Paul Booth.

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Paul Booth.

Post by lllithid »

Public Information

Name: Paul Booth
Alias: None yet.
Age: 27
Date of Birth: February 15th
Hometown: Seattle

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 190
Hair Color: Brownish Blonde
Eye Color: Brown
Nationality/Race: Caucasian

Occupation: Student/Unemployed
Personality Profile: Bit of a joker. Doesn't take life seriously.
Physical Description: Tall young man, reasonably fit and trim. Plain hair and eye colours; but a handsome face. Tends to dress in casual, comfortable clothes. Usually unadorned with jewelry, except for special occasions.
Character Picture:

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Mutation/Powers (Maximum of three):

Primary: True Immortality! Quite simply, Paul is immortal, but not unkillable. He possess no notable resistance to harm, and only a minor regenerative ability (see secondary powers), but is capable of resurrecting whole and healthy when killed. If capable, the resurrection takes place via the regeneration of the body; but in the event of the body being reduced to a state in which this is impossible, it will reform whole in the nearest "Safe" place ("Safe" being an immediate issue. The location may not remain safe, but it was safe enough at the time). Resurrection takes a variable amount of time, from a few minutes for simple deaths (poison and gunshots), up to a half-hour (If reduced to a fine red mist) but it is simple inevitability that he will return from death. A side effect of the resurrection is that when raised, he regains any lost limbs and organs and is also cleansed of any and all diseases and toxins that he was suffering from before his death. It goes without saying, but Paul also doesn't age anymore. He does, in fact, have eternal youth.

Secondary: Paul possesses a minor regenerative ability, nothing major at all. He heals at about ten times the rate of a normal healthy human, and is capable of regeneration of limbs and organs if given adequate time.

Tertiary: Inevitable. Recently, Paul’s powers have taken on a new unexpected edge. Instead of moving to return him faster, or to heal him quicker; his power has become more potent in a different way. To put it simply, Paul's resurrection and healing powers have become "inevitable" as he puts it. They cannot be suppressed by known means, including other mutants, SND's or more esoteric methods of hindering a mutants powers.

Background: Life started off normal for young Paul. He grew up in a middle class family, got decent grades through high school and had one of two girlfriends.

He moved out after graduation, and went on with what he thought would be a normal life. He got a decent job, worked hard and had a nice little apartment. His girlfriend was cute, he was happy and all was good. But! Things went horribly wrong for him. His girlfriend left him for the landlord, his job fired him for trumped up charges, his pet dog died of cancer and his car was stolen. All this, within the space of a week drove poor Paul over the edge.

He decided suicide was the only option. He put a gun against his head, pulled the trigger and woke up a few hours later, quite confused. He was determined though! His second attempt with sleeping pills produced a similar outcome, as did his attempt at wrist slitting. It wasn’t until his fourth failed attempt involving an old TV and the bath tub that he realized something was strange. He realized he was immortal, and after some more research, he reached the conclusion that he must be a mutant. After a bit of a bender, he finally sat down to figure out what to do. Some internet surfing later, he had found the Cobalt school. “Hell, may as well get a degree in something” he thought and was on the bus within two days.

Quirks/Extras (Special skills, links, etc.): Due to whatever reason, most likely his mutation; Paul has a horribly low sperm count. He isn’t entirely sterile, but for all intents and purposes and without special help, he may as well be.

He has also recently married his long time girlfriend and fiancé, Zamora Brooks (now Zamora Booth). Paul to this date is still unsure how he managed to pull this off.
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