Isabelle Duchesne

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Isabelle Duchesne

Post by Jeem »

Name: Isabelle Duchesne
Age: 18
Date of Birth: 2/13/11
Hometown: Salem, Massachusetts

Height: 5'4
Weight: 120
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Nationality/Race: Caucasian

Occupation: Student

Personality Profile: When it comes down to it, Isabelle is kind of a bitch. She tends to have a hell of a lip on her, and a penchant for being passive aggressive... or sometimes just aggressive. She can be brutal to her siblings especially, but, if anyone else were to treat her twins the same way, she'd tear into them without hesitation, fiercely protective of her family despite her attitude. She is always, however, a perfect angel to the best of her ability in the presence of her mother.

Physical Description: Izzy is a slight thing, curvy, but not extremely so, often wearing dresses and skirts and tops a touch too short or revealing for her mother's liking. She has a very unassuming look to her, too pretty and fragile to be the snarky twat capable of bringing a nuclear-level attitude to bear. Part of this is due to her limp. She sometimes uses a black cane with a wolf's head carved in silver for a handle, though she tries to balance and support herself using her telekinesis to appear less frail when she wants to.

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Primary : Illusioncasting
Isabelle is capable of creating extremely realistic holograms/illusions at will. These illusions always maintain some semblance of reality when she creates them. For example...

If a fireball were being hurled past someone, they'd feel the rush of heat as it blew past.

If a bird was made to fly past someone's face, they'd hear the beating of their wings and would feel the blowing of air from the wing flaps.

A heavy stone would thud to the ground, casting dust from the impact.

Her illusions are 'empowered' with what is most likely very minor 'reality control' along with her substantial telekinetic power to produce these hints of realism. That being said, the aforementioned illusions could never fully affect someone in ways other than direct force of some kind. The fireball couldn't conceivably burn somebody, but through her telekinesis she could simulate the weight of a large rock falling upon someone.

Secondary : Telekinesis
Izzy has surprisingly strong control over her telekinesis given her 'age'. She can currently will herself to lift, push, and manipulate around 300 pounds of force. She can do this to support her own weight, allowing her minor flight abilities if she so wishes.

Her telekinesis, presently, requires hand gestures or body movement to present itself - if her hands were bound, she'd find her telekinetic abilities severely diminished, though it's possible in times of extreme duress she'd be able to circumvent this issue.

Tertiary : Yet to manifest itself

Drawbacks/Weaknesses/Side Effects : Isabelle is physically frail, and would rely entirely on subterfuge or raw telekinetic force in a fight - otherwise, she'd be helpless.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future?

Isabelle will grow able to control more and more illusions of greater sizes in tandem, as well as increase the weight limit on her telekinesis. In addition, she has a third power that has yet to manifest itself.


Daughter of Ena Duchesne and Jameson Clark, she and her siblings Ashlynne and JJ were born after an extremely accelerated gestation period that only lasted about a month of pregnancy. Upon being born, the triplets continued to age extremely quickly, growing to their current ages over the course of two weeks.

Izzy's snarky attitude showed itself from a young 'age', quickly becoming something of a prankster and occasionally bully to her siblings. The first power to present itself was her telekinesis - even as an infant, she and her brother and sister were already exhibiting mutant powers - followed by her illusion-making ability when she was roughly 7 or 8 'years old'.

When she was physically thirteen or fourteen, during a bit of roughhousing with her siblings, she fell and broke her right leg. Due to her accelerated aging, it was impossible to properly set the bone in time, and has a result has left her with what will likely be a permanent limp.

Now, having apparently stopped growing at a physical age of 18, her parents have enrolled her in Cobalt Academy, having a brilliant, well-developed mind despite her short two-week lifespan.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
-Has an extreme fondness for fruit, especially strawberries.
-Insatiable lust for knowledge, reading almost every waking hour of her day.
-Extreme distaste for physical activity, often using telekinesis for anything and everything she can.
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