Becca Halloway

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Becca Halloway

Post by seldanna »

Player Nickname: seldanna

Name: Rebecca “Becca” Halloway
Codename: None
Age: 17
Date of Birth:

Height: 5.6
Weight: 127 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Place of Origin: Lancaster, PA
Nationality/Race: White
Classification/Origin of Powers: Metahuman

Status: Trainee
Occupation: Student.

Personality Profile: Becca is a very intelligent bubbly girl who is 50% sarcasm with a hint of sass and wit.

Physical Description:

General Power Information: F.I.S.S. Package - Becca’s body produces an unknown energy that gives her several abilities.

Ability One: Super Strength: Becca is strong enough to bench press about 6 tons or a full size truck.

Ability Two: Invulnerability: This is actually more like enhanced durability since her body can be damaged but is durable enough to take shots from most common small arms up to a shotgun or submachine gun fire. Becca is also resistant to heat in limited amounts though she could not stand up to a blow torch or a flamethrower.

Ability Three: Flight: The energy Becca’s body produces allows her to fly up to speeds of about 100 mph if she pushes the ability to its fullest.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:  Becca's body generates the energy all on its own, like a fusion reactor, her body generates the energy at a steady rate but she can drain this energy faster then she can generate it which can run down the battery. So Becca can produce a limitless supply of the energy that grants her her abilities, her body can only hold a finite amount of the energy at one time. This means that if she pushes her powers to much by doing thinks like throwing around cars like tonka toys or flying at max speed for an extended amount of time, will cause the energy to drain faster then it can replenish which will cause her to weaken to the point of exhaustion or passing out completely until her body has enough time to replenish the energy. Most of the time her energy will recharge in a couple hours, however if she drains herself completely, she will pass out for 24 to 48 hours.

Skills: Becca is incredibly intelligent and has actually graduated high school at the age of 16. She fluent in Spanish and French, she loves to cook and is actually really good at it, she is moderately skilled with a violin but she is learning.

Background: Ever done something even when you had been repeatedly told not to? That is how Rebecca Halloway ended up in this whole mess. Becca has always been a bit to curious for her own good which tended to lead her into places she should go, including abandoned government facilities. It has been a pretty normal night despite her strange location, she hadn't seen anything unusual and was actually about to head home when the floor gave way under her dropping her into a dank dark cobweb filled room filed with an unknown machine. Another lesson we should ways learn is don’t press the big button… Becca must have skipped that class as well. Becca doesn't really remember much beyond hearing a high pitched whine followed by the strange violet light which was quickly followed by extreme pain then blackness. When the curious girl finally woke up, she was pinned to the ground by something heavy and in a moment of extreme panic, she pushed off the ground which sent the offending item, which just so happened to be a large piece of reinforced concrete, flying across the room trashing what was left of the machine that miraculously seemed to have granted the young girl super powers. Well you know what follows, a montage of training and lies which ended with Becca having semi control of her powers and parents who though their only child was on drugs. Took Becca two weeks to prove that she was not on drugs and another 4 to agree to allow her to enroll in Salem State University. Of course, they had no way of knowing that she would also be going to a certain sanctum for the gifted.

Criminal Record: None

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Becca has a bit of a fascination with superheroes and is a bit of a fangirl when it comes to them. Becca loves to read and is a fount of useless information and trivia.
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