Jules Aron

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Jules Aron

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Jules Aron

Post by Jules Aron »

IRC Nickname: Dusk

Name: Jules Aron
Alias: None
Age: 19
Date of Birth: 9/04/1991
Hometown: Stafford VA

Height: 5'6"
Weight: 121
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: RedLeft BlueRight
Nationality/Race: American

Occupation: None

Personality Profile: She used to be restrained and avoids confronting others she stays hidden whenever possible. She will speak but prefers not to. She wants to meet others but is shy when talking.

Currently: She has over the years developed a bit of Multiple Personalities. The two dominating Personalities are her shy self and her Mischevious self.

Physical Description: Fairly tall and pale white skin. Her eyes will seam to shimmer black. she always wheres black clothing that is loose so it will flutter in the wind like a shadow.

Figure wise. She is rather well shaped and attractive. Her body is curved a little but it is sometimes hard to tell through all the heavy and dark clothes she is wearing all the time.

Character Picture (Optional): http://gallery.shirow.net/v/ryusformsit ... 1.jpg.html (No swords except for when shadow created...and usually fully clad in hoody and black jeans.)

Primary : Shadow controlling or manipulation. With this power she has the ability to control the darkness around her within a room so far. She runs her will through the shadows and controls or manipulates them to her advantage or use. Her powers may grow where she can control them father make them move and shift forms farther away. These powers she controls through her will and it diminishes if she is in a sad mood but increases if she is angry. She is not able to control them in the sun except for where her shadow is already. They can move but not well and she is not very strong with them in direct light. She can keep this power working for up to 3 hours as of this moment and cannot extend or control shadows farther then a room away or approximately 30 feet. She also has limited controlling of other shadows around her. As in those of another person or a building and other objects that would cast a shadow are all up for her to use. This power will weaken her slowly because her will diminishes if she keeps failing although if angered her power will grow because of her will becoming stronger and more angry.

Secondary : Shadow Transportation. She can use the shadows near her if they are around her size that of a building or something larger then her to walk through and appear through any shadow within a 400 yard Radius. Same as her original power through her will and it uses A lot of her will power and will tire her out the farther the distance she travels. This power will severely weaken her to the point of it is hard to walk if she travels her farthest distance while it is easy to travel a few feet and feel fine. She has the same weaknesses with this power as with the last one. Already stated 400 yards unless she has very little will power remaining and it will be shortened by that.

Tertiary : Shadow presence sensation. She can sense living organisms in shadows but not identify them. Although this is slightly useless it does have its advantages when walking in the dark rooms and buildings.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses : Being in the sunlight will dampen her powers while she is also not very strong at controlling anything or even thinking fully when surrounded by people. If there is a mixture of both she will nearly break down due to her past.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? She will eventually be able to control others shadows more fully and create small illusions wit them the rest will be figured out later on in her life.

Background: She grew up being hated and shunned so she s distant from others her parents kicked h of the hose early o and she has worked to survive on her own and knows how.When she is able to she tries to find decent and real work but has problems due to people finding out about her powers. She is seeking comfort and peace at the school.

Quirks/Extras (Random fun facts about your character!): Does not like to meet others eyes and will often stare at their feet when she is talking to them. She can also lose control of her senses and when this happens she is very vulnerable and will stay away from others.
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Re: Jules Aron

Post by Remu »

If you come back we'll look again. Despite the fact that she was previously approved, we are giving sheets another look over and don't really want to spend the time doing it if the player's not around. ;)
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