Caliphas [META/SHIELD Prisoner]

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Caliphas [META/SHIELD Prisoner]

Post by Jeem »

IRC Nickname:

Name: Caliphas (formerly Nicholas Beasley)
Age: 32
Date of Birth: December 13th
Hometown: Sandford, Gloucestershire, England

Height: 6'2" / 8'5" pre-SND
Weight: 180 lbs / 500 lbs pre-SND
Hair Color: N/A / Brownish/Black pre-SND
Eye Color: Red
Nationality/Race: English

Occupation: Former Clergyman

Personality Profile: The demonic mutant villain known as Caliphas is typically calm and collected, though prone to the occasional mood-swing (which often results in blind rage). Despite these mood-swings, he is often a meticulous individual, patient, always looking for an opportunity to manipulate someone of a weaker will than him. He is also devoutly religious.

Physical Description: While under the effects of a SND, Caliphas maintains a human body, with distinctly inhuman features. His flesh is a charcoal black and gray, maintaining a rough, stoney texture that is cool to the touch but immediately grows heated when his powers are in use. Rough, rock-like patches and specks cover his hairless form. Smoke is constantly coiling from his nose and mouth, though if he feels the necessity he can stop this from happening. His eyes are a fiery red-orange, glowing faintly in the dark, though, again, he can 'turn off' this effect if he wishes.

Three black, noticeable SNDs adorn his body - one on each wrist, and one around his neck.

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Primary : Pyrokinesis
Caliphas is capable of producing gouts of flame from his person. Typically, he originates this fire from his hands or his mouth, but has been seen producing it from his eyes, or simply willing the flame into existence with no noticeable movements. The flames he creates are not your common fire, as while they have your typical orange/red burny goodness, there is blackened flame that coils through the fire as well.

In addition to the production of flame, he can manipulate existing flame within a 50 foot radius, and work his own flame through these existing sources. Within this radius he can control fire expertly, able to weave it and shape it into any shape he wishes. Once the flames leave the radius, however, they lose their shape and disperse into the air - this only applies to fire he is consciously controlling. Fireballs sail for a good distance before losing their steam.

A minor branch-off of this power allows him to control heat himself around his person to a radius of a foot or two. This can ramp from the ambient temperature to scalding ones, but never below the ambient.

When SND'ed, he is -still- capable of producing flames, but they are more of a brief burst. They are still capable of igniting flammable objects. He is also capable of superheating himself via his thermokinesis, though the SND throttles this temperature.

Secondary : Stoneskin
The demonic mutant's skin is hard as rock, this 'stone' actually superdense epithelial cells, and works accordingly as a barrier to deflect attacks. Punches have the same result as swinging your fist into concrete, knives find themselves unable to puncture the 'flesh' easily, bullets would chip away at him. Energy attacks such as lightning bolts and the like find their results diminished as a result of this mutation - he is also completely immune to extremes of hot and cold. (Note, it's questionable as to whether this is entirely due to his skin. As he can manipulate flame, he may just be able to conscious superheat himself so as to ignore the effects of intense cold. Similarly, with flame and heat, it may just be that he redirects it away from himself subconsciously.)

Caliphas' 'skin' will regrow itself relatively quickly - if observed, it looks as if the stone grows out from itself to replace patches that have been damaged or removed. Relatively shallow 'wounds' are regrown in hours. If he loses chunks large enough to expose musculature, these patches can take longer periods to regrow, dependent upon the severity of the wound.

This is unaffected by SNDs, being a biological function as it is.

Tertiary : Telepathic/Empathic Bonding
With but a touch, Caliphas can form a telepathic bond with any living being. Initially, Caliphas can only discern base emotions with those he's touched, vague notions of their mood, and a fleeting thought here and there. (This is entirely at the discretion of the players).

After spending significant time with a marked individual (simply being in their general vicinity), and focusing most of his telepathic attentions to them, he can form a deeper bond. He is able to glean the person's wants, desires, as well as specific surface thoughts. Caliphas is able to manipulate the person's moods at this point. He can't turn a happy go lucky teeny bopper into a moody goth brat with a flick of his wrist; it's more of a 'one step up or down' situation. :D becomes :) or :|. >:0 becomes :\. (Yes. I just used smiley faces.)

This bond deepens more and more over time, but depends entirely upon the bonded individual being oblivious to Caliphas' advances... at first. If allowed to progress over the course of weeks and months, Caliphas may find himself able to control the individual through their emotions, instill thoughts of his own into their minds, and so forth. (AGAIN, this is entirely at the discretion of the players involved. There will be no 'YOU ARE SUDDENLY ANGRYYYYY AND WANT TO KILL PEOPLLLLLE'... without express permission.)

Caliphas is able to form bonds of this level with as many people as he can manage, but while SND'ed, he can't progress beyond the base level of the power with multiple people... but may be able to bond more deeply with one person if he tried and was given the time.

Quaternary : Locked via SND

Drawbacks/Weaknesses :
The stone skin that covers Caliphas' body is literally that. His skin. Despite being highly resistant to damage, once you've cracked through the stone, you're reaching everything below a normal person's skin. Thusly, Caliphas has to be careful just how much damage he allows to himself, or he may more easily be able to suffer a fatal wound.

Nicholas Beasley was born to a pair of simple farmers in the quiet town of Sanford, in the English countryside of Glouchestershire. A friendly, affable, young man, he found himself taken by the clergy, attending a parochial school in town and pursuing religious studies at the illustrious Oxford University.

Returning home, he settled into a quiet life as a pastor for the village's church. All seemed to be going like he'd dreamed; a peaceful life in the countryside, living in devotion to God's glory.

There was a fateful evening one cold December night. Nicholas was known to be awake and preparing the church for a Christmas Day sermon this night, when an individual wearing a wide-brimmed black hat and a long black coat was seen entering the house of God. He was never seen leaving before the church exploded into flame. As townsfolk hurried towards the building to see what had transpired, they were greeted with a sight that could drive a devout believer mad. A tall, horned devil stalked from the burning church, wearing the shredded remains of Nicholas Beasley's garments.

The demon called himself Caliphas, stating that Nicholas (speaking of him as a separate entity) had lived a false life, that he had spent all of his life devoted to the wrong cause. With that, he stormed away from the village, disappearing into the countryside, leaving a fiery trail in his wake for miles before apparently disappearing.

In the months following, Caliphas became a relatively well-known name to the European nations, committing acts of violence and terrorism, using both his incredible pyrokinetic powers, occult practices, and a band of followers proclaiming him to be a Lord of Hell. Time and again, his plots were foiled, until finally S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers were able to capture the demon and imprison him.

A short time ago, he was mysteriously freed of his prison and let loose, cutting a fiery swathe across Venice, Italy before the European superheroes The Inspired put a stop to him. Last he was seen, he was still a 9 foot tall beast that resembled a classic depiction of the Devil... but now, he's been delivered, for some reason, to Cobalt Hill Academy for incarceration and 'rehabilitation', in this vaguely depowered, more human form.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
-Devoutly believes in the existence of God and the Devil, believes mutants like him and others are proof that mutants are descended from angels and devils.
-Favorite food is Chinese
-Enjoys playing board games and card games, likely as a means of learning about others through how they play the game.
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