Sygny Fynn [Physics Department TA]

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Sygny Fynn [Physics Department TA]

Post by Suzthulhu »


IRC Nickname: Sygny_Fynn

Name: Sygny Fynn
Alias: Skuld
Age: 26
Date of Birth: September 10, 1984
Hometown: Skien, Telemark County, Norway

Height: 6'0"
Weight: 190 lbs
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Nationality/Race: Norwegian-American

Occupation: Completed undergrad degree, pursuing research in astrophysics; part-time bartender at The Old Spot English Pub in downtown Salem and at Interesting Times.

Themesong: "Gods of War" - Manowar

Personality Profile: Sygny's personality almost immediately makes up for what many would see as an imposing physical presence. She is outgoing, quick to crack a joke and a smile, and frequently peppers her accented speech with good-natured jabs. She does enjoy time to herself when she needs it, and will take time to get out into nature to recharge her batteries now and again. She has a deep respect for the natural world, and those who mistreat it are likely to hear about it.

Physical Description: Sygny looks every bit the part of her Viking heritage. She is tall and well-muscled, and has a natural strength and grace that make her adept at physical activities. She usually keeps her hair pulled back in a braid and wears little makeup. Her manner of dress generally reflects her mood and can be as varied as shorts and a tank top to dresses and heels.

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Primary : Berzerker Rage: At will, Sygny can summon the Berzerker Rage of her Viking ancestors, effectively tripling her strength (Deadlift = 1590lbs, Bench Press = 1005lbs, based on tripling women's world records, just to give an idea). This Berzerkergang grants her immunity to fear and fear-based mental attacks as well as drastically reduced damage from edged weapons and fire (her skin can be cut by blades, but they do not penetrate as deeply as they would on normal human skin, nor does she bleed as much, and 3rd degree burns are reduced to severe 1st degree or mild 2nd degree, for example). Blunt weapons and firearms still deal normal damage, but the rage's increased pain threshold means that she will not feel this damage until it becomes grave enough to render her unconscious or pose the risk of fatality. While under the influence of the rage, Sygny cannot differentiate between friend or foe, and will cut anyone in her way down indiscriminately. Once the Berzerkergang has begun, she cannot be stopped until knocked unconscious or killed.

Secondary : Physical Affinity: Sygny's heritage and natural strength and grace give her an affinity for tasks requiring physical actions. She is naturally good a sports, particularly things such as rock climbing, skiing, and track and field events. This does not mean she can easily master physical tasks, but it is much easier for her to learn them and commit them to muscle memory. She has studied various martial arts, including Krav Maga, and has also learned to use swords, hammers, and other traditional Viking weaponry as a hobby, and because she enjoyed the ease with which she was able to learn.

***Recent SIM measurements calculate her natural maximum heart rate at 167 BPM, very low in comparison to even elite endurance athletes. Her punch registers at 2230 lbs of force, harder than most professional boxers, and her takedown (tackle) force registers just under 5,000 watts of power in her hips and 2700 lbs of force, on par with top NFL defensive pros.

Tertiary : Natural World Empathy: While unable to communicate directly with plants, animals, or other aspects of the natural world, Sygny is able to glean some feelings from them. For instance, animals ill from pollution would feel ill to her, and a forest damaged by fire would perhaps smell slightly smokey or feel oppressive to her. Animals generally are not afraid of her, but it isn't as though she befriends bears!

Drawbacks/Weaknesses/Side Effects : The possibility of injuring teammates or allies during a Berzerker Rage is a major drawback, and Sygny relies more on natural fighting abilities and means unless absolutely necessary. Because she must be rendered unconscious, and therefore useless, in order to stop a rage, it means that this power is not yet fully controlled. Following a rage, recovery generally takes a day or two, and depending on the method of knocking her out, the risk of concussion, or worse, is high. Her nature empathy can have drawbacks as well, particularly in places where much damage has been done. This can leave her feeling sad, disoriented, or just generally out of sorts.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? The hope is that through training and work with empaths, telepaths, and other therapists, as well as through physiological studies, a method can be found for her to retain control during her rages and thus make them less dangerous for those who don't need to be pummeled!

Background: Sygny's powers manifested quite early, at around 10 years of age. She, her mother, and her younger brother were home one evening watching television, and a group of men broke into their apartment building looking for homes to rob for money and an empty apartment to squat in. They busted the door to Sygny's home down, and when her mother tried to force them back out, they pushed her down onto a table, breaking one of her arms and causing a head injury. Sygny, desperate to protect her little brother, charged the would-be robbers, and to their surprise, she knocked two of them down, like bowling pins. The third tried to grab her, and she balled her fist up and swung, connecting hard enough to break the man's jaw. The two she had knocked down before managed to hit her from behind with a chair, knocking her out. It likely saved their lives, and all three ran. When her little brother told her what she had done, while they were waiting for their mother to be seen at the hospital, she didn't believe him. It was two years and an empty school hallway later that she learned he'd been telling the truth.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Sygny's taste in music is pretty all over the place, but she's a huge metalface. Her favorite bands are Manowar and Metallica, and her favorite song is Led Zepplin's "Immigrant Song," which she can sing in four languages: German, Swedish, Norwegian, and English. She also likes to dance.
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