus. Gidget had forgone weapons, and with a pretty good reason. Because as they moved, she raised her right arm, hand angled oddly, and --
[02:04] <@Mandi> -- fired a series of red tinted blasts, which, when they hit the poor fleshy guards, seared through armor and flesh like someone had just held an arc welder against them. --
[02:06] * Skieweaver 's brain screamed at her, her entire subconcious enraged at the fact that before the mission the anxiety ridden woman had taken a double dose of her pills to prepare. All she wanted to do was turn grouse and fly away. He saved me. In London. He and Conall saved me and I fucked up the glassshop and I killed him. He saved me and I killed him. Moving as if on autopilot she kept pressed back -
[02:06] <Skieweaver> - against the wall, moving with the group, gripping the pistol tightly. Go, go go, around the corner, and .. guards. Her free hand shot forward, fear rage and grief fueling the blast of wind that knocked into one of them, throwing them back towards the wall. Her pistol was aimed and with two squeezes of the trigger the guard jerked, a bullet placed on the upper left of his chest and one through -
[02:06] <Skieweaver> - the left side of his throat. She watched him fall as her hand dropped, numbness settling over her as she turned back to follow the group.
[02:08] * Thomas`Marshall his hands would stay engulfed in flame as he followed along with the group, a few very unlucky guards would be set fire as soon as Todd turned the corner, ah the joy of watching a few people get burnt to a crisp, he would stay alert, just in case there were more guards
[02:09] <@AnE> She felt the burning in her throat as she swallowed back a mouthful of vomit. It was that bad. Get it together. The skeletal beast tried to soothe her, but it could feel its masters tension, which was soon enough turning into cold fury. Eyes snapping open, she'd follow behind them as they proceeded on, teeth gritting, now seeming a bit less sickened by the fact that she was splattered with -
[02:09] <@AnE> - blood and gore from the pulverized dead boy. When they approached gaurds? Her eyes narrowed, and the cat-like creature bounding alongside her 'looked' up toward Delilah, puzzled. "... tear 'em up." She would mutter in a true Willard fashion, emotion drained from face and voice, 'Skelecat' letting off one loud hiss before it quite literally bounced off the wall and tore into a guard. Delilah -
[02:09] <@AnE> - wouldn't look away as its stonelike claws and teeth rended through armor, aiming for flesh. Much like an actual big cat, this thing went for the throat, leaving a bloodied and gurgling mess as its victim, the guard, drowned, slowly, in his own blood. -
[02:11] <Jigsaw> As the guards come into sight, more of those short bursts from Daniel's rifle, the kickback causes the bursts to go upwards slightly, which means a few of the guards get caught with bullets to the face, ripping through through the flesh and bone and hitting a distant wall. Daniel's armor glistened under the light with Jim's blood, looking more like it was made out of some strange material than --
[02:11] <Jigsaw> -- anything. He'd try and take out as many guards as possible, sticking to whatever cover he'd manage to find and it's an attempt to try and end this now, before another can be lost. Daniel will get all emo and broken later about ending not one, but several lives as well as watching the stream of bullets rip through one of their own. Sigh, more mistakes and Megan was probably going to gut one of --
[02:11] <Jigsaw> -- them later... But shit, right now she was tearing through guards like they were nothing. He wishes he was that good, one guard aims right at him, Daniel managing to shoot that one one the arm, the gun lowered as he reels back and then he aims, fires and a round goes in one ear and out the other, sending a nice bit of splatter onto the walls. Daniel then falls back a bit, taking a pause to reload --
[02:11] <Jigsaw> -- the rifle, fumbling with the clip a bit. He was new to this, there was pressure, leave him alone! Holy fucking Skelecat rape... That guard got torn apart, and Daniel? Daniel was impressed, he was amazed and he might... Want to hug Skelecat, or Delilah... Maybe both, once he and the wall had enough of one another of course. --
[02:11] <@AnE> It also humped the corpse for a few seconds after, but everyone was too caught up in the heat of combat to notice that, thankfully.
[02:17] * Maximus They'd round the corner, MAx in tow and the heat was on. He didnt immediatly rush in, bringing his 1911 up to bear. A few steps forward, he'd take aim at the first body he found alive from the other side and fired. MAx had dead on spot aim with a hand gun. He'd practice for hours at gun ranges and on his father's property growing up so shooting was nothing for him. Muzzle flashes fr [CUT]
[02:17] * Maximus [CUT] om his silenced 1911 would be the only thing seen from his location as he fired one shot at each guard he could target. MAx was going for head shots only to save ammo. He'd dump a few guard, about 7 or so, a couple guards taking rounds into their necks due to miscalculation. Max wasnt phased at all with the deaths he caused nor the huge amounts of blood and splattered brain matter laying [CONT.]
[02:17] * Maximus [CUT] around. He had one goal in mind...drop as many as he can and that was a goal he was living up too. [END]
[02:19] * @Shannon ok some tears were streaking down her face now. Not a heavy throaty sobbing, just enough to make twin wet lines. So many guards... The others were shooting to kill, an order originally just placed on Edge's head. These people worked for Edge and the other command of shoot to kill passed through Shannon's mind, but the girl was not a killer, she simply couldn't... Shannon clenched her hands. -
[02:19] <@Shannon> - Gidet, Sisip, that cat creature, and Daniel were all having no issue with this... Jim was dead! Edge was who knows where, they needed to make it back home alive and preferably not in a bucket. She fired at them, nice big burny orbs of concussion and possibly hairloss and sterility.
[02:22] <^Edge^> *The CIA gunmen were quite handy providing front and rear security for their advance, some of them did die along the way but they were left where they fell. No time to morn their buddies that would come later when this was all over and they were safe back on base. Lots of drinking...and was how most of them coped with it. As they neared the biolab they were starting to see more ...
[02:22] <^Edge^> ... of the two other teams handywork as they were starting to clear the complex to try and link up with them. The team set up around the door to provide security for the entrance to the bio-lab. AMI would be busy to bypass the security lockout, *~Gime me a moment*~ came her voice into Gidget's helment. The door would soon be unlocked and revealed...well a biolab..a few scientists who were still at ...
[02:22] <^Edge^> ... work...when they were inside they had little communcation with the outside world...even the comm systems were shutoff most of the time. They didn't stay alive long as two of their CIA buddies stepped up and killed them both. If asked they would simply reply, "Orders" ...
[02:26] * @Mandi "He isn't here." yeah, obviously, tell us something we don't already know Megan. For the first time, the girl looked a little hesitant, though she hadn't batted an eye over the deaths of the scientists. Blue eyes flicked along the hallway, left to right and she sighed, "Gidge?" "I'm...not sure. AMI can't see everything, it's just a piece of the system, so she can't jack into --
[02:26] <@Mandi> -- positively everything. The comm center would be a good place to find him, but really...he could be anywhere, he could maybe not even be here anymore." "I find that highly unlikely. Alright boys and girls be on your toes and watch your fucking backs, because I'm sure he knows where we are and what we're here for."
[02:29] * Skieweaver hears Mandi's words and looks about slowly, taking in the scene. The numb feeling washing over her, quelling the panicced subconcious. She had only seen his picture in the flyers around the campus but that face had been burned into her mind by now. Tensing up even more than she thought possible she flexed one of her hands.
[02:31] * Thomas`Marshall blinks as the two CIA men shoot non-combatants, he raises a brow, the flames around his hands shrink slighlty but do not completely disappear as he listens to Megan, he would simply nod to her, his gaze moving to Sisip, he would move over to her, the flames around his right hand disappear as he places his hand on her shoulder, no words, just a reassuring nudge
[02:31] <@AnE> "...Drop it." Delilah murmured coldly to the beast, who looked up at her with a face caught between its ebon teeth. It took a moment to gnaw on the stripped flesh before spitting it out and bounding to its master's side, rubbing affectionately against the rather detached-looking girl's leg as she followed close behind the rest of the group. Narrowing her eyes, she glanced down at 'Skelecat', -
[02:31] <@AnE> - nodding her head shortly after acknowledging Megan's orders, not even flinching at the deaths of the scientists. "You heard her. Watch my back." With a deep, rumbling growl, the beast stalked behind Delilah, twisting and turning its stony neckbones this way and that, keeping a watchful non-eye out.
[02:36] <Jigsaw> Daniel nods at the new orders, gun raised the scientists? Well, they were told to shoot anything, and down here it really is kill or be killed, so sad? Yeah, a little but he wasn't going to mourn the loss of them at all. He looked around the biolab, for a place under a glass shop, the technology laying around was top notch, and he was tempted to see if there was anything pocket sized. Edge had --
[02:36] <Jigsaw> -- all sorts of contraptions, one that may prove to be useful but there seemed to be nothing that stood out as 'something awesomely useful!' if only the cool stuff was shiny like in the video games. Still it was follow the leader, shoot things not in the group and hope Skelecat doesn't get excited. Three simple things that Daniel would do for the sake of his life, and when it comes to the last one, --
[02:36] <Jigsaw> -- his dignity.
[02:38] * Maximus He watched the two CIA dudes take out the labworkers with no regret. It kinda reminded him of a scene from a movie he once saw while waiting for a group he flew into a heli-padded hotel for a meeting, to come out. His eyes would switch over to Skelecat, watching it num on a dead guy before it ran over to its master. He didnt need to be told to keep watch of their backs and although [CUT]
[02:39] * Maximus [CUT] some CIA guys were behind him, Max felt more comfortable checking his 6 anyway. When Megan gave the word, he sighed a bit. Unlike the others, he knew Felix...or rather Edge a bit more than normal, having spoken to the guy countless times. Hell he even saved him and Megan's ass back at the airport that odd night. He never posed a want to shoot or even harm Edge.....but looks like that'll [CONT.]
[02:39] * Maximus [CUT] have to change. MAx would continue one with the group, switching out his nearly expanded clip for a fresh one. Only two rounds left in needed to go. The sound of him cocking the 1911 would be heard after dumping and changing the clip. [END]
[02:40] * @Shannon Edge wasn't here. He was not here. Ug... They knew it was a possibility coming down here that Edge may be watching from a far and no where near the heat of battle. Or he could be hiding out somewhere nearby. waiting for the right moment to strike. It hurt. It hurt so much to picture a past friend as an enemy and it had sadly, not been Shannon's first experience with such a thing. The -
[02:40] <@Shannon> - scenario this time around was completely different but stung nonetheless. She took a deep breath, several actually. She was more than alert. Seeing what happened to Jim just pushed almost everything else from her mind. Listen to her superiors and try to get home alive. Nothing was said as the CIA guys killed those two, not even a squeak passed Shannon's lips. Yes, like everyone she was going to -
[02:40] <@Shannon> - need therapy after this. Still on alert she glanced about the lab...
[02:43] <^Edge^> *Was indeed around and closer then they would more the likly perfer....but the moment wasn't right just yet. Edge peer down the hall as his guards and their CIA counterparts would trading fire. He used one of his dead men as a shield noting their position as a few bullets ripped into the flesh of the man he was currently holding with one hand. He shifted back to vanish again letting his men ...
[02:43] <^Edge^> ... die where they must, their lives and suffering he cared little for. Two tech moved into the biolab to set up shop and download the information from their computer drive's. The team shifted from the biolab to complete their sweep. Meanwhile the other teams were busy cleaning up the mess in other parts of the complex...random firefights and death was everywhere. The doors to the water exit ...
[02:43] <^Edge^> ... opened...prehaps on their own? They would fight their way to the comm center, it was a good logical choice anyway and even if Edge wasn't there taking it go a big way of taking hold of this fight. In the dock Edge appeared standing by the side a smoldering pistol in one hand, that cold dark stare he always had...he smirked watching two guards that had been posted there to protect the area ...
[02:43] <^Edge^> ... crumpled to the ground. With his free hand he reached into his pocket pulling out a small remote...inside Gidget personal little protection suit..something occured as pathways were rewritten and control was slowly being overwritten. AMI was quick to note this...*~Gidget I'm getting odd readings from your suit...*~ ...
[02:46] * Ives ( has joined #Cobalt*MA
[02:48] * @Mandi Megan was horribly annoyed and even more frustrated, "Where the fuck is this motherfucker hiding? Gidge can you-" "Uhm...not right now Megan..Ami just...I think I might have just realized a very grevious oversight. Very, very grevious," strangely enough, the girl sounded far more scared than she had when she'd had her arm pretty much blown off, or when she'd just watched some poor --
[02:48] <@Mandi> -- schmuck get chummed up, "I think we might have a serious, serious problem." because...her suit? No way should there be strange readings coming from it, no, possible, concievable, rational way. She'd checked it and double checked it before they'd left.
[02:49] * Nicci ( has left #Cobalt*MA
[02:50] * Skieweaver jumps as Thomas places his hand on her shoulder, eyes wide as she whips about. She blinks and inhales sharply before nodding to him. Taking note of the conversation between Megan and Gidget Sisip had to pause. Something wasn't right. Problem? More than Jim dying and Edge being nowhere in sight? A problem that made Gidget sound scared? Unconciously she stepped towards Thomas, dark eyes on the -
[02:50] <Skieweaver> - two women.
[02:51] * Thomas`Marshall blinks as he hears Gidget talking about a serious problem, his hand remains on Sisip's shoulder, wondering what the hell could be so wrong that Gidget is scared, he would be ready for anything, hoping it was just a hiccup in the readings
[02:52] <@AnE> Shaking her head, Delilah looked a little stunned for a moment as the black form of the skeletal tiger ... lion .. whatever kind of cat it was, dissipated into briefly visible particles of psionic energy. It was always a rush. Looking toward Gidget, Delilah blinked a bit. "..hrm?"
[02:53] <Jigsaw> "What kind of problem?" he asks and he looks around the room, Edge?! Robots!? More incoming Jim-Bits!? Ok, so the last one wasn't going to happen, but if more blood got splattered on Daniel he might go crazy, because right now? His armor was pretty red looking, and there was something strange going on now, that he couldn't see. If he can't see it, he can't shoot it, if he can't shoot it, --
[02:53] <Jigsaw> -- he's pretty much useless. Fuck. Everything. He thinks to himself as he continues to look around the room, they had their backs covered, so staying in formation, he just looks for whatever he can.
[02:58] * Maximus Max stood quietly at the door, occasionally peeking out into the hallways. He pop back in and glance to Gidget before looking out the door again "Ah crap....her suit's gunna fuckin malfunction and she'll kill us all before exploding in self destruct mode!" Thats what he was thinking and didnt mean for it to come out verbally but it did. This would be the first time anyone has heard [CUT]
[02:58] * Maximus [CUT] Max speak since leaving the shop. [END]
[03:00] * @Shannon ok getting creeped out factor raised up a few notches. Shannon too was getting spooked. She looked at Gidget and once again nervously fingered her dampener. "Please be a glitch or misreading..." Shannon rubbed at her face, hand came away red but there was no pain. Her stomach lurched again as she realized it was some Jim bits. Max spoke up and Shannon turned to him, paling before -
[03:00] <@Shannon> - glancing back to Gidget.
[03:05] <^Edge^> *But they wouldn't have the wait long to find out what was wrong, it would be made very clear. On Gidget's internal visual control panal a communctions line opened from an unknown source, that voice...christ that voice entered her ears.." We need to have alittle chat..cupcake.." She would watch as the rocket boots in her feet fired sending her back down the hall at full speed crashing into ...
[03:05] <^Edge^> ... the wall, they would fire again sending her down the other hall....then the next...*SMASH*..then the next *SMASH* it wasn't the most graceful of acts but it worked as she was sent down past firefights in progress into another wall...she would keep up this up until he would send her through an entire wall itself crashing and tumbling right to the feet of Edge who loomed over her. He put his foot ...
[03:05] <^Edge^> ... on her metal chest leaning down looking at her, another switch was flipped as the suit unattached itself from her body and she was picked up by the throat by Edge's right hand. One good punch to her face knocked her cold as he moved over to the side of the dock tossing her body into a waiting boat...he hopped in and peaced out laughing the whole while. He left his men to die...not like it would ...
[03:05] <^Edge^> ... really matter...he was going to try and kill the whole world anyway. ...
[03:12] * @Mandi oh shit shit shit. Gidget had enough time to register that the voice in her helmet was not a good thing, and then her boots kicked on, by themselves. if someone were inside her head, they'd be treated to a colorfuls string of obscenities, but she didn't manage to get much more than a little shriek and a grunt before she bounced off the first wall, then the next, and then...well, it was --
[03:12] <@Mandi> -- too late wasn't it? Entirely too late. And given that she was shot past firefights? Well it seemed unlikely that anyone was going to be able to get there fast enough to catch up didn't it? But Megan looked...infuriated, and maybe a little shaken, staring off in the direction that Gidget had gone shooting off in, "Fuck. Fuck. Okay. Alright, we follow the plan. We strip this place to the ground. --
[03:12] <@Mandi> -- There's no use chasing after her, he'll...he'll already be gone by the time we catch up."
[03:14] * Skieweaver 's eyes widen in alarm at Max as he speaks. Could it? How? That's not true! That's impossible! Turning to watch the two women again she couldn't help but tense even more. If you looked up the word tense in the dictionairy.. you'd find the meaning of the word tense... but it defined the Native American girl to the letter. She jumps, an exclimation of alarm slipping out as Gidget's fired -
[03:14] <Skieweaver> - backwards down the hall, bashing things as she goes. "Thomas, can fly, he can carry you to her? It may not be too late." Sisip knew she'd be useless in a rescue and would stay to strip the place down, but it was never too late to at least try a rescue.
[03:15] <Scathien> *Conall had just been moving and shooting... if any guards got close enough they would see exactly what he could do with all that pent up kinetic energy from taking gunfire while protecting other team-mates, focused kinetic bursts from his fingers just as deadly as the bullets he fired from his handgun... about halfway through his ammo supply he was in the
[03:15] <Scathien> middle of reloading as he saw Gidget's suit go haywire and shoot her down the hallway* oh hell... this isnt good.... *He frowns and then nods at Megan* understood...following your lead.....
[03:16] * Thomas`Marshall blinks as Gidget starts flying around, he looks at Megan, he could fly 100 fucking miles an hour, of course he could catch up, but it was Megan's call whether they were going to attempt to or not, he shrugs a bit, "I'm up for it if you are, boss." *Holy hell, did he seriously just call her boss?!
[03:16] <@AnE> "...Holy shit!" That was beyond bad. What the hell was happening? Naturally, instinct told her to chase after Gidget as Edge took control of her suit and used it to drag her out of the building. "No!" Delilah wouldn't get very far, mind you, because there was still a lot of fighting being done, and she wasn't going to run back into danger. No, she backed up after a moment, looking towards -
[03:16] <@AnE> - Megan with gritted teeth. She wanted to say something. Emotion wanted to take over. They'd lost one person already and she wasn't ready to lose another, but ... "...Un..understood."
[03:18] <Jigsaw> As the suit lifts up, Daniel manages to duck and avoid contact with the suit. He looks at her as she goes flying down the hall "What the fuck is happening?!" not that anyone can answer, but off Gidget goes into the distance. Megan's orders to stand back and finish the job cause him to look back in surprise... They were suppoed to leave Gidget behind!? This was... This was insane, she was --
[03:18] <Jigsaw> -- ALIVE. He looks at Megan for a moment before sighing to himself. "If that's... If you feel that's the right call." a rage fit was exploding in Daniel's head, he was far from happy with this call.
[03:22] * ^Edge^ ( Quit (Quit: *Edge takes one of Jim's ears for a souvenir*)
[03:23] * Maximus Max managed to jump outof the way just as Gidget took out the wall he was near, the door frame and open door being knocked from thier position. MAx would scramble to his feet just in time to see Gidget slam into another wall and go thru it. "Well.....atleast she aint kill us...." He said quietly to himself. Megan said her command and Max blinked at the decision. He didnt know the gi [CUT]
[03:23] * Maximus [CUT] rl well but had talked to her a few times. That alone was enough to spark a want to atleast go after her "So we jus say fuck it and let'er go. No way in hell we leave da chick that go us where we are now......fuck that...." And with that said, Max started to leave. [END]
[03:24] * @Shannon that did not just happen... That was worse than a glitch or misreading, it was a hijacking! Thought it filled her with guilt and pain to think of it Shannon was glad she hadn't reactivated her armor. Two incidents would just be horible even if shooting up the place with robot girl puppets hadn't crossed Edge's mind. Gidget was simply and roughly flown away, crashing all willy nilly into -
[03:24] <@Shannon> - every wall she came across. "Gidget..." Shannon winced but didn't chase, it would do no good. Edge was a psycopath, she nodded slowly to Stoneheart. "Yea... Strip the place... Got it." Don't do anything stupid.
[03:29] * @Mandi of course people weren't listening, of course they weren't fucking listening. No one ever listened, and that was why things were the way they are. And Megan had had enough. Max mouthed off and her side arm snapped up to squeeze off a round that just narrowly missed the man's head, "No one, goes fucking anywhere unless I say. Gidget's thrusters are capable of hitting Mach 1. Any of you --
[03:29] <@Mandi> -- know how fast that is, c'mon Maxy, you're a pilot, you should be able to figure it out. For the rest of you, I'll spell it out, it's too fucking fast for us to catch up. She's gone and the only way we're going to get her back, is by finishing what she started. You chase after her, and you're dead, because you won't have backup. So shut your fucking mouths and do as you're fucking told, because --
[03:29] <@Mandi> -- I will more than happily add a few more dead to the listing without batting a goddamn eye. Part of why this was the giant clusterfuck that it was, is because most of you can't follow simple fucking orders. Now do your fucking job and strip this place down, because there might be something we can use to find the next location and know what we're getting into." Cold? Yeah. Probably. But she --
[03:29] <@Mandi> -- had reason to be didn't she? Damn straight she did. --
[03:31] <@Mandi> So, to wrap things up, complex is taken, things are stripped, group adjourns to safehouse location provided by Satsu pending departure by plane. Players can continue to play the aftermath here, but the next time players go IC with the character, characters will be back in Salem.
[03:37] <Scathien> *Soooo... for the sake of anyone that still wishes to RP, with the combat over, the robots disabled and the equipment being stripped down, Conall is just wandering about, and pauses when he comes to the quivering form of a guard that is still alive... he pauses and looks at him quietly before planting a foot on the man's chest* Sorry bud... lost too many
[03:37] * @Shannon ( Quit (Quit: zzzz....)
[03:37] <Scathien> friends today... *he takes aim toward the man's forhead and calmly squeezes the trigger, silencing the guard's cries once and for all before stepping off of him and continuing on his way, glancing toward the ground quietly, gun arm at his side*
[03:38] * Thomas`Marshall would be leaning against the wall next to the door of the biolab, his hands in his pockets, his head against the wall, his eyes closed, he would flinch a bit at the sound of another gunshot but his eyes would stay closed
[03:38] * @Mandi Megan...made herself scarce. no. Literally. She had a lot of things to think about and, while everyone else worked...she slipped off into the comm center and found a chair, maybe the same chair that Edge himself had vacated and dropped into it, head in her hands.
[03:39] * Skieweaver simply stands in the room, not knowing where to start, not recognizing anything or knowing it's value. Her shoulders hitch at the shots ringing out.
[03:44] * Maximus Max was heated to say the least. He paced back and forth in the biolab, grumbling things under his breath as he paced. The death all around him didnt phase him. The single shot fired didnt bother him. He just continued to pace, his mind mulling over things only he knew and felt....and they all had nothing to do with this place or the situation. He suddenly stopped, plucking his side [CUT]
[03:44] * Maximus [CUT] arm from its holster and repeatedly started firing at a computer monitor, emptying the clip into the poor thing before grabbing the table said monitor was on and turned it over in rage. Computer and other equipment on the table crashing into the floor. [END]
[03:45] * Thomas`Marshall blinks when he hears shots fired inside the biolab, knowing Sisip was in there, he turned around the wall and walked through the door, raising a brow at Max, having got inside the lab soon enough to see the table turned over, "Feel better?" *He looks to Sisip, "You alright?"
[03:46] * AnE changes topic to ' The city of Salem, off-campus RP for #Cobalt*Academy. See #Cobalt*OOC for out-of-character talk.'
[03:48] * Skieweaver turns to look at Todd, eyes almost empty. "... I killed him ... I fucked up the shop and they knew we were there... I killed him."
[03:48] <Scathien> *Conall just continued to move about quietly, frowning as he found another squirming guard... bullet in his leg... this one would survive if given the chance... Edge wouldnt have given any of his team a chance though.... He crouched down and put his hand over the man's forhead* shhh... shhh.... this'll be over in a moment.... *a sickening splattering sound
[03:48] <Scathien> would be heard as Conall fired a sharp burst of kinetic force through the man's skull, leaving the remenants of his brain to leak out onto the concrete*
[03:51] * Thomas`Marshall a sigh passes his lips and he moves over to Sisip, "They probably knew we were here before we ever stepped foot inside the store." *He stands close to her, "Don't blame yourself for it. Jim was standing in the middle of the hall when we were told to stay away from there."
[03:53] * @Mandi it was not, supposed to be this hard. Two rules Megan. Two rules. Never get emotionally attached. Trust no one. Two simple, simple rules, ingrained from age six, and she'd broken both of them. She'd let herself get emotionally attached to people, to someone, started to view Alaula with the same fondness she'd viewed the five children she'd grown up with. And it hurt, God it hurt. She'd --
[03:53] <@Mandi> -- had to past on a brave, uncaring face the entire time because it was what was necessarily. It was so terribly important that Edge buy it. But that last part hadn't been part of the plan. And now, the closest thing she had to a friend, to someone who accepted her for all her horrible faults, was in the hands of a madman...and she'd helped put her there. Narrow shoulders shook from great, wracking --
[03:53] <@Mandi> -- sobs that were at the same time, virtually silent, but perhaps, no less terrifying that the normally seemingly emotionless girl was in the middle of a breakdown. --
[03:56] * Thomas`Marshall is now known as Brian`Kain
[03:56] <Scathien> *Conall quietly approached Megan, a dark look on his face...* The place is stripped... and our fearless leader is gone... that leaves you in charge hon... where do we go from here?
Session Close: Sun Jul 11 03:56:54 2010
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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