Trenton Marshall [Nightmare]

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Trenton Marshall [Nightmare]

Post by Nightmare »

Player Nickname: TentacleBeast

Name: Trenton Marshall
Codename: Nightmare
Age: 26
Date of Birth: 12-25
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 160 lbs.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Left glowing yellow and Right glowing red
Place of Origin: Chicago
Nationality/Race: Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant/Demon?

Status: Team Leader
Occupation: Writer/Artist

Personality Profile: For the most part Trent is a pretty laid back and simple guy. Went to school, minded his own business, wasn't even all that involved in politics and the like, but he loved literature and the way it challenged his imagination. Trent is your consummate introvert. Didn't go to parties much, didn't have a lot of girlfriends, he reads a lot, paints and draws.

Physical Description: Image


General Power Information: Nightmare Manifestation

Ability One: Nightmare manifestation - The ability to manifest and control/become the stuff of nightmares from his tortured mind. For now this translates into him turning into a large terrifying creature. Shadow manipulation and control of darkness. Teleportation via darkness and control of a realm known as Pandemonium assumed to be an "other" realm associated with Hell. This has brought suspicions that Trent has ties to demonic investments of some kind and is not actually a mutant but thus far no one has looked further into this. Recently he has gained tighter control on the Nightmare and while the risk is still there for him to lose control he is beginning to discover new ways to manipulate the nightmare, including creating small nightmare creatures whom seem to have an intelligence all of their own, they assist in simple tasks but enjoy the chance to spill blood and cause mayhem more than anything. It is suspected that these small nightmare creatures are manifestations of his repressed personality. What that could mean in the long run is anyone's guess.


Ability Two: Super strength - able to throw, wield and destroy objects with the equivalent of 15 tons, this strength grows exponentially in the presence of raw emotions such as fear, anger, rage, hate, and terror.

Ability Three: Constant healing factor, regenerates faster than normal healing all the time, heal flesh wounds instantly and broken bones in minutes, incredibly increased stamina, immune to disease and thus far resistant to age. His healing factor is amplified while in Nightmare form to allow for incredible recovery that can defy logic.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: He is constantly tormented by his nightmares, often a bit paranoid of the dark and things around the corner, his personality has somewhat separated and his powers manifest when his darker side comes out, generally under times of high stress or in a threatening environment. For this reason he tries to find outlets for his energy and ways to relax his mind. -- Susceptible to sources of intense light, a flashlight not so much, but a spotlight would burn him wherever it hits and can suppress his healing while in nightmare form.

Skills: Trent excels at writing as well as visual artistry, he also enjoys mountain climbing and has a thorough knowledge of survival and rock climbing.

Background: Trent was born to a middle upper class family, while it was certainly not wealth, Trent didn't really have to worry about much financially. He went to good schools, and even got into a rather prestigious university for the arts, sadly he was unable to finish his degree coursework. His powers manifested themselves after some girl trouble. See, he had been going out with a pretty talented and attractive sculptor, many would have said she was way out of his league and then one day he was called into the college security office and questioned on the recent death of his girlfriend. He had a perfectly good alibi, had never been in trouble and was an overall good student, but he wasn't in many clubs, didn't have a lot of friends and no one of influence to really vouch for him. While he was cleared legally of any involvement, the student body didn't really believe it and he'd received death threats, terrible letters and his phone and email were flooded with accusations. Eventually it became too much and he began to break down, with no one to turn to he became even more introverted, more closed off from the rest of life, spending his time in his books and paintings, until one day everything broke apart as he awoke in the middle of the night in the woods, covered in blood and surrounded by body parts. He couldn't recall what had happened but he knew he couldn't tell anyone. He'd gotten himself cleaned up, and the next day he took all of his things and dropped out of school. He returned home and spent his time locked in his room having a breakdown as his nightmares began to overwhelm him, he could only see what might have happened in his nightmares and the terrible thing he had become. He had thought them only dreams, vivid terrible dreams, that is until he woke one night to the screams of his mother and father huddled in a corner of the house, it was fleeting but he could still see that bestial form with horrible red eyes staring back at him in a mirror and it laughed at him before finally dissipating. It wasn't until later that his parents told him that the beast, was him. They tried to get him help, he'd been committed, given several drugs until finally a lawyer took pity on him and his case and found the Cobalt Hill sanctum. A court order was issued and he was delivered there for treatment and some might have hoped, training to control whatever it was that he had become.

Criminal Record: None - Officially

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Trent isn't really a heavy drinker but he does enjoy a good honey mead and often has a bottle of it stashed somewhere in his room. He likes to dress casually and comfortably, often preferring jeans and a t-shirt to much of anything else. He likes to try cooking at times but the few times he has, have usually ended up in disaster, he's even managed to somehow cause pasta to explode. Somewhat shy, he's not very outgoing and generally takes time to get used to, a dry sense of humor and quick wit tends to help keep people away. He isn't exactly the warmest person, but if you somehow make it into his tiny circle, you're in for good.
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