Seth Porter [Eight]

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Seth Porter [Eight]

Post by Evad »

IRC Nickname: Evad

Name: Seth Porter
Alias: Oliver Masters (Cover ID)
Codename: Eight
Date of Birth: 4/16/94
Hometown: Long Island, NY

Height: 5'10
Weight: 165
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: A deep crimson brown
Nationality/Race: American

Occupation: Student (Former), Italian Mob (Current)

Personality Profile: Originally Seth's brash exterior was a mask to deal with a home life situation he hated. The enviornment of Cobalt Hill Academy was starting to break him of his stoic shell. That is until the youth was kidnapped and mentally re-wired to forget his past, forget Cobalt, and forget about being Seth Porter. Oli or 'O' as he's referred to is far more condesending and intimidating. He's brash, cold, distant and at sometimes quite vulgur. It's unclear if he still has any good intentions to be social.



Mutation/Powers: Oxygen Creation/Manipulation

Primary :
Seth is linked to the element with the atomic number eight; Oxygen. His ability works on a molecular level, as he is able to not only produce, but manipulate the element in it's fullness. On the molecular scale, he can double the oxygen pressure and increase it's potency to heal wounds of himself and others in a certain vicinity speeding up the recovery process considerably. In the past he's fully restored a limb from being black to light pink in only an hour and a half. Increasing the air pressure also allows him a greater degree of stamina, allowing his blood cells to take on more of the element, and become oxygen rich granting him this increased endurance. On the more offensive side, Seth has shown the ability to gather and group oxygen from and to objects and people. Causing rust or decay on certain alloys, or removing the natural ability to breathe in most living things for a time long enough to cause serious injury or even death.

Secondary :
The connection Seth attains with his abilities allows him to recognize and pinpoint disturbances in the atmosphere such as other toxins and chemicals, or movement that has gone unseen. He is extremely sensitive to the atmosphere and it's condition, allowing him to be a perfect barometer. With this awareness, he has prevented himself from inhaling toxic fumes and has prevented bloody noses from pressure changes.

Tertiary :
While Seth is not able to create a flame by any means other than a spark and a fresh supply of pure oxygen, he is able to work with flames already existing, and either snuff them out or increase and manipulate their size and path by directing the oxygen they are burning through.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses :
Seth's control of oxygen is still fledgling, as he's working with his powers in a more day to day basis than truly pushing his limits. While it's unlikely he will get fatigued considering it's abundant presence, he does suffer from headaches on occasion. He also must be careful not to produce too much oxygen at one time or in one area at the risk of making any spark lead to certain combustion and injure someone or something severely. Seth is also aware that there is a risk of oxygen poisoning, which makes him limit himself as well.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future?
Seth's powers could lead to the ability to compress oxygen into a solid state known as red oxygen with four times greater combustion rate and the ability to be seen and handled as a physical object. Compressed further the oxygen can take on a metallic state and become potentially superconductive.

An altered leather glove with sections of flint attached to the tip of the middle finger and thumb, allowing him to create a spark when his fingers snap.

The illegitimate son of an affair between his Father and a paid escort did not make Seth the bright spot in the Porter family. Two older brothers looked upon him as the black sheep they forced him to be. Blond hair and blue eyes ran in the family except of course for the child with only a half blood relation. His Father kept the affair a secret, and Seth's step-mother wasn't going to ruffle feathers as she too was in the midst of an affair. A trophy wife and a wealthy husband barely even friends living in the same house. While the Porters never hurt for money, Seth wasn't so drawn to the family fortune as the two legitimate heirs.

By the time the manifestation of Seth's powers arrived, he'd already been ousted at school and had made only a few friends who seemed to share his angst with their own personal family problems. Thankfully his mutation remained a secret as he skipped out on family time more than his fair share. Often seeking refuge on the fire escape where he learned to fill the night air with the bluesy sounds of his harmonica. He also spent quite a bit of time at an abandoned car junkyard to work with his new found power. As anti-mutant sentiment rose, Seth started investigating private schools, places he could go, not because he wanted a uniform and a choir to join, but to truly be free of a family he didn't feel like he even belonged to. Cobalt Academy came on his radar soon enough, and with a phone call, the Porters shipped their 'half-blood prince' to his new home.


His time at Cobalt was short-lived. Though he made what he assumed to be friends, and even began seriously dating a red-head at the school, it wouldn't last. He'd turned down the wrong people, the wrong Italian Mob people. Shortly after a Halloween party at the school, Porter was kidnapped. No word on where he went, and no sign of him anywhere could be found. All ways to contact him had vanished. A complete overhual was done on Seth's mind by Rosetti's hired hands. A new identity, a new purpose, and a new living situation in the urban district of Salem made Seth a whole new person. Now a far darker youth than he'd ever been, Oliver is now the hired hand for Rosetti and his crew. Putting his mutation to a profitable use for the up and coming restart of the criminal empire.

An avid harmonica player, and a natural green thumb, Seth has some natural hidden abilities that he only lets a few peek into. Like the cliche Ogre, this one has many layers. He also hardly ever yawns.
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