Explosion in Salem - News Broadcast - Channel 7

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Explosion in Salem - News Broadcast - Channel 7

Post by Evad »

"The Explosion heard around the south side of Salem, west of the Hospital jolted the community from it's dinner-time meal. A massive wave of fire flooded over a house on Warren street, engulfing it and half the yard. The explosion came next as gallons of combustible materials ignited sending the house and everyone in it, to a horrifying end. The fire took firefighter three hours to put out, due to the nature of the flames. Several hundred thousand dollars of property damage was caused and at least four lives were claimed in the event."

The reporter's seated at the news desk switched to the video of the blaze, as firefighter tried to ebb the swell of the fire.

"Officials are looking at the possibility of faulty wiring for the cause of the explosion. No confirmed word of who those that perished in the explosion were. We'll have more details later for you."

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