Charli Brooks

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Charli Brooks

Post by LuciaDeMici »

IRC Nickname: Charli`Brooks

Name: Charli Brooks
Alias: (Nothing yet)
Age: 18
Date of Birth: July 1
Hometown: Jasper

Height: 5'7"
Weight: 122lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Nationality/Race: Canadian

Occupation: Student

Personality Profile: Charli is sweet, but guarded. She is caring, although only once you get to know her. She mostly keeps to herself, as she seems a bit shy. She is also very determined to learn more and push herself to do better always. She likes to help people, although sometimes she seems a bit unsure.

Physical Description: Charli is 5'7", with an amazing body to match. She has long black hair that reaches mid back, usually kept down to accentuate her stunning chocolate hues. She also has a tattoo on her foot of a couple of stars with a bit of design around them.

Character Picture (Optional): Image



Primary : Unlike a lot of mutants, it seems that Charli only has one power, which seems to be running at incredible speeds. She can run at a maximum of 125 mph, though she hopes to improve on it and strengthen it. Hell, maybe one day she could be as fast as an airplane, cutting travel waits completely :P

Drawbacks/Weaknesses/Side Effects : Well the downside to Charli being fast, is that her metabolism is as well. She has to eat and drink a lot in order to keep herself up and functional. If not, she could end up dehydrated or starving herself. This means she usually eats what two or three people eat in a day.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? I think with the proper training and determination, that the character will develop greatly in not only running faster, and perhaps be as fast as a plane. Perhaps if she learns to run fast enough, she could also learn to run across water.

Background: Charli is a small town girl, and has grown up with the same friends since she was two. Her parents are all friends and seem to go to functions together and always seem to be hanging out as well. So when Charli had to move because of her father's job, it through everything through a loop. Charli had to cope with a new city, versus a small town, and an entire new school. Not only is being a mutant hard, but making friends as a mutant? Well...

Charli's father is in the military, and because of that, he had always traveled a lot, while Charli and her mother stayed home. Charli and her mother have always been close since they took care of each other while their father/husband was away, though that's not to say that Charli isn't close with her father as well. Her mother had owned their own hotel in Jasper, though when they moved, her mother decided to stay home and run the business. The family seems to be in good standing, they are above average wealth, and hell, with their daughter's appetite, they need to be.

Now that Charli is in Salem, it presents many more doors, and many more opportunities. She will have to learn that it's alright to accept who you are, and be alright with what you are. A whole new adventure.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: She can mold her tongue into a four leaf clover, she likes to swim, and has always loved animals. She likes to volunteer, and hopes that maybe eventually she could be on the police force, and possibly even use her powers.
Last edited by LuciaDeMici on Sun Jul 10, 2011 2:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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