London Mission - Sun Jul 04, 2010

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London Mission - Sun Jul 04, 2010

Post by Sisip »

Sisip's very first mission! Scene picks up en route.


[18:56] * Skieweaver can't help but smile up at Badger, glad he was there. She nodded and picked up one of the M&M's, green to be exact, and couldn't help but laugh quietly. "Candy always helps." Listening to Skynet she nodded, looking from Badger to Conall and giving them both a thumbs up with a wink, a bit more confient then she relaly felt.
[18:58] <@AnE> Megan, Daniel, Delilah, and Alaula. This was a recipe for disaster! No, no, I kid. Once they'd reached their first destination and they were able to -move- again, Delilah would stretch, various joints popping and cracking. Sitting for long periods of time hurt! But, then there'd be more sitting, this time in a van. After that, though? That'd be it -- this would be when the seriousness started -
[18:58] <@AnE> - to sink in. Now the large group was splitting up into smaller groups, and she had to wonder if that was honestly a smart idea, but after just a moment's hesitation she'd decided to trust that decision. .. Admittedly, she became slightly confused about some of things she was seeing, but she tried not to let that get to her.
[19:01] * Lily ( has joined #Cobalt*MA
[19:02] * Badger nodded toher giving her theentire bag then he looked to Skynet noding he heard the intell.he thought Sisip would definitly be well protected with him and Con covering her ass.
[19:03] * Ives ( has joined #Cobalt*MA
[19:05] <Jigsaw> Daniel wasn't going to complain about his team, not one bit, everyone he would like to stick close to... Was right there. Safety? Yeah, he had that now. He still had no idea what he was doing here, he looks at the bodies being disposed of and then quickly looks away. If he doesn't notice it, he's not a witness and he won't end up in the pile, right? He was more than content to simply follow --
[19:05] <Jigsaw> -- behind the two with any sort of real combat training with Lil. He enters the van, it certainly didn't look like much, but I guess that's the point isn't it? To not stand out and get shot at, he looks out the window, he had never been to London before, and he wanted to at least see some of the sights, even if they were as they drove on by in the van. Though, that of course may not sit well with --
[19:05] <Jigsaw> -- Megan, so maybe he should not do that. "I assume we split up to take each entrance, mind me asking which one we're taking?" not that it mattered to him, but he was still curious and liked to know what was going on. "Unless of course you can't say, in which case I'll just shut up." he looks over at Megan as he says that, at least for a second as her getting annoyed with questions was more of his --
[19:05] <Jigsaw> -- concern. --
[19:10] * Thomas`Marshall would obviously notice the suited bodies being 'disposed' of but wouldn't make anything of it, a simple passing glance given as he makes his way toward the van he had been told to go to, his jacket taken off as he walks, it would be tossed into the van before he climbed inside and sat down
[19:12] * Skieweaver takes the bag of M&Ms with a bit of an inward chuckle. With this much candy she would have nerves of steel and.. ten pounds on her ass. She nibbles a few more of the candies while she listens to the banter back and forth, questions asked, nerves being worked out. Thankfully, for her, the little orange seroquels had kicked in nicely and her nerves and calmed down, leaving her with only an -
[19:12] <Skieweaver> - edge of excitement. Singing a childhood song in her head she waited for more info to come to them from Skynet.
[19:12] * @Mandi there was a method to her madness. Four vans tooling along in a cluster might draw attention, one on its own however, wouldn't. So the group split up, to make it more difficult for anyone who might be watching to tell exactly where they were heading, "ETA twenty minutes people. We have a small window of time to work in. Once at location we'll divide into two groups. Badger, Sisip, Conall, --
[19:12] <@Mandi> -- Jim, and John, and myself, Megan, Thomas, Daniel, and Delilah. We'll take the front entrance, the rest of you will enter via the rear. You can't miss the entrance, the manhole cover has a banzi tree in the center of it. Radio silence until I give the word, and do not, I repeat, do not, charge in. All targets are kill on sight with the exclusion of Edge. Him, I need alive, unless it's absolutely --
[19:12] <@Mandi> -- impossible to incapacitate him. Then," a brief pause and one might almost be able to imagine that her eyes closed and she drew in a steadying breath. In an uncharacteristic display of normalcy and caring Megan placed a hand on the armored girl's shoulder, patting lightly before moving for the van, "If Edge cannot be incapacitated, and there is no other resort. Kill him. Because he won't --
[19:12] <@Mandi> -- hesitate to kill you. If everyone's clear on that, let's roll." --
[19:14] * Skieweaver hands the bag of candy back to Badger with a smile and a nod of thanks. "Any more confidence and I won't fit through the manhole."
[19:16] * Naz[Here] ( has joined #Cobalt*MA
[19:16] * Badger took the bag back with a smile and he replaced it in one of his many pouches. he glanced to Skynet noding he had killed before, he wasnt proud of the fact but he knew it had to be done some times.
[19:17] <Ives> "Should be fun." He commented in his usual cold voice.
[19:18] <@AnE> While she did cast the occasional glance elsewhere, she found herself snapping back to reality at Skynet's words. Kill... on sight? Kill. The very word made her go pale -- hopefully her teammates had a quicker 'trigger-finger' than Delilah. Still. Incapacitating -- that was a bit more on her level, really. Front entrance. Stay quiet. Kill them before they kill you. While she was aware that -
[19:18] <@AnE> - getting blood on her hands may have been necessary, it didn't mean that she liked the idea. Still -- technically -she- wasn't going to be the one getting her hands dirty. The beasts and creatures at her disposal wouldn't blink an eye. "..Got it." Her voice, notably, cracked when she said that.
[19:20] * Thomas`Marshall his voice would carry through the com's, "Yep. Kill on sight, except for what's his face. Got it." *He sat quiet in the van now, just waiting
[19:20] * Kaija|away is now known as Kaija
[19:21] * Skieweaver closes her eyes as she breathes deeply and reminds herself to turn off the pistol safety when they get to the van. Last thing she wanted was needing the weapon and being stupid enough to not be prepared. She had been hunting when she was younger with her father, but deer and geese were a far cry from another human being. Either way though, if it had to be done it had to be done, she'd deal -
[19:21] <Skieweaver> - with it. She'd have to.
[19:23] <@Scathien> *Conall nods as he gets into the van with badger and the others, they would have seen him taking several drinks from the flask on the way there* || *In the meantime, one vehicle seperate from all the others that everyone else was getting into already had an occupant... a man in a dark coat and black wide brimmed hat, he climbed out of his car and approached
[19:24] <@Scathien> skynet quietly* Im glad to see you made it on time... I was worried you wouldnt be able to move everyone in a timely fashion... im glad I was proven wrong *with that, he tosses her a set of keys for the vehicles* I shall see you when you are done at the location.....
[19:24] <@Scathien> skynet quietly* Im glad to see you made it on time... I was worried you wouldnt be able to move everyone in a timely fashion... im glad I was proven wrong *with that, he tosses her a set of keys for the vehicles* I shall see you when you are done at the location.....
[19:30] <Jigsaw> Daniel nods, well there was his answer, the front entrance... One that wasn't hidden, if anyone was in there watching one of the entrances? Front would be the one to watch, and kill on sight? It causes him to sigh a bit, he looks over at Lil as she goes pale at the word kill. Danile puts a hand on the back of hers, patting it slightly as if to reassure her that everything would be fine. Now, who --
[19:30] <Jigsaw> -- was going to reassure *him* of that fact? Well, he's got a brave face at least, a bit of confidence that seems to be coming and going. Well, Daniel was ready to do whatever was needed to. There was a lot at stake here, not just his life, but that of others and one of those? Well, it was a person that he really rather cared about, and he was determined to do his part to ensure that they all got --
[19:30] <Jigsaw> -- back alive.
[19:30] <@Mandi> (Give me a second folks, catching Alex up)
[19:32] * Skieweaver leaning over she begins to stretch out her legs as best she can in the van, wanting to get as limber as she could. The idea of getting down into a manhole and then cramping up sounded absolutely dangerous.
[19:33] * nicciout ( has joined #Cobalt*MA
[19:36] * nicciout is now known as Nicci
[19:37] <@Scathien> *Conall hopped into his van by the way, and offered the flask to Skieweaver* 'ere ya go hon... take a drink, itll help calm yer nerves
[19:38] <Ives> Jim reaches into his backpack and pulls out a bulletproof vest. He quickly straps the thing on.
[19:38] * Skieweaver smiles up at Conall as she shakes her head. "Thanks, but to be honest I'd rather keep my wits about me. I'm on some perscriptions that don't exactly mesh with alcohol all the time. Could calm me even more, could knock me out, could send me over the moon." She can't help but grin. "However, hit me up afterwards and I'll most likely drink you under the table."
[19:40] <@Scathien> *conall lets out a laugh at that* haha that'll be tha day *he just grins and pats her on the shoulder* then dont ya worry yer little head... everythin's gonna be fine alright?
[19:40] * @Mandi Skynet would wait until everyone was in the appropriate vans, standing off to one side watching anxiously. And then, there was Satsu, and she responded quietly after catching the keys, shifting her weight restlessly, "I didn't leave them much choice. We don't have time to mess around with everyone trying to show their ass and be a hero. With much luck, Ill see you at the next location. --
[19:40] <@Mandi> -- If not, Megan has all the necessary information to see this through," right then, everyone into their respecive vans, and off they went. Fast forward to location arrival please. [19:24] <@Scathien> skynet quietly* Im glad to see you made it on time... I was worried you wouldnt be able to move everyone in a timely fashion... im glad I was proven wrong *with that, he tosses her a set of keys for the vehicles* I shall see you when you are done at the location.....
[19:30] <Jigsaw> Daniel nods, well there was his answer, the front entrance... One that wasn't hidden, if anyone was in there watching one of the entrances? Front would be the one to watch, and kill on sight? It causes him to sigh a bit, he looks over at Lil as she goes pale at the word kill. Danile puts a hand on the back of hers, patting it slightly as if to reassure her that everything would be fine. Now, who --
[19:30] <Jigsaw> -- was going to reassure *him* of that fact? Well, he's got a brave face at least, a bit of confidence that seems to be coming and going. Well, Daniel was ready to do whatever was needed to. There was a lot at stake here, not just his life, but that of others and one of those? Well, it was a person that he really rather cared about, and he was determined to do his part to ensure that they all got --
[19:30] <Jigsaw> -- back alive.
[19:30] <@Mandi> (Give me a second folks, catching Alex up)
[19:32] * Skieweaver leaning over she begins to stretch out her legs as best she can in the van, wanting to get as limber as she could. The idea of getting down into a manhole and then cramping up sounded absolutely dangerous.
[19:33] * nicciout ( has joined #Cobalt*MA
[19:36] * nicciout is now known as Nicci
[19:37] <@Scathien> *Conall hopped into his van by the way, and offered the flask to Skieweaver* 'ere ya go hon... take a drink, itll help calm yer nerves
[19:38] <Ives> Jim reaches into his backpack and pulls out a bulletproof vest. He quickly straps the thing on.
[19:38] * Skieweaver smiles up at Conall as she shakes her head. "Thanks, but to be honest I'd rather keep my wits about me. I'm on some perscriptions that don't exactly mesh with alcohol all the time. Could calm me even more, could knock me out, could send me over the moon." She can't help but grin. "However, hit me up afterwards and I'll most likely drink you under the table."
[19:40] <@Scathien> *conall lets out a laugh at that* haha that'll be tha day *he just grins and pats her on the shoulder* then dont ya worry yer little head... everythin's gonna be fine alright?
[19:40] * @Mandi Skynet would wait until everyone was in the appropriate vans, standing off to one side watching anxiously. And then, there was Satsu, and she responded quietly after catching the keys, shifting her weight restlessly, "I didn't leave them much choice. We don't have time to mess around with everyone trying to show their ass and be a hero. With much luck, Ill see you at the next location. --
[19:40] <@Mandi> -- If not, Megan has all the necessary information to see this through," right then, everyone into their respecive vans, and off they went. Fast forward to location arrival please.
[19:41] <@Scathien> *satsu just nods and tips his hat, climbing into his own van and driving off, past the dead bodies currently being cleaned up as he heads to his own location, leaving the others to drive to their own*
[19:42] * Skieweaver gets into the van with Badger and Conall, flashing the latter a grin and a nod as he patted her shoulder. Part of her resented the 'little lady needs protection' idea, but a bigger part of her was so grateful for it she could almost cry. Now she just had to find a nice middle ground between.
[19:42] * Badger followed Sisip and Conall to their van getting in last listening to the banter. yes it releaved stresses but his mind was on the very real thought of having to kill anyone he meets along the way into the hidden base.
[19:42] <Ives> Jim gets in the vehicle he was riding with.
[19:43] * Skieweaver reaches down and flicks off the safety of the M1911 on her thigh, the only one she'd have to contend with was the grip safety which was nothing to worry about, her grip on that gun would most likely be unbreakable if she were forced to use it. Any luck though the way would be free and clear.
[19:44] <Ives> The imaginary mutant wouldn't seem particularly disturbed by the proposal of just eliminating anyone they came across. He would just sit there calmly watching the floor.
[19:47] <@Scathien> *Since Conall had been reguarly taking drinks from that little flask of his, he decided not to drive... you know just in case..... his voice does come over the com link* "Ey Skynet! Question for ya... what sorta opposition are we gonna be up against and would ya rather I keep quiet or make a nice big distraction to keep tha majority offa the rest o' yas?
[19:49] * Thomas`Marshall glances to Jim, listening to the chatter over the com
[19:50] * Kaija|away is now known as Kaija
[19:54] * Nicci is now known as Carlisle
[19:59] <Jigsaw> They had arrived at their location, from where he was looking there wasn't exactly much to this place. There was no flashing lights or lighting falling into the background. In fact, it looked rather run down to an extent. He naturally doesn't go charging in, but he puts a hand on the gun at his side, looking at the people around him and they at least make him feel a little bit more confident --
[19:59] <Jigsaw> -- about going into this place. This is what you came here to do Daniel, now is not the time to have second thoughts. He sighs, shaking his head as if to remove any doubt from it before he looks at the entrance, waiting for the green light.
[20:00] <Naz[Here]> *The street that had been detailed in the information passed along from Paul, Gidget's new buddy buddy within the CIA, was part of the warehouse district of London. Or what WAS the warehouse district of was rundown and looked more like a DMZ then part of a major city. There was however a large stone building sitting off from the rest of them, two razor wire and security cameras were ...
[20:00] <Naz[Here]> ... present, the whole building simply screamed "keep out". The entrance was somewhere inside it but nobody was clear to as of where it was, not Gidget...not anybody. But it was clear it was there.*
[20:04] * @Mandi there was a faint twitch from Megan and a *look* at Gidget, "Correct me if I'm wrong Chief, but didn't you tell these dumbfucks not to use the radio until you gave the okay?" "Problems with authority. I'd say you could shoot him, but I'm not sure it'll do any good," honestly, did people just really not listen to a word that came out of her mouth? With a lot of luck, a lot of --
[20:04] <@Mandi> -- luck, no one had been monitoring frequencies. But if they were...well, then there was a pretty good chance that the surprise party? Not so much a surprise anymore. Stupid stupid stupid. So, note to self. Strike hot headed Irish drinkers from potential forays into world saving danger. When they reached location and everyone was out of the vans, the little Hawaiian rounded on Conall, and if her --
[20:04] <@Mandi> -- face wasn't hidden behind her helmet, they'd be able to tell she was positively seething. And Megan? Well Megan looked positively livid, she looked like maybe she was entertaining the idea of gutting the guy like some kind of giant fleshy fish "Allow me to congratulate you on possibly blowing our cover Conall. When I say no radio contact, I fucking mean no radio contact. Keep your eyes peeled --
[20:04] <@Mandi> -- boys and girls." and then Skynet turned her attention on the building with its razor wire fences, head tilting as she considered the options. --
[20:06] <Naz[Here]> *The back entrance through the sewers as it were was everything they had been informed it was. The marking of the Banzi tree set it apart from the rest of them. Several people had been paid off enough to make sure nobody went in there poking around, and the threat of death wasn't bad way to back up instructions. The covering was removed they could see the ground...ugh..they were met with a ...
[20:06] <Naz[Here]> ... rotting smell and could see the murky dirty water that would greet them when hey jumped down into it. However the communcations systems that had been used by the team had tripped the systems...they should have kept slient*
[20:07] <Carlisle> "...Yeah. Heard you loud and clear, sis. I'm monitoring and listening to radio frequencies. I don't hear any com chatter." But that didn't mean that there weren't alternate ways of enemy communication, which was what the slight tone of emphasis implied in Carlisle's voice. Naturally the mun was off on a shopping extravaganza so she's merely pulling the I BEEN HERE ALL THE TIME route with her -
[20:07] <Carlisle> - char! Pretend Carlisle was exceptionally quiet and silent throughout debriefing, the slight, subsequent drive to their destination and all moments up until now, which isn't too out of character for the very usually silent native american.
[20:10] * Skieweaver watches Skynet reprimand Conall with a wince. She certainly wouldn't want to be him when this was all over. Perhaps this was a better fate then dealing with Skynets potential wrath. Covering her nose against the smell she frowns. Dropping into the water would be a dead giveaway, if it wasn't already from what Skynet had raged about.
[20:10] <@AnE> Daniel's hand would be -grabbed- and given a small squeeze. It seemed that there were at least a few individuals around who had some slight idea as to what they were doing, and Delilah wasn't one of them! This was a bad idea. She knew this was a bad idea. Panic began to settle in, and she wasn't particularly skilled at hiding it. Swallowing back a knot in her throat, she'd rest her hands in -
[20:10] <@AnE> - her lap and wait in silence, lips pursed, brows knitted. Calm down. It's not that big of a deal -- these are bad people, the world doesn't need bad people, right? Every sort of rationale ran through Delilah's head before she managed to calm down, at least enough to focus. And then, there they were. Stepping outside in silence, she stared towards the entrance in question, arms folding tightly -
[20:10] <@AnE> - across her chest as she glanced around, narrowing her eyes and putting her game face on. And then someone fucked something up, but she was too busy trying not to have a heart attack to really notice besides a slight perking of a brow. -
[20:14] * Badger twitched slightly havent not said anything he did however glance to the irishman with a look that said' are you trying to see how much i can heal?' he got his gear ready again taking the staff he had and pushed the button on the haft to make it slide down in on itself to make it more storable. the sewers were no place for a 6 foot long metal stick. his heightened sense of smell told him YUCK -
[20:14] <Badger> - but he ignores the offensive odors deciding to use his ears to alert him to enemies.
[20:17] * Thomas`Marshall slips out of the van he rode in, a quick glance toward the building, he would raise a brow before looking back to the group, he would remain quiet and ignore the smell, having smelled worse in his years being a firefighter, it's amazing the smells you run into when different things are caught on fire
[20:17] <Ives> Jim wasn't a very talkative member of the group to keep Thomas`Marshall company. He digs inside his bag absently, pulling out two large blades and a nondescript pistol.
[20:23] * Lily is now known as Lilafk
[20:24] * @Mandi "Meg. Boltcutters?" the other girl sighed, heavily and rolled her eyes, "You're kidding right? You can fucking fly. So pick us up and over the fences. If geekboy here can kill those cameras over there so we don't get busted. You never know what's run through those fences, use your head." ooh, right. Right, see, having someone used to covert ops was an advantage, in numerous ways, --
[20:24] <@Mandi> -- "Charlie? Can you put those cameras on a loop. I don't want them dead completely, that might trip something we don't wanna get into."
[20:27] * Thomas`Marshall perks up, hey something he can help with, picking people up and over the fences, "Hey, I can help." *He gives a quick and quiet chuckle
[20:29] <Ives> Jim tosses the backpack up over the fence and walks through it.
[20:30] <Carlisle> "No problem." He glanced around curiously, spotting a few of the cameras, then others becoming apparent to him the longer he looked and observed the area surrounding and listened with his ears, picking up the electronic hum of a security camera there..another here, and once all were located that were a threat to their covert stealth tactics, he tapped in and ordered them to follow the same basic -
[20:30] <Carlisle> - loop. The clock that read the date and time in military format located in the lower right hand corner continued to tick by second by second as if nothing suspicious were occurring at all. "Done." It seemed he wasn't the only one who only asked for weaponry that was familiar, since he saw the big fuzzy guy with a spear and didn't feel nearly as awkward to travel with them carrying a hunting rifle -
[20:30] <Carlisle> - and a composite bow. It was a damned good one at least, more expensive than anything he'd ever bought for slaughtering a deer. "Anything else?"
[20:30] * Skieweaver crouches by the manhole, waiting quietly for the signal to enter in. Listening quietly she recites the lyrics to a song in her mind as a way to calm herself.
[20:33] * Naz[Here] is now known as ^Edge^
[20:33] <@Scathien> *Conall just rolls his eyes and smirks a little... the death glare from Megan and such apparently either missed or ignored* then ya shouldn't 'ave put me on tha stealthy insertion team eh? *he smirks a bit and hops down into the sewer with the rest of them... he was a front line fighter... or in MMO terms... (though you would never hear him say such) he was a
[20:33] <@Scathien> goddamned tank... still he slunk around in the sewer like a good boy, keeping quiet for now*
[20:35] <Ives> Jim followed them down the manhole then, player's mistake >.>
[20:35] * Badger took it upon himself to take the lead he would soooo need a long hot shower after this. ignoring what he could be walking in his ears swivled back and forth to catch any sound that wasnt theirs.his bow would do little good here like his stagg so he eased the long knife from its sheath as his amber eyes became more used to the darkenss
[20:37] <@Scathien> *Conall gently tapped Badger on the shoulder, whispering quietly as he slunk along with him* 'ey... let me take tha lead, Im thinkin im a bit more bulletproof 'n ya yea?
[20:37] * Thomas`Marshall walks around the manhole, whistling to himself as he walks in a circle, he would then drop down into the manhole, slowing himself before he hits the ground, he lands softly and moves to get up right behind Badger, him being in the back of the group would be counter-productive if he was to have to throw some fire around
[20:37] <@AnE> Silently, she'd watch as Megan and Skynet exchanged words, raising a brow. Fences bad, got it! Golding her arms, she nibbled gently on her lower lip, lifting a hand and quietly volunteered, "...if you need to drop people over the fence, I've got someone who can help with that." It was a quiet offer from the equally quiet youth, who soon enough tucked her hands behind her back, sucking in a -
[20:37] <@AnE> - deep breath. That's right, be assertive, be helpful, you're quite possibly helping defend the world, here, 'Lilah!
[20:38] * Skieweaver drops in behind the rest, making just a small amount of noise Looking around she took in the disgusting tunnel, watching behind them with a wary eye (if there was anything behind them).
[20:39] <Ives> "Would you rather I go first?"
[20:39] <Ives> Asks the imaginary mutant, who can walk through solid objects.
[20:40] <^Edge^> *The sewers were dank and dark, the filty water was up to their middles as they sloushed along. The ground under the water was muddy was hard to move through as their feet sank in a few inches with every step. The public works people hadn't been down here for quite some time, or anybody for that matter as far as anybody could tell. The only light wwas from the opening from the manhole, hope ...
[20:40] <^Edge^> ... somebody brought some flashlights with them? As per intructions they would have to walk several hundred yards through this crap till they would get to the secuirty door.*
[20:41] * Badger stoped at the touch and glanced to Conell and with a slight nod he let the man past best to have the wall in front to shield them no offense to conell he could handle himself well they all stopped as Badger thought for a moment. ok you move ahead to keep eye out for anyone he looked to Ives then Conell. you next with Sisip behind you ill be back and fireboy you and i will keep rear -
[20:41] <Badger> - guard.
[20:42] <@Scathien> *Conall gives a faint nod, then noticing that the light is running out turns and drives his fist -hard- into the sewer wall not once.... but three times... and then his suit starts to glow a very low green color, but its enough to shed some light into the area*
[20:42] <Ives> Jim takes his position.
[20:43] * Skieweaver nods and takes her position as quietly as she can wading waist deep in sludge. She blinks as Conall pounds the wall, wincing a bit hoping that nothing was heard, but relieved when things started to brighten.
[20:43] <@Scathien> *side note, there is no sound or vibration when conall strikes the wall*
[20:43] <Ives> And yanks a flashlight on a strap out of his bag. He fixes it around his head so he had his hands free.
[20:44] * Thomas`Marshall glances to Badger, a nod given, "It's getting a bit dark down here. Anybody bring..." *He blinks, "Never mind." *He moves to the rear of the group, he would also concentrate on pulling himself up out of the muck, floating just above the ground so his movement wasn't affected
[20:45] <Ives> "Would anyone else like a light?"
[20:45] * @Mandi Gidget twisted and tilted her head at Delilah and of course, no one could see that she was arching a brow in question, "Really? Because if I can avoid having to kick on the thrusters that would be great. I can get myself over with just the repulsors, but not carrying the extra weight of someone else," and then to prove that point, up and over the fences she went, quite as a mouse, and --
[20:45] <@Mandi> -- up to the front door, hugging against the wall as she kicked in the scanners in her armor before reaching over to carefully open the door. Hey, she'd already proven her suit could take an explosion, and she was pretty sure that it was bulletproof. So what'd she have to worry about? She was certainly likely to take anything blowing up in her face much better than anyone else in her current --
[20:45] <@Mandi> -- party.
[20:47] * Badger tapped on Sisips shoulder and offered the young woman his knife. i got claws that can tear through pretty much anything i need to you use this. he offered her the blade along with its belt clip shieth just in case. he shook his head his amber eyes reflecting the light they had now.
[20:47] <Jigsaw> At least she was talking, because Daniel wasn't. He couldn't help but think that just standing out here was a bad idea, but the experts in the matter were still standing here so would Daniel. He just looked at the building, pacing slightly back and forth as he waits to get in there. He continues to look at the building, did he seem nervous? Well, the pacing might give that off, but Daniel had --
[20:47] <Jigsaw> -- been trying to get his mind around what could possibly be coming. He didn't know what was in there, but from Gidget's words, there could be some dangerous things on the other side of the door. So now he wanted to move, because he was managing to get himself in a mindset where he might be able to do this, where he might be able to get himself calm enough to use all his powers. The mental radar --
[20:47] <Jigsaw> -- was no longer being ignored, all of the people around him setting it off but he could see them. If anyone was inside, Daniel doubts he could pick them up yet, but now he looked at Lil, waiting to see which of her 'friends' would appear for this one. --
[20:49] * Skieweaver turns about and looks at Badger, a quiet smile on her face. She takes the knife and clips it to her belt. "Thank you" Feeling a tad more confident now that she had something for the upclose and personal moments she turned back.
[20:50] * Jun|RLSucks is now known as Juniper
[20:51] <Carlisle> Mun is going to have to go for about 15 in a few posts, but for now, Carlisle was judging the fence and reaching out to cautiously touch it with a few fingers. He could see that the second layer of it was practically dancing with electricity, so reached up and took his chances without further caution. "It can't hurt me," he said to the others, moving forward and vaulting himself over the fence. -
[20:51] <Carlisle> - There's a slight hum of electrical transfer, a brief noise, and he hastily lets go before there might be any sort of obvious power surge of change as a result of his contact with it. "I'd try to kill the fence but I'm already on the cams, sis."
[20:51] <^Edge^> *The door would open witout much of an issue, hell it hadn't even been locked. The large iron door opened with a loud squeeking noise, it would echo inside the building...smooth. The inside the stone building looked nothing like the outside. The air was musty and stale, there wasnt so much of anything for internal structure so to speak, metal frames kept up the walls and ceiling but that ...
[20:51] <^Edge^> ... wasn't what might catch their attention. It was nothing more then a shell, it basically was one large room. But there were no lights to tell what was on the other end of it but something...or should we say..somethings were moving...and they were getting closer.*
[20:52] <@AnE> Nodding her head, Delilah took a few steps backward, closing her eyes. A soft, pulsing glow began to emit from one of her pockets, visible psionic energy eminating forth from her person. It took nearly a minute of standing still, concentration, and whispering crazy-sounding things to herself before the ground before her would glow in a pool of light. Unfortunately the brightness could be -
[20:52] <@AnE> - rather conspicuous, but there was no helping that! Shortly after, a figure emerged, literally climbing forth from the ground -- a feminine-looking creature, bearing two sets of white feathered wings, nearly eight feet tall donning a complete set of valkyrie-style armor in gleaming silver with twin swords sheathed at either hip. It -- or rather, -she-, smiled down at Delilah, a cloth wrapped -
[20:52] <@AnE> - around her eyes, scooping the girl up and leaping swiftly iinto the air. After a moment of hovering, she'd land, gingerly placing Delilah down. Gesturing back toward the others, Delilah would address the creature, "If you would be so kind..." Up she'd go! Back over the fence, offering a hand to whichever remaining of their group would like to be escorted to the other -
[20:52] <@AnE> - side. -
[20:52] <Juniper> <John> had been here the whole time, keeping up with his group down in the sewer.
[20:53] * Shannon ( has joined #Cobalt*MA
[20:53] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Shannon
[20:53] * Lilafk is now known as Lily
[20:54] * Lily is now known as Lilyafk
[20:55] * Skieweaver frowns as the door opens and reveals... nothing. She squinted against the darkness from the tunnel, her hands flexing.
[20:56] <^Edge^> *The group in the sewer would move without much of an issue about half way toward their goal. Say this was easy! And everybody was worried...but they wern't alone down in that water...something shifted past Badger's leg.....something brushed against Sisip's left leg....due to the horrible conditions of the water and piss poor light it was impossible to tell what it was..but one could feel that ...
[20:56] <^Edge^> ... they had triggered something.*
[20:58] * Skieweaver freezes for a moment as something moved against her leg. Images from "A New Hope" flashed through her mind. If this was some sort of garbage compactor monster she'd be quite impressed. Looking back to Badger behind her she points down to the water and makes a squicky face. "There's something down here."
[20:59] <Juniper> <John> had no abilities to do anything to protect himself or anyone else ... unless .. "Hey, anyone here an artist?"
[21:00] * @Mandi a slight nod of Gidget's head as she stared in through the doorway, kicking her scanners on, "S'okay Charlie. We can manage. I...oh fuck. There's movement ahead. I can't tell what, but it's not reading anything like human thermals. Fuckity fuck fuck," cursing under stress was what Gidget did, it was how she coped, and she wasn't exactly happy at the moment. Of course, neither was Megan, --
[21:00] <@Mandi> -- she eyed the creature in intense distrust, but, well, she wasn't getting over the fence any other way was she? No. No she wasn't. Over the fence and when deposited she moved up to flank Gidget, because...well, she had training, the other two didn't, and Carlisle was taking care of the cameras, "What's up?" I'm not sure...probably not anything good. Hang back. Make sure the Double D's --
[21:00] <@Mandi> -- don't get their heads blown off. I'll take point." awwww, look at little Gidget, being all grown up and self sacrificing like.
[21:01] <Jigsaw> Daniel looks at this new one, a bit awe struck at first. He had never seen her summon one before, so that was also a pretty cool thing to see. Now he wan--Focus! Need. To save. The world. Or at least try, all the questions about what Lil just did can be asked much later, when they were back on the safety of campus. He makes his way over to Lil's friend, Daniel was still there but he gestures for --
[21:01] <Jigsaw> -- Megan to go first, after all if anything does happen before the last person gets over, having both the people with training over the wall seemed to make more sense. Once she was over, it was Daniel's turn and then he was over the wall too. As he is back on the ground, he grabs the gun at his side and pulls it out. He looks at the people around him, then inside and he doesn't seem to be nervous --
[21:01] <Jigsaw> -- at this point. If the light of the creature being summoned didn't cause something to come running out at them.
[21:01] * Sunder ( has joined #Cobalt*MA
[21:01] * Badger heard her and froze he looked down and around he had felt something move against him as well. he didnt like this a confined space fire or even water could be very bad for them all Con anything your way? unfortunately he had left his drawing pads back at the academy.
[21:03] * Thomas`Marshall hadn't felt anything considering he was up and above all the muck, "We're in sewers. For all we know, it could just be a snake. Yeah, not good, but don't make a mountain out of a molehill. Unless something jumps out, we should keep moving." *Yeah, he was trying to be the calm one, "So, keep moving."
[21:06] * Skieweaver 's brain raced as she heard Thomas. She'd seen movies, nothing good ever happens when you're sneaking through a crap laden muck sewer with squirmy things that live in it. He was right though, no need to get all girly now, she'd come to far to puss out. Moving forward with the group she reached down and quietly pulled the knife with her dominant hand. Better safe than sorry.
[21:08] <Juniper> <John> arched a brow as they kept moving. "Guess that's a no."
[21:08] <Ives> Jim's items flicker and dissolve.
[21:10] <@Scathien> *conall blinks as Badger speaks and glances back to him, shaking his head* nah... nothin on my end... somethin comin up behind us? *he punches the wall once more, causing the suit to glow a little brighter... possibly illuminating under the water a little bit so they can see whats going on, and starts to look down at the water*
[21:11] <@AnE> "It's all right. She's probably one of my oldest friends, she'll take good care of you!" The tall creature'd head bobbed in a small nod! She'd be uncharacteristically gentle in delivering Megan to the other side of the fence, a quick scoop, a leap, and a delicate landing before repeating the process with Daniel, just as easy. Shortly after, the angelic-looking being would steal to her side, -
[21:11] <@AnE> - arms folding across her armored chest, wings folding neatly. In the event that they would find themselves tangled in some sort of conflict, it would be best to have protection.
[21:12] <Ives> Jim looks down at the backpack. "Hmm, looks like it wasn't enough." He shrugs and tosses the backpack away.
[21:14] <Badger> No but i dont like this he finally pilled the folded compound bow from its care and with a flick of his wrist it snaped out to full size. keep moving.. he sliped an arrow from his sheaf and noced it keeping an eye behind them as they went.
[21:16] <^Edge^> *Meanwhile in the sewers...*scene-change*...there was a brief pause from the water...that was when the attack would come....the first one came leaping from the water toward Badger, its large mataltic mouth glowing lenses clearly seen as it exited the murky confines of the liquid. From the light from Conall's suit they could see what they were dealing with...robot looking snake ...
[21:16] <^Edge^> ... like creatures. This one appeared to be five feet in lenth..large razor sharp the base of their tails..a long needle like weapon for stabbing. They were designed for constricting their targets. A second one burst from the water going after Conell..* ( )
[21:18] * Lilyafk is now known as Lily
[21:20] * Thomas`Marshall having been in the air near Badger, Thomas would see the robotic snake lunge for Badger, the light from Conall's suit making it easy to spot what he was trying to grab, with quick reaction he would attempt to grab the robo-snake, yanking it hard away from Badger, if he caught it, he would throw it straight at one of the walls of the sewer as hard as he could
[21:20] <Ives> Jim just phased out and avoided the things.
[21:23] <@Scathien> *Ploof... whats that low budget sound effect mean? Something is jumping out of the water at connel!* 'oly shit! *the snake would smack into him, but instead of knocking conall back or damaging him or his suit... the robot/snake thing would stop in mid air for a brief instant before plummiting to the ground, where Conall would suddenly smash his foot down as
[21:23] <@Scathien> hard as he could at the things head and unleash a burst of raw kinetic force out of the bottom of his foot to try and blast the head of the thing clean off, or at least damage it so it couldnt attack*
[21:23] <^Edge^> *There wouldn't be a pause as piston controlled feet as whatever it was advanced toward the front of the building leaving small trails of dust in their wake. From the darkness came the muzzles flashes from large calibar weapons attached around their metal arms. The
[21:24] * Badger saw the movement as well as the thing burst from the fetid waters trying to bring his bow up to block the maw from latching on to him he had to stop its tail as well he had no idea what it had in it if anything.
[21:24] * Skieweaver gah's as the metal monsters burst from the sludge. Her eyes forward the first she would see was the one going after Connal. Reactively she thrust the hand without the knife forward, a tunnel of wind bursting towards the creature, not enough to do damage at all but perhaps enough to throw it off aim.
[21:24] <^Edge^> (that wasn't meant to be a post..tickle attack)
[21:27] <@Scathien> *it should also be noted (because mun forgot) that directing that amount of kinetic force down into the snake head from under the water like that, will also most likely blast any water in the area away from the point of explusion, causing small waves and water disturbance*
[21:29] <^Edge^> *There wouldn't be a pause as piston controlled feet as whatever it was advanced toward the front of the building leaving small trails of dust in their wake. From the darkness came the muzzles flashes from large calibar weapons attached around their metal arms. They were armor piercing rounds tearing through the door and the wall toward the nice clustered group. Shells would rain down as they ...
[21:29] <^Edge^> ... finally stood their ground, if they would pause in their firing they could be seen by the large holes they were now making in the front of the building, these things wern't made to be covert and they had orders to kill that bitch in the power suit at all costs. They stood about seven feet in height, bipedal attack drones..thick armor on their bodies and legs..lense like eyes peering at them. ...
[21:29] <^Edge^> ... They just kept firing trying to track their IR images through the wall. ( )
[21:35] * @Mandi alright. So, she should have taken this into consideration. She should have remembered that there was ONE fucking person in the world other than herself who had a complete schematics on her suit other than herself and it was the crazy fucker they were trying to track down. She wasn't planning on armor piercing fucking rounds. Megan heard the clicking whir of those weapons warming up and blue --
[21:35] <@Mandi> -- eyes went wide a half second before she threw herself backwards in an attempt to knock Daniel and Delilah both out of the way and to the ground. Gidget...wasn't quite so lucky. Consider it a lesson in humility. A round punched through her right shoulder, all but pulping the bone because of the size of the round, and knocked her to the ground at the same time, which was probably the only thing --
[21:35] <@Mandi> -- that kept her from getting further ventilated. An armored hand touched to the gaping hole in her armor and came away with crimson smeared across the blue and silver tips of her fingers, "Oh...fuck." --
[21:35] <^Edge^> *MEANWHILE IN THE SEWER* Condell's foot came crunching down on the head of the robotic snake, it ceased functioning right then and there. But this was just the ambush style attack that was meant to draw their attention. The second one was tossed against the wall of the sewer but its constructed body was abit more tougher then it looked. There was a pause from the water as it vanished for a ...
[21:35] <^Edge^> ... second before its nice pointed tail lashing out from the depths to try and stab at Thomas. But as their attention was turned another one took a leap from behind Sisip trying to wrap its body around her quickly and pull her down into the water and drown her.
[21:38] * Skieweaver dissapears under the water with a startled cry, struggling against the sharp pointy bits of the machine. She ficked her had as hard as she could, only managing to stir up a small whirlpool infront of her.
[21:39] <@Scathien> *Conall cursed once the first snake was destroyed, and turned around just in time to spot Skieweaver going under... leaping in toward her, he reached under the water to try and grasp the snake's head, unleashing another short but sharp discharge into the thing's head to blast it apart before trying to tug the girl up from under the murky crap-infested water*
[21:40] * Thomas`Marshall had kept his eyes on where he threw the robo-snake he caught, he would spot the tail and obviously move to dodge the tail, the tail would almost miss him, slicing against the inside of his arm, the tail would get caught in his jacket, "Little help here!" *He would grab the body of the snake that had got itself caught, trying his best to ignore the pain surging through his arm, keeping hold
[21:40] <Thomas`Marshall> of the snake
[21:42] * Lily is now known as Murua
[21:42] * Badger heard her go down and turning he lashed a wickedly clawed hand out to strike at the one Thomas was trying to hold at bay. he was an expert in using those things and targeted only the robo-rooter snake
[21:42] * Skieweaver writhes as connal comes to her aid, her flailing and his manipulations enough to let her get a few swallows of air now and then. Damn those star wars garbage compactor monsters.
[21:44] <Ives> Jim meanwhile reached into the sludge and grabbed the remains of the broken one. He rips off the head portion, focusing on the tail pieces at the end. Phasing back into reality in the process, he grabs hold of the tip with his free hand and *stretches* the broken tail into a lengthy and wicked looking whip.
[21:45] <Jigsaw> Daniel gets taken down by Megan, being caught totally by surprise by the gunfire and even more-so by the fact that Megan just made an attempt to *save* lives rather than end them. Daniel scurries away slightly, getting out of the line of sight of whatever is on the other side of the door. "What the hell was that!?" he shouts in confusion the gun pointing at the door, waiting to see something. He --
[21:45] <Jigsaw> -- looks at Megan, knowing she has the military background "Or better yet, how do we get her away from the door without getting shot?" Daniel didn't have plans for this scenario, and Megan may or may not appreciate the fact that Daniel quickly looks to her for orders, but the fearless leader... Is kinda down, and Daniel is trying to figure out a way to make sure that no one over here gets killed. --
[21:45] <Jigsaw> -- He looks over at Lil, as if silently asking if she was ok too, hoping that Megan managed to save both of them from getting shot. Given that the bullet went through that armor? Well, the three of them would probably be dead if they got hit. --
[21:48] <@AnE> Oh god. Was that gunfire? Yes, yes it was. Before she was even given the chance to react, Megan had knocked her down. With a grunt as she fell back, her 'friend' stared down wide-eyed, both toward Delilah and then the wounded Gidget, head snapping upward and narrowing unseen eyes in a sharp glare toward the beings in question. Briefly, she'd glance around, trying to ensure that the rest of the -
[21:48] <@AnE> - group was all right -- not so much. She knew what the creature was thinking and there was little she could do to stop her, "Wait..!" Off she went. The tall, winged being sprang up into the air, wings spread, and a feeling of dread pounded into Delilah's center. She didn't know what was going to happen should the valkyrie be blown to bits, which seemed a likely situation. Still, maybe the -
[21:48] <@AnE> - creature could draw their fire and they'd be able to get by. Swords drawn, she'd approach the metal drones from above, divebombing them with a high-pitched battlecry. " idiot!" Delilah choked those words out, obviously very emotionally attached to the winged creature that was now taking off toward the battle drones. -
[21:51] * Skieweaver manages to finally free one of her arms with all her flailing and pointing it downwards to the ground she expells a forceful blast of air in the hopes of pushing them up and above the murkwater.
[21:51] <^Edge^> *The one on her was trying to really squeeze the life out of the poor girl but wouldn't get much more of a chance as the discharge ruining the CPU and image systems causing the snake to go dead but still wrapped around the girl's form tightly. It would take some muscle to remove it fully and free here but she was in no real danger by that point. Badger's claws slashed against the frame of the ...
[21:51] <^Edge^> ... one Thomas was currently holding onto with much choice by this point. It tore into the inner workings of the machine with several slashes but it still tried to eat poor Thomas's head with its mandibles that were still functioning. But as Badger's attention was turned one carefully revealed itself behind the mutant..its tail lashed out trying to stab the man in the back close towards the ...
[21:51] <^Edge^> ... spine.
21:51] <^Edge^> ... spine.
[21:53] <Ives> Jim lashed out at the one attacking Badger from behind with the new whip.
[21:54] <@Scathien> *Conall continued to tug and lift, trying to pull Skieweaver up and out of the water into a standing position, a few more well placed kinetic bursts would hopefully break the snake off of her into pieces and let him pull the rest of it off so they could both get back into the fight*
[21:56] * Skieweaver 's windpush and Conall's strength managed to get her up and after a bit, got her free. Chest heaving for air she smacked his arm in thanks before turning almost in time to see the machine lash out at Badger.
[21:56] * @Scathien ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[21:58] <Carlisle> It was entirely safe to assume the enemy knew they were present, likely by some sort of security or the droids themselves. Carlisle began to curse for not noticing them up ahead, and swore even louder when the round penetrated Gidget's armor. "Holy hell. THROW THE FORCEFIELD ON!" There were two of the menaces and he immediately released control of the security cameras, instead focusing on the -
[21:58] <Carlisle> - CPU and programming of the droid, executing a direct KILL command for it to slaughter its robotic comrade in arms. At the very least, there may not be two droids firing at them, but one while he maintained control of the one unit, allowing the valkyrie time to rush into battle.
[21:59] * Badger didnt see the one behind him and with all the sound echoing in the sewer he wouldnt hear it coming. the spike drove into his back the steel length cutting through the armored cloth. now his skin and muscle were dense and resiliant to puncturing bit this thing was wickedly sharp and had alot of force behind it. it cut into him as easily as it did the armor and drove deep so deep infact it -
[21:59] <Badger> - actually came out the oder side. anyone looking would see the front of his vest tent out slightly.
[22:00] * Thomas`Marshall hopes that all of the wind moving around and force pushing the methane around in the sewer will make the air clear enough so this doesn't backfire, literally, he presses his hands firm against the body of the snake, a 3 second burst of white hot flame shoots across the entire body of the snake
[22:04] * Skieweaver 's eyes widened as she saw exactly that, not quite knowing what to do but knowing that opening fire in a sewer was hardly a good idea, she could really only watch not wanting to jostle Badger with her wind. Puncture was bad, puncture and wiggling about? Even worse.
[22:05] <^Edge^> *Meanwhile in front* The two drones paused in their firing as one started to suffer from Carlisle attempts to take it over, it was a fussy thing to say the least as it fought back trying to shut the man out of it's systems, it kept trying to reroute control to several key systems but while it was doing this it didn't allow it to function was out of the fight. But it was clear that Carlisle was ...
[22:05] <^Edge^> ... winning the fight however but the mere fact that somebody had designed it to be more resistant toward this type of manipulation was eerie. The other one however ignored the its partner sprinting forward firing toward the Valkyrie but was clearly trying to get closer to Gidget..or the group and finish her off...or attempt to.
[22:08] * Badger growled deeply and angrilly his tail snaping up to try and catch the robosnake and rip it out.he had no idea what it was equiped with he wasnt afraid of anything in the water his body could handle that it was the unknown factors he didnt like.Fucking..robo..snakes..
[22:09] * @Mandi forcefield, forcefield. OH! Oh right, the forcefield. There was a muted humming sound and a semitransparent field popped into effect less than a centimeter above the armor itself. She was livid, horribly livid as she pushed back to her feet, tryin to ignore the fact that there was blood running down the front of her armor now, "You motherfucking walking hunks of melted crap!" left palm --
[22:09] <@Mandi> -- upraised, the repulsor built into the palm of the glove flared, dimmed and then discharged a short blast of force at the drones. Megan was maybe even less pleased than the poor girl who'd been shot and. One drone was occupied, losing the fight against Carlisle and the other was having to deal with the valkyrie. Perfect. The former soldier dropped to a knee to make a smaller target and drew one --
[22:09] <@Mandi> -- of her sidearms, taking careful aim. Why careful aim? "Let's see how well you shoot when you can't fucking see motherfucker." yeah. Eat it bitch. She squeezed off an entire magazine, 8 rounds total, with the intention of taking out the drone's visual capabilities. --
[22:16] <^Edge^> *The toxic effects of the barb were strong enough to cause the mutant to go limp from head to toe...effecting the breathing and in some people cause them to go into shock and die right there...lucky it was Badger that got stabbed and not anybody else. The mutant would feel the effects after a few moments. It retracted the point from Badgers chest before the mutant could grab at it as it ...
[22:16] <^Edge^> ... retreated into the water and vanished from sight once more. But there was a high pitched robotic scream from somewhere in the water then a series of large sparks as it's systems were overloaded and burned out it's own CPU. The one held in Thomas's hand simply melted in front of him....if they would wait a moment there would be no other attacks..they would bump into several more along the way ...
[22:16] <^Edge^> ... that seemed to have suffered the same they had been burned from the inside out by their own systems.*
[22:16] <Carlisle> "About TIME you activated it!" He hadn't been able to keep tabs on everything, he was stressed and upset, which was far different than cruising down the highway going 100 and having the virtual eye open for cop radars and state troopers. Way different than loafing on the sofa with the wife, playing WOW and Halo at the same time, one with his hands, the other with his mind actively controlling -
[22:16] <Carlisle> - the figure on the television screen. Actual combat and stressful situations were making it all the more urgent. The drone's controls were rerouted to another focal center and Carlisle took control of that too, quickly severing it and focusing on the next, at least keeping it out of action. It would move, pause, stop, start again, pause stop, an endless loop as it tried to regain control, had it -
[22:16] <Carlisle> - stripped away by the Indian, and regained it anew, only for him to savagely snatch back his reign. He was more than surprised by the number of backup systems and noted this. -
[22:20] <^Edge^> *Somewhere somebody was watching this event take place as the camera systems brought back online as Carlisle finally released control...boney fingers fiddling with a zippo lighter...a pale blue eye fixed on the narrowed somewhat..watching his babies in the sewer just..kill themselves like that...his system was suddenly overloaded...all the man would say was.."..Hm..."*
[22:24] <Ives> Jim coils up his whip and stores it at his side. "What happened?" He asks.
[22:24] * Badger went to one knee coughing and seeing blood ok a lung got punctured he judged he could feel his body begin to repair the damage of the strike thankfully. but his breathing started to become labored that was not good. he growled soon panting his broad chest fighting to heave from the toxins. the Bow now dropped and lost among the filth he focused his mind glancing to the others. -
[22:24] <Badger> - git..back.. he growled almost ferally as he shivered. they could see the fur on his arms and face begin to fluff as he shivered he didnt want anyone near him when it happened..
[22:25] <Badger> "git..back.. (sry it cut right beofre that to purple
[22:26] <Ives> Jim gets back.
[22:28] * Skieweaver 's eyes widen as she steps a bit away from Badger. Her eyes flick about nervously, this was pretty much what she had expected, a terrifying blunderfuck of being out of her element.
[22:29] <@AnE> "No way..." She murmured, wide eyes following her creation as she swooped overhead. The fact that the drones weren't strictly trying for her was probably to thank for the fact that she was able to perform aerial maneuvers that allowed her to mostly avoid their fire. A second divebomb, now, and the winged creature would fall right on top of the drone, drawing back and slamming her sword right -
[22:29] <@AnE> - into it. "Shit..! Be careful!" Delilah called out from her spot, wincing a bit as she watched a chunk taken right out of the creature's side, leaving a fierce, glowing wound in place. Still, this was a creature made of psychic energy and would be just slightly more difficult to take out than a fleshy human-thing. It didn't know a damned thing about its systems but it knew how to stab -
[22:29] <@AnE> - something until it stopped moving, battle-worn thing that it was. Before her time was up, which Delilah knew would be soon, she'd hoped to at least stop one. Stab. Stab. Stab. Vicious little shit. -
[22:32] * Badger growled glaring to them gotta go.. not gon hurt you all.. practicly spat as the last walls droped. his eyes narrowed as the animal side of him snapped into control he roared out and spun to bound back the way they came and up to the open air letting out another thunderous roar his eyes casting about for something to destroy..that old car will do nicely.
[22:33] * Chakei ( has joined #Cobalt*MA
[22:34] * Scathien ( has joined #Cobalt*MA
[22:34] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Scathien
[22:34] * Kaija ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[22:35] * Skieweaver watches Badger take himself out of the equation for the good of the group. All things considered she decided she would rather face a few more snake machines then that side of Badger. NOT that she wanted more snake machines at all.
[22:36] * Thomas`Marshall watches as Badger runs off, blinking a bit, "I think I'm going to go make sure he doesn't kill anyone that doesn't need to be killed." *Todd takes off in a blur towards the way they came, keeping his distance from Badger as the car is tore apart
[22:38] <@Scathien> *Conall just blinks and watches in confusion, then snaps out of his little daze and looks around to try and salvage the situation... his voice kicks on over coms again* 'ey, ah get the feelin they were waitin for us... so why exactly is the bulletproof tank down in tha dark sewer trying to attack things he cant see and not up where tha most resistance likely is? By tha way, we lost two team members... What're yer
[22:38] <@Scathien> orders?
[22:38] * Skieweaver looks at the remaining group with a bit of a nervous smile. "Well... I guess, onwards and upwards?"
[22:38] <Skieweaver> Or.. rather just onwards?
[22:40] * Badger ( has left #Cobalt*MA
[22:40] <Ives> "Onwards, I think. "
[22:42] <Jigsaw> Daniel looks at Megan, when she opens fire... Well, it may not be the sort of confirmation he was looking for. But, well, follow her lead? Yeah, it's worth a shot isn't it? He points the gun at the same one Megan's firing at, she seems to be aiming for the face. Daniel on the other hand aims for the knee joins of the machines, trying to send one onto the ground. An attempt to at least keep it --
[22:42] <Jigsaw> -- still, which might make it easier for one of the other things on the attack to take it out for good. Still, Daniel wasn't exactly as good a shot as Megan was, but at least he was trying? He empties the first clip, stopping to reload and it's not the fluid motion it should be, but he manages to do it regardless.
[22:52] <Carlisle> There was a single connection remaining and once that was severed, Carlisle felt the struggle come to an abrupt end. He leaned against the wall with one hand, studying the machine that had come to an utter standstill, motionless and without showing a sign of hostility. "...I think I can reprogram it..." Maybe, possibly, it was no longer aggressive toward them for now while under his control, and -
[22:52] <Carlisle> - the first thing he did was kill the wireless signal to it, abruptly shorting out the signal that caught the broadcast commands and allowed it to connect to the alternate systems. "Gidge? You okay, kid?" he asked distractedly, just to keep her talking and making sense while he rerouted the definitions of friend and foe so that the droid would see them as buddies, and would scout ahead to -
[22:52] <Carlisle> - protect.
[22:57] <^Edge^> *The sword would take some doing to stab through the machine but the machine couldn't take much more abuse from the flying winged monster as it tried to fire blindly at it, Megan's shot to it's eyes had done their job well enough for the targeting system to be pretty much useless at this point. During its wild shooting spree, rounds swept toward the direction of the firing Daniel missing him ...
[22:57] <^Edge^> ... by inches. However it's metal fist tightened as it connected with the creature knocking it off allowing it to get back to it's feet temporality, Daniel's shots however scored a lucky hit on its stabilization systems causing it to fall over. However all this had given it time to switch to its backup visual systems but only IR...a side compartment slid open on the upper part of it's body..out ...
[22:57] <^Edge^> ... sliding several multiwarhead targeted the group..Gidget might survive but if those fired it was sure to kill anybody else standing tried to tried again..ERROR...the missles wouldn't seem to go tried to fire it machine guns again...ERROR...somebody was stopping the command. The CPU was soon overloaded...the head exploded into a fireball...pieces ...
[22:57] <^Edge^> ... of metal scattering about. From inside Gidget's helment a new connection appeared and voice coming through her oddly familiar feminnem one..Carlisle would hear it as well. *~Gidget are you alright?*~. ...
[23:01] <^Edge^> *Meanwhile in the sewer there wouldn't be any more attacks, they would just come across more dead bodies of the snake creatures...burt to a crisp. Somebody had done it and it wasn't them, late to the party but brought the favors. They would finally come to a large sealed door at the very end of the tunnel. The control panal lights flickered abit as the same female voice, " One moment ...
[23:01] <^Edge^> ... please...*~ In a very polite manner toward them as the door would open allowing them inside.*
[23:02] <Ives> Jim blinks, then walks inside through the door.
[23:03] * Skieweaver frowns at the door suspiciously. Machine snakes dropping dead for no reason and now an abnormally polite door? Following Jim quietly she scans the new area, half expecting some other mechanical beasty.
[23:04] <@Scathien> *Conall frowns a little, and makes his way inside* bah... g'damnit... wheres all tha fun... s'what ah get fer goin in tha back door...
[23:12] <@AnE> THUMP. Well, its job was essentially done, the drone couldn't successfully target! Still. Delilah stared wide-eyed as the vakyrie tumbled and rolled in a heap before vanishing, simply spiriting away into clusters of only vaguely visible psychic energy. She didn't move, staring wide-eyed as the valkyrie vanished, returning most of her energy in kind. ANd then? Well, there it went, the drone -
[23:12] <@AnE> - firing. Firing. And missing. Then, missiles -- this was it. Delilah ducked and covered, naturally, arms over her head, cringing the entire time. And then, there was a kaboom, but no instance of her life flashing before her eyes that -THING-'s head simply exploded. Looking up, she could only wipe her brow, glancing around for signs of further danger and balling her hands into fists. Now what..? -
[23:12] <@AnE> - Gidget was injured, they didn't seem to get what they came for ... maybe they weren't cut out for this.
[23:19] * @Mandi alright. Was she alright? Her shoulder was fucking pulped and she was bleeding o- oh fuck she was bleeding. And she didn't have handy dandy healing powers, "Conall...if you're clear down there. You might try to make your way up. We've had...incident," she sighed, wincing as she prodded gingerly at her shoulder, "I'm...still breathing. So I guess. I can't complain...too much. Christ --
[23:19] <@Mandi> -- this blows."
[23:23] <^Edge^> *The interior hallway from the backdoor was clear, or it seemed so. It led to another door which was opened for them after a moment. Inside it would appear this place was built in what was part of a subway tunnel and platform. There were several other small hallways leading off into sectioned off rooms. Their current postion what appeared to be a posh living room. To their right was control ...
[23:23] <^Edge^> ... didn't seem to be working at the current moment...its system boards were smoldering like somebody had overloaded it. To their left sectioned off living quaters...directly in front of them were were a series of stair leading upward....toward the front entrance? That same voice echoed through the room. *~I'm sorry my sensors..arnt working right now...I had to take them ...
[23:23] <^Edge^> ... any of your require medical attention?*~
[23:27] <Ives> "Not I."
[23:27] * Skieweaver looks at Jim and Conall before frowning towards the voice. She, herself was fine other than winded and sore as hell, not that anyone would ask for help in this place. Scowling she looked about, trying to place the voice. Speakers? Floating invisi-person? Mutated Bug? Who knew.
[23:29] <@Mandi> Okay Guys. Naz needs to get to bed. So we're just going to summarize this up so he can.
[23:29] <Ives> "If you don't mind me asking, who are you?"
[23:30] <Skieweaver> ((sounds good to me :D))
[23:30] <Ives> ( fine by me )
[23:33] <^Edge^> *Seeing how I need to go to bed I'll just summerize what they find. A.M.I. (Amended Matrix Intelligence) It is the super computer that was controling all of the other subsystems and control stations that are part of Edge's hidden empire. It is the computer system that overloaded the robots as a program written by Felix in her subsystem to help Gidget. Edge sends a command to kill A.M.I but she ...
[23:33] <^Edge^> ... is able to transfer control to a portable unit before it happens but Edge is able to swtich to a backup OS that wasn't tainted by Felix. They are able to uncover that he was here three days ago and sent something via a cargo container from South America to parts unknown as of yet.*
[23:36] <^Edge^> (nite and thanks for playing)
[23:36] <Skieweaver> (^_^)
[23:37] <@Mandi> And that, ladies and gents is a wrap. Thank you ALL for taking the time to participate, and I hope you all enjoyed yourselves. I've got to get with the others ops, but like as not we'll be contacting each of you about minor character upgrades for your participation.
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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