Kim Soo-Hyun - Mega Gear

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Kim Soo-Hyun - Mega Gear

Post by Nightmare »

Player Nickname: Kim

Name: Kim, Soo-Hyun
Codename: No formal codename as of yet.
Age: 24
Date of Birth: 01 / 1996

Height: 5'8"
Weight: 160lbs.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Place of Origin: Seoul, South Korea
Nationality/Race: South Korean
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Refugee/Hopeful Trainee and team member
Occupation: I'm Rich Beyatch!

Personality Profile: Soo-Hyun or Kim as he's known in the states was born into wealth and grew up amidst affluence. He has known nothing else and has therefore suffered in his social aptitude with regard to interacting with people from almost any other class, even his own. His social skills leave almost everything to be desired but that doesn't mean he can't learn. He's very much a child in a mans body but he loves his video games and his classic toys almost to the point of reverence. This has only grown more now that he has gained the ability to mimic the abilities found within the video games he loves so very much. So he has made it his life's goal to collect every video game, and platform which he possibly can in order to broaden his powers and abilities in order to become the hero for the people that he very much wants to be. Though someone will have to figure out just how best to teach Kim that powers and money aren't the best or only way to influence people's hearts and minds for the long-term or for that matter the better. It seems simple but there is a long hill to climb with a man like Kim and it'll be an interesting journey for anyone who decides to join him on the way.

Physical Description:



General Power Information: Kim is able to play and see video games being played and so long as he can beat a "stage" or "mini-boss" of that game with a particular character he will be able to pick up their abilities and powers, these powers will last until he picks up another set of abilities but he is currently limited to only one character type at a time right no. Be it the arm cannon from Mega Man and whatever power ups he may have collected along the way, or maybe Street Fighter's Ryu and his Dragon Punch, Fireball, and Whirlwind Kick as well as fighting prowess. This means he is generally playing a video game at all times and loves to have a handheld video game console with him at all times or even some kind of phone game platform, after all some mobile game platforms allow for some rather ridiculous powers and abilities. Marvel fighters for instance.

Ability One: Power mimicry from video games which he plays, this is usually from video games though it may be possible to expand to movies in the future or even television shows, who knows with time and practice.

Ability Two: Currently he can only mimic the powers and abilities of one character and only one character for which he has become proficient by "beating a boss or mini-boss" of the game for which that character is attached to and achieving a proficient rank with when gaining it's rank assessment. It is not known if he will be able to combine abilities of more than one character or even be able to mimic the abilities of more than one character at a time, time will tell.

Ability Three: An ability of his own he is exceptionally proficient with hand/eye coordination to the point where it is nearly super human. He is able to practically predict the number of a die once it has been cast or the shape of a chosen hand gesture in a game of rock/paper/scissor as a more mundane example. As more impressive example he can keep track of multiple firearms and their shots, knowing how many rounds were fired and when they must reload, or keep track of when they ARE reloading as opposed to ducking for cover.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: It's important to understand that when Kim undertakes the abilities and powers of the characters in the video games that he also takes all of their weaknesses as well. If, for instance, he took Ryu as a character while he might have supernatural fighting power and exceptional damaging capability he is still human and can still die. Hope you don't get shot!

Another drawback, if someone else is familiar with the character or game he is emulating they can "counter" him by simply using the tagline of the characters rival. While it can be embarrassing, it is effective as it will strip Kim of his powers entirely for the next 60 seconds and he must "Refresh" his "energy bar" In this time he is a simple mortal man with no powers and no extra abilities and is effectively helpless.

Skills: Kim pays people to be skilled for him at many things, cooking, gardening, etc... effectively handling all of the mundane skills around him so that he can take care of improving his gaming skills, and gambling skills. That's right. One of the other skills he has is gambling and he loves the chance to improve those skills. He also loves watching Anime and has an almost catalog like knowledge base of it in his head. He hopes someday to be able to emulate the power and abilities of those he see's in Anime and it is his key goal at this time. Though a few skills he does have which he despises are the abilities to run a company, including advanced finances, dealing, stock brokering, and CEO level finance level skills from top finance companies of which his father had been the CEO of until he was murdered.

Background: Kim was set, he was set for life. He was the first born son of Kim Hwa-Joon CEO of a multi national Korean based finance company. He'd been brought up from childhood and groomed to be the next in line to take over the company along with his sister. As the son, though he'd been the one expected to take over no matter how much he hated the idea. For Kim his life long dream was video games and anime, of which his father felt was a waste of time and of his life. He was sent away to the best schools, he was kept at home and home schooled with the best tutors and for all his whining and irritation and outbursts he was an excellent student. After all, if he did not perform well he would not be able to do the things he loved best. It was on the eve of Kim's 23rd birthday the celebration was set and Kim walked into his father's office to find him dead on the floor, he had already taken a few steps through the blood that had soaked through the carpet of the office and he ran to his father checking him over by reflex by then the evidence if there had been any was ruined but Kim had spotted a figure from the corner of his eye leaving from the corner of the window of the sky scraper; a nearly impossible task. Kim ran to the window to look out of it and see just what or who had been there and that was when the explosion rocked the top of the tower and threw him from the building, it was a good thing he had just finished playing Strider, and while he hadn't known he had the powers just yet, he sure wished he did and that's when they awoke in him, the ability for multiple jumps and flash jumps to other locations, which he did straight to the flaming yet not quite collapsed roof and then began to run down the stairs as he pulled out his phone and dialed a number to an english financial contact of the company that handled people like him and they handled some money for as well, the call was short it was to a Sisip and the message was to the point.

"I am Kim Soo-Hyun. Someone has murdered my father, and is trying to kill me. Help." To the sound of raging fire and falling debri.

Criminal Record: None

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: As mentioned, Kim loves anime and will spend days on end watching and binging it if nothing comes up or if no one comes and bothers him. Otherwise he'll keep watching or be playing video games. Sure he'll keep fit and part of that is his diet, he is a pescatarian and very much loves his fish and kimchi stew.

Kim keeps extremely calm in dangerous situations often unsettling so. While everyone else is losing their minds Kim is calm as the eye of a storm It's pretty weird at times.
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