Six OClock NewsCast

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Six OClock NewsCast

Post by Sisip »

"While store revenues have gone up from sales of bottled water because of the contamination issue it's sad to say that the purchase of pet food has seen a rapid decrease as more and more animal companions in Salem disappear."

The news reporter cuts to scenes of phone posts with an oddly large amount of 'lost animal' posters up.

"The local humane society is fielding call after call from worried owners hoping that their special friend has somehow made it to them but unfortunately they are at a loss. With no new admissions in about a month the volunteers are unable to even give the beginning of a positive response."

The camera focuses on an elderly fellow in a shirt that reads ECHS (Essex County Humane Society)

"I just don't get it, normally we're overwhelmed with lost or abandoned animals but now? It's almost eerie how quiet it's gotten."

The camera pans back to the news reporter.

"There has been no official word on any of this, though when called up the Salem Police Department did urge residents to keep their animals close to them whenever they are outside and to report any suspicious behavior you may see."
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Noon Broadcast

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"The sceintific world is abuzz today as Salem, once again, is thrust into the spotlight. This time it is neither human mutation or explosions, but a much smaller discovery that has arachnologists scratching their heads."

The scene changes to footage of what appears to be a spider in a glass tank.

"Phoneutria nigriventer, or the Brazilian Wandering spider, is no stranger to the north, often times hitching a ride with imported fruit from the warmer climates down South but what has really excited scientists is that this is not the Brazilian Wandering Spider but a newly discovered cousin that seems to be acclimated to the cooler climates of Salem. Though only two of these new spiders have been discovered arachnologists are certain that there are others."

The scene changes to a rather stuffy looking fellow with a handlebar mustache and glasses,

"Though they do appear to be venomous they're shy creatures who like to stay in dark cool area's. If you do happen to see one be sure to report it, but as long as you leave it be there should be no issues."

The camera flicks back to the reporter, with a phone number on the bottom of the screen

"Officials have asked that if someone spots one of these new spiders to call the number appearing on your screen. Any bites should, of course, be reported to your doctor immediately."
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Re: Six OClock NewsCast

Post by Sisip »

Another newscast can be seen on the TV:

"As the reports of missing persons increases Salem PD is at a loss for the cause. With no links to each other people have been disappearing one after another, almost on a daily basis. Police urge everyone to stay inside or to travel with a group if need be."
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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Re: Six OClock NewsCast

Post by Sisip »

The police arrived at a scene, last night, that was appearing more and more commonplace. An alleyway filled with webbing, signs of a struggle. Authorities are urging residents of Salem to stay clear of the alleyways, sewer outlets, underpasses and anything that may possible have an above average amount of darkness. Police ask that any appearance of signs of spiders be reported immediately and that you evacuate the area as soon as possible.
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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