James Marshall [NPC - Salem Police - Supernatural Division]

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James Marshall [NPC - Salem Police - Supernatural Division]

Post by madnessarrow »

Player Nickname: James Marshall

Name: James Theodore Marshall
Codename: n/a
Age: 34
Date of Birth: May 26th

Height: 6'2
Weight: 179
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Place of Origin: Salem, Mass
Nationality/Race: Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Human

Status: Other
Occupation: Salem Police Department, Supernatural Division, Lead Detective

Personality Profile: An above average IQ, Officer Marshall's biggest concern is serving his community above all else. He has an incredibly flexible paradigm that allows him to adapt to strange and unusual situations without the standard pause for evaluations. He has a strict code of ethics and sees the world mainly in black and white.

Physical Description:



General Power Information: Peak Human

Ability One: James possesses physical strength superior to that of any Olympic athlete that has ever competed. He is as physically strong as a human can be without being classified as superhuman, enabling him to lift up to 800 lbs. James can run and move at speeds that are beyond that of any Olympic athlete in history, though he can't move at a superhuman rate. James' highly developed musculature generates less fatigue toxins than the musculature of most other humans, granting him phenomenal endurance. He could exert himself at peak capacity for several hours without rest before showing any signs of fatigue. While James is as susceptible to injury and disease as any normal human, he is naturally tougher and recovers faster and more extensively from injuries or disease. James' agility, balance, and bodily coordination are at the pinnacle of human capability and conditioning. He is as agile as a normal human can be without being classified as superhuman. James' reflexes are similarly honed and are superior to those of any Olympic athlete in history.

Ability Two: Flexible Paradigm: Unlike most humans, James just gets things. While most people struggle with new concepts or information that conflicts with previous or long standing believes. When present with indisputable facts, James can expect them without need for reflection or reevaluation.

Ability Three: Deception Detection: James is able to recognize micro-expressions as well as facial deception in relation to emotional expressions on a persons face within the space of 1/100 of a second. Through seminars and courses he has refined his natural ability into a talent for spotting deception. Not a true lie detector, but accurate to about 86%. While this ability can be learned by almost anyone. James has a natural instinct for it and has a way of seeing 'the whole picture' rather than just portions of it.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: James is still human and as such can be over powered by blows, gases, and other mundane dangers. While none of his abilities are extraordinary, being able to recognize deceit in everyone around him has made Jim a little bitter. Even small white lies often times pop up and as such he doesn't bother getting too close to people. This has prevented him from having any meaningful long term relationship and a such that energy is dedicated to his job.

Skills: James has a list of skills that relate to his job as an officer as well as some eclectic skills that he has picked up that include; driving(tactics and pursuit), interview/interrogation techniques, handguns, shot guns, assault rifles, CQC, Krav Maga, basic forensics, basic chemistry, modern occult lore, symbolism, first aid, and hostage negotiation techniques.

He is also adept as small engine repair and household electronics.

Background: James Marshall is the younger of three brother and the son of a police detective. His mother was a typical stay at home nurturer but tough as you had to be raising three boys. As the youngest James had it the strictest suffering from the mistakes his older brother made. All while getting into his own trouble.

James rebelled against his fathers image to a greater degree than this bothers. As each found success and gained the affections of his parents, he took so small and petty crimes, fighting, and even associated with some rather unsavory characters.

A smart enough kid he had no problems in school and maintained high marks all throughout his schooling. His older brothers chose different paths one becoming a lawyer the other an architect. James followed in his fathers foot steps. James broke into a pharmacy with the intent of acquiring the narcotics to sell on the street.

After the escape, James and his associated engaged in a rather heated argument over whether to sell the drugs or simply consume them personally. In the heat of the moment his former friend shot him and fled with the drugs. The shots attached attention from neighbors who called the police and eventually the paramedics. When James recovered he swore to his father that he would never take a bullet again, unless it was to save a life.

James graduated with high marks and quickly gained rank within the Salem Police Department. During the events of the Fae invasion James headed a committee for dealing with supernatural events. Eventually culminating into the Supernatural Investigations Department, or SID for short. While not put in charge of the Department he was quickly promoted to Lead Detective and is given a very large amount of leeway from his Lieutenant.

Criminal Record: None.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Jim is left handed, does not enjoy sports, and has given up on the idea of finding a romantic partner.
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Re: James Marshall [NPC - Salem Police - Supernatural Divisi

Post by Goldbolt »

Moving to denied for the time being, if you would like to still play, please send a private message upon your return.
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