Ishiko Endo

Individuals aged 21 and over who have come to Cobalt Hill for sanctuary, living space and/or to learn control of their powers.
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Ishiko Endo

Post by Goldbolt »

Player Nickname: Sho

Name: Ishiko Endo
Codename: None
Age: 99
Date of Birth: The Vernal Equinox

Height: 5'4" in human form, about 2' long as a fox.
Weight: 115lbs in human form, about 1lb as a fox
Hair Color: Dark ash blond
Eye Color: Blue
Place of Origin: Japan
Nationality/Race: Japanese/Kitsune
Classification/Origin of Powers: Magical creature.

Status: Trainee
Occupation: She knows how to work with plants?

Personality Profile: Perky and curious, Ishiko has a contagious smile and is always eager to please. She will help out someone in need, but as a kitsune her self-preservation instincts are very strong. If the outcome looks bleak she -will- flee, except if it's a close friend who is in danger.

Physical Description:

Human: As a human, Ishiko is of medium height, her hair is long and dark ash blonde in color. She usually wears her hair in an elaborate style that looks impossible for her to have done without assistance. Her eyes are an uncanny blue, and her dress style is generally loose fitting attire with a touch of out-datedness. Some of today's woman's clothing is quite shocking to her.

Fox: As a fox, Ishiko very closely resembles a gold furred fennec, her ear tips, muzzle, paws, and tail tips are a deep brown. Her eyes are blue and there is a mysterious glowing symbol on her forehead. She has two tails.


General Power Information: Mystical fox.

Ability One: Illusions: Ishiko's illusions are frighteningly life-like, encompassing all of the senses. The largest Ishiko can maintain is the capacity of a small room and requires precise and exact knowledge of what she is projecting. If she is not careful, people might notice discrepancies, but this will not dispel the illusion as a whole, merely lift it from the sight of the one individual. The illusion as an entirety can only come apart if touched by a magic user of significant power or a devoted religious leader.

Ability Two: Fox Fire: Ishiko can summon a small bout of bluish flames. This fire will not affect someone of pure intentions. Good hearted individuals and friends can even hold her flames in their hands with nothing more than a pleasant warmness. Enemies, or people with not so noble intentions on the other hand -will- get burned. If Ishiko is not careful, random objects will have a normal reaction to her fire and burn. Another usage is making small will-o-wisps, little glowing balls that Ishiko can use like a beacon or lure. She needs no focus for this ability, but using it too many times will wear her out.

Ability Three: Shape shifting: Ishiko can alter her appearance. The most she does is generally a change from fox form to human form. The ears and tails can be seen by Magics no matter what, even if the Magic is not aware of their abilities or unmanifested. But, when you notice a kitsune, the kitsune notices you. Ishiko will know that she’s been spotted for what she is. Her other forms are generally spur of the moment and for the most part inanimate. Ishiko requires a focus for these shifts in the form of a leaf.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
  • Insatiable curiosity: Curiosity might kill the fox for a change of pace. Technology fascinates her to the point where she’ll either be afraid of it, take random objects apart to see how they work or poke her nose into places that might poke back.
  • Illusion Breaking: Priests and other similarly stationed people and magic users of a significant rank can see through her illusions, if they touch it, the illusion will collapse on itself and fade away. The illusions failing cause Ishiko mental trauma.
  • Inexperienced: Ishiko was Sealed at a very young age and gained none of the tails or experience she would have had she been awake and aware during this time. As such her powers are severely limited by kitsune standards and she often needs a focus to help her use her abilities.
  • Chocolate: Ishiko may love the taste of chocolate, and can safely consume small portions, but chocolate does -not- like her. While her reaction is not as extreme as a normal canid's, at least in the sense that it won’t kill her. She will have a very unpleasant few hours following the ingestion of a significant amount.
  • Vain: She has a very slight case of narcissism and absolutely -adores- praise, not really a full out flaw as she can actually feed off the praise. But, it can be used to distract or lure her away.

  • Thief: Most of the time Ishiko does not mean any ill will by her moments of stealing; it is mostly curiosity and she is just a bit of a collector and a klepto. Often she’ll see something that intrigues her and pocket it.
  • Sneak: Ishiko is silent in her steps and is very capable of surprising people. Even though she wears a collar with a bell she can move silently. The bell has a secondary purpose in that it trained her to move quietly even while wearing it. Also her fox form is quite inconspicuous and allows her to spy in most situations.
  • Languages: While it is not instantaneous, Ishiko picks up on other languages very quickly. She may have been partially conscious during her time Sealed and heard many snippets of different languages, and they sank into her mind.
  • Herbalism: Ishiko has a good knowledge of plants and fungi with a heavy leaning on medicinal uses.

Ishiko, then Kokin was born over five centuries ago and enjoyed a normal life for a good while. They left the nearby village alone, and in turn the village left them alone. One day the village was ravaged by a powerful nogitsune. Hunters and holy men set out in revenge killing any fox they encountered. Not taking the time to tell nogitsune from kitsune or even normal foxes, one by one Kokin's family was killed. She attempted to seek refuge in an Inari shrine, and even set up an illusion of a pit before her to deter would be hunters. Her ruse worked... for the hunters. Not so much for the Head Priest, who saw right through her illusion and once his foot touched the illusion, the pit vanished accompanied by Kokin's pained squeaks as her illusion was forcibly dispelled. When the man approached Kokin he found he couldn't stomp out the wailing kit's life. Instead he Sealed the little fox, entrapping her within a statue in a magic sleep and buried the small statue within the shrine's borders where Kokin remained asleep and dormant, waiting for when she would once again awaken.

Centuries later Kokin's statue was dug up on an archaeological expedition and found its way to the Salem Museum where she spent several decades inside a Japanese art exhibit. One day some of those artifacts, Kokin included were set to be on loan to another museum. While her crate was being loaded, there was an interaction with another artifact and her statue prison vanished, waking Kokin up to the sights and sounds of the modern world. Rightfully terrified, not to mention surprising the movers, she ran away in a panic. Kokin spent weeks living in a box and eating out of trashcans, trying to make sense of this loud and strange city bigger than any she’d ever seen before. One day she worked up the nerve to shape shift human – she went where she knew she could at least get some information; an Asian market. It ended badly, her English was rudimentary and her Japanese was archaic. The workers saw her as a troublemaker and she was forced to leave.

But all was not lost. An elderly Japanese man with some small Talent that let him see through glamours and shifts Saw Kokin for what she really was and took her in to his home. Kokin spent the next four years with the man, learning about and becoming better acclimated to this new world. The old man gave her a fitting new name, Ishiko, after hearing her story about being trapped in a statue. He helped her to learn the English language and even get an identity and a job. He was like an adoptive grandfather to Ishiko, and she paid him back by taking care of him as he began to grow ill. It was a very sad day for Ishiko when the man passed, made worse by what was to come.

The old man had changed his will to leave everything to Ishiko as his own family never visited or even called him anymore. She would have had a home and money to take care of herself, but his family contested the will and won. They claimed the old man was crazy and not in his right mind to leave everything to some girl they had never even known about. To make matters worse, one of the grandsons had inherited his Sight and saw Ishiko for what she was and trapped her in a ward riddled cat carrier and tossed her over Cobalt's gate.

She's their problem now!

Criminal Record: None

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
  • Her original name loosely translates to Little-Gold, meaning golden kit. It is a baby name and she would have been given a proper adult name had she been awake and with her family on her one-hundredth Birthday.
  • Since starting her new life she was given an adult name early with nods to her situation. Ishiko, meaning Little Stone, and the surname, Endo for her adoptive grandfather.
  • No one ever did find out what happened to the little statue “stolen” from the museum.
  • Ishiko carries a small pouch of leaves around with her.
  • She wears a little shift-safe collar with a bell that she is very fond of, it was found on her in her Sealed state and remains in remarkable condition. The collar is all she has left of her past.
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