Sara Lebensvoll [Kraft]

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Sara Lebensvoll [Kraft]

Post by Lanse »

IRC Nickname: Lanse

Name: Sara Lebensvoll
Alias: Kraft
Age: 19
Date of Birth: March 21st
Hometown: San Diego, CA

Height: 5'4
Weight: 125 lbs.
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Green
Nationality/Race: American/Caucasian

Occupation: Student

Personality Profile:

Sara is bouncy, lively and energetic. Often a fast talker, when more excited than normal it can be hard to keep up with her speech. A smile is never far from her face, and she has a very optimistic outlook on all things, often to a naive, or unrealistic extreme. It is nearly impossible for her to sit still, or refrain herself from speaking her thoughts, but she is often very apologetic for being disruptive.

With her powers, she is prone to moving at high speed without realizing it, and often acts on impulse. If she wasn't such a nice girl it might be an issue, but as things stand it just tends to be amusing or slightly befuddling.

Physical Description:

Sara is a girl that is "bright-eyed and bushy tailed", with bright green eyes that hardly blink. She is a pretty young thing, but doesn't choose to flaunt her looks- then again it's very likely with the thousand other thoughts running through her head, she hardly has time to think about herself. Her facial features strongly resemble her German heritage, and while she inherited her green eyes from her father, the rest of her looks were taken from her mother.

Often dressed in colors as bright as her personality, Sara probably does a lot of shopping at Old Navy. If she's not wearing something bright and fashionable, she can generally be found wearing school colors. She has a variety of outfits in different styles based on stereotypes and her flights of fancy often have her changing her clothes several times a day.

Character Picture (Optional):



Primary : Living Dynamo

Sara's excess energy is not just a personality trait- it is the overflow from her mutant powers. Her heart doesn't just pump blood, but also generates enormous amounts of energy. Sarah can transfer this energy to a surprising variety of things, using it to power battery or electricity operated devices, make plants grow outside of sunlight, and she can pass it on to other people, making them feel refreshed as though they just had a full nights sleep. While not a true healing power, the ability can jump start someone's healing process and keep it going at maximum power. Naturally, using this power excessively is one of the few things that will tire her out, with giving energy to plants, animals, or people being the most tiring. Also, the larger the device she tries to power, the more tiring it is, especially if constantly needs energy, not just a jump to get started.

Secondary : Super-Speed

Being so full of energy has also given Sara other benefits. She is capable of running at up to 300 mph, and able to withstand the friction of traveling at such high speeds. She can run across small bodies of water, but will lose footing after about 100 feet.

Tertiary : Super-Reflexes

Sara's abundance of energy has also given her the mental capacity to react at high-speeds, not just run at them.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses/Side Effects :

-Sara's energy is not simple generated from her body, but is manufactured into her body through sunlight. Without regular exposure to the sun she will slow down significantly, and as a result tends to have regular amounts of energy at night.
-Even slowed down at night Sara generally has too much energy, and little need, to sleep for more than two hours if she hasn't used her powers much during the day. This tends to make her a nuisance to potential friends, as while she tries to resist calling people in the middle of the night, it's hard.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? (Note: Not required for staff members.)

Sara may develop a larger reservoir of energy, be able to run faster and develop the super-speed abilities of running across more than a small amount of water, or up walls.


Born in Germany, Sara's family moved to San Diego when she was just a year old. Her father, Wolfgang, was transferred to the American division of his company due to his ability to speak English. Her mother, Heidi, thought the idea of moving was exciting and approved of the move immensely. She had to learn English once she was in America, but also made sure to teach her daughter German.

Growing up, Sara was always a happy child, but it was when she turned thirteen her parents noticed her energy skyrocket. While they thought it was just a phase at first, they started noticing odd things, like her ability to play with battery operated toys without the batteries ever running out, or the way their pets always seemed to be full of energy around her. They also eventually caught on to the fact that Sara tended to operate on very little sleep as she often stayed up all night reading. Still, while those things were curious, they didn't think much of it until Sara developed her super-speed powers at the age of seventeen.

They decided it would be best to not to pull her from high school immediately, but started looking into their options. While it pained them to send her so far away, Cobalt Academy seemed like their best choice. They let her spend a year off of school after graduating so they could travel back to Germany and visit friends and family, and upon their return she was taken to the school.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
-Sara can speak German fluently.
-Her dog, Mr. Barkerson, or Barky, is still alive and very healthy despite being 12 years old. He has all the earmarks of only being half his age, thanks to his constant contact with Sarah.
-Sara does not have a driver's license, as she has failed every test due to excessive speeding.
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