James Mallory [Medical Support Staff]

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James Mallory [Medical Support Staff]

Post by madnessarrow »

\Player Nickname: James`Mallory

Name: Dr. James Bradley Mallory PsyD., M.D.
Codename: Ankou, Doctor Malady, Doc
Age: 109 (appears 30)
Date of Birth: April 14th 1907, current record April 14th 1982

Height: 5'11
Weight: 174
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Place of Origin: Highgate, London
Nationality/Race: British, American Immigrant
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Faculty, Medical Support Staff
Occupation: Psychiatrist, Surgeon, Biologist, Scientist, Teacher.

Personality Profile: James is ambitious, self-confident, and deliberate. James' primary mode of living is focused internally, where he takes things in primarily via his intuition. His secondary mode is external, where he deals with things rationally and logically.

James lives in the world of ideas and strategic planning. He values intelligence, knowledge, and competence, and has high standards in these regards, which he continuously strives to fulfill. James focuses his energy on observing the world, and generating ideas and possibilities. His mind constantly gathers information and makes associations about it. He is tremendously insightful and is very quick to understand new ideas. However, his primary interest is not understanding a concept, but rather applying that concept in a useful way. He is driven to come to conclusions about ideas. His need for closure and organization usually requires that he take some action.
Physical Description: Image


General Power Information: James is mutant with Intuitive Genius and Enhanced Vision. He has chemically augmented himself to peak human condition.

Ability One: Intuitive Genius: Rather than working a problem out step by step, in his conscious mind, James can instead subconsciously solve a problem by means that appear to be leaps of logic, and he himself may not be consciously aware of the entire process by which he used to solve the problem. This power allows James to instinctively know and understand the potential and functional operations of any machine, technological device, biological form, chemical, energy, or matter in his visual range that operates on a scientific level.

Ability Two: Molecular Sight: James can generate a molecular scanning field which allows him to probe people and objects down to the atomic level, analyzing the composition of their physical structures beyond the skin level perceiving muscles and organs, detecting foreign particles or bodies, and cataloging flaws or abnormalities in their formation. This ability appears to be psychic in nature and does not emit any specific type of electromagnetic radiation.

Ability Three: Chemical Augmentation: Through the application of various chemicals Mallory has rendered himself immune to all known earthly disease, halted the aging process, and inhibited the production of fatigue toxins granting him unlimited physical stamina. He is in the peak physical condition of an average male, in his mid twenties, who engages in moderate regular exercise.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:

Arrogance: James has an infallible opinion of himself and is nearly incapable of accepting that a situation is not under his immediate control. This causes him to be extremely impulsive, not thinking before plunging into a potentially dangerous situation, making it relatively easy to lure him into a trap. Remaining confident, even still, that he could escape.

Chemical Dependence: Mallory's physical well-being depends on regular injections of various chemicals. While these chemicals keep him in his peak physical condition, without them his physical and mental well being would begin to decline. He requires regular injections several times a week, more often if his physical abilities are tasked considerably.

Short-term Memory Functionality: While James has the potential to instantly become proficient in any subject, he does not actually posses a mental memory of this information. As such he must still actively engage in learning in order to consciously retain, and thus recover, knowledge. (Ex. While viewing alien technology he would be able to use it, but be unable to explain how it works, and when removed from his presence he would be unable to instruct someone else in how to operate it.)

Genius-Level Intellect: Mallory is a scientific genius, both learned and instinctive; with expertise in various fields of science, all levels of physics, engineering (including mechanical, genetic and electrical engineering) and more. He can invent various devices with special properties when needed. While not all of his inventions are as good as others made by Mechanical Intuitives, he possesses engineering abilities and intellect that makes him a peer and he is able to invent and create weaponry that rivals their engineering capabilities. Mallory can duplicate practically any other technologies after learning how they work or by studying their designs.

Genius-Level Geneticist: Mallory is a genius and a geneticist of the highest order, able to predict genetic mutations and splice DNA. He is an expert on the art of cloning and also on mutants, with vast knowledge of powers, genes and more due to the thousands of samples of mutant DNA he has access to.

Genius-Level Chemist: Mallory possesses an immense knowledge of chemistry and the side-effects of drugs on humans and animals. The Solider Formula enhanced Mallory's mental capacities and creative talents. Aside from his physical advantages, the serum also greatly enhanced Mallory's already gifted intellect, making him a true genius capable of making progress in advanced areas of genetics, robotics, engineering, and applied chemistry that most professional scientists can scarcely comprehend.

Military Training: Mallory is a seasoned unarmed- and armed-combat expert and is trained in Hapkido and Krav-Maga. He is an exceptional marksman of every type of firearm and is ambidextrous in this respect. He is skilled in sharpshooting and knife throwing as well. Mallory is proficient in driving cars, motor cycles, Trucks, Tanker, helicopters, motor boats, sub marines, and some types of trains and utility vehicles.

Mallory was born into a large and wealthy Methodist family in Highgate, London. His father was a City broker, his mother was the daughter of a Methodist minister from a family of wealthy Welsh brewers. He spent the majority of his childhood happy and healthy, all thought he struggled with depression from a young age. His naturally gifted intellect reflected in his early academic carrier. Mallory's intuition would instinctively drive him into the medical field, though it would be years before he would understand the reason.

Upon graduation Mallory went to the Leys School in Cambridge and then studied medicine at St John's College. He excelled academically and played rugby for St John's College and was president of Cambridge University Medical Society. Mallory obtained a rugby scholarship to complete his medical education at St Mary's Hospital.

His father lost most of his money in the depression in the late 1920s and the scholarship allowed Mallory to continue his medical education. After qualifying as a doctor he worked as a house-surgeon and house physician at St Mary's and looked set for a successful career as a physician. But in 1934, four years after qualifying as a doctor, a nervous breakdown and spell in a mental hospital interrupted his plans.

After his recovery, Mallory worked as a locum at Hanwell Hospital, and then for a while helped his brother-in-law at his Nottingham general practice, before deciding on a career in psychiatry. In 1935 he was offered a post at the Maudsley Hospital. Soon after he arrived at the Maudsley, Mallory was involved in testing amphetamine as a new treatment for depression and took it himself while studying for the diploma in psychological medicine. This would lead Mallory to take a variety of drugs to treat his depression throughout his life.

In 1938, Mallory was awarded a Rockefeller Fellowship to spend a year at Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts. On a visit to Washington he arranged to meet Walter Freeman and see three of his patients who had undergone psycho-surgical operations. Although the results were not altogether successful, Mallory resolved to introduce the operation into Britain.

On the outbreak of war in September 1939, Mallory returned to Britain and enrolled with the Royal Army Medical Corps. While the age cut off had been established at 30, special exemptions were made for Mallory due to his peak physical health and medical experience. He would serve Britain and its interests for six long years before returning to civilian life.

Mallory worked at various forward field hospitals with the Armoured Medical Regiment, administering aide to fallen soldiers. Witnessing the horrors of the battle field through this very specific lens he would eventually step forward and volunteer his considerable knowledge to the Biomedical Science team creating both offensive and defensive chemical counter agents.

He also worked on a functional flechette gun to replace the need for excessive use of aerosol chemical weapons. The project was dumped due to the high demand for skilled labor in prepping each round and the guns minimal effective range. Several of the prototypes were kept by Mallory and he has altered the design over the years as technology has evolved.

His time spent at war challenged his belief in the Hippocratic Oath. On fours separate occasions he was asked to aid in taking the life of prominent military officers. Each time, he answered the call with grim determination. This earned him the nickname Ankou, or Grim Reaper. He was eventually discharged with high honors and was allowed to return to civilian life. Though he left the battlefield behind, he never came to complete terms with the war that raged across his soul.

In 1947, he was invited to spend a year as a visiting professor of psychiatry at Duke University eventually being offered the position of head of the department of psychological medicine at Bellvue teaching hospital in New York. Mallory would Immigrate to the United States and stay at Bellvue for almost 30 years, building the department up into an "active treatment, teaching and research unit".

In 1950 his work during the War was re-invigorated when in a joint collaboration with Johns Hopkins University, led to the development of the Direct Injection Antipersonnel Chemical Biological Agent (DIACBA), where flechettes were grooved, hollow pointed, or otherwise milled to retain a quantity of chemical biological warfare agent to deliver through a ballistic wound. The initial work was with VX, which had to be thickened to deliver a reliable dose. Eventually this was replaced by a particulate carbamate. The US Biological Program also had a microflechette to deliver either botulinum toxin A or saxitoxin, the M1 Biodart, which resembled a 7.62 mm rifle cartridge. The project was inevitably abandoned, but Mallory kept several different prototypes to add to his growing collection of weapons.

In 1953, Mallory was approached by government representatives for project MK-ULTRA, an early testing ground for supernatural abilities. While working for the Scientific Intelligence Division, Mallory would expand his professional view dramatically. Working on several projects he began the slow process of collecting a vast database of genetic material in an attempt to discern a pattern.

In 1965, Mallory took his research to new heights working on a super solider program. He created a serum that when regularly applied, kept a being in peak physical condition and counter acted both the aging process as well as other foreign chemicals. The Government rejected this formula due to is inherent costs, as each solider would require regular injections.

In 1973, after the project was shut down, Mallory used his own serum to reverse the aging process and returned himself to a younger, more vital age, then slowed his own aging process to a crawl. Mallory then traveled the world deepening his understanding of genetics, biology, medicine, and pharmacology. He turned to the diaspora of the world, traveling far in order to offer free medical services.

Mallory would utilize both his skills as a doctor and as an agent of war in order to help restructure the balance of suffering in the world. His travels took him from the fields of Africa down to the depths of South America. Mallory would spend years searching for a purpose and an answer to a question he hardly knew existed.

At the turn of the century, Mallory would return to society falsifying a new identity and attending medical college at Bellvue Teaching Hospital, returning to the very same buildings he help create. During his second tour of college Mallory would branch out from what he already knew and explored other areas of theoretical science, math, and physics, all while re-acquiring his medical, psychiatric, and biology degrees.

In 2004, Mallory would being publishing papers on the variations of mental development of humans with special abilities. The project was to determine if possessing power such as mutations, or other supernatural abilities, caused the increased number of narcissistic and sociopathic personality disorders, or if it was a reaction to social antagonism during the adolescent stage of mental development. The papers would cover a wide variety of topics including ethical dilemmas a teen might face when presented with extraordinary abilities, as well as the sense of rejection a youth my experience when an outwardly physical mutation causes them to appear fundamentally different.

Mallory became an expert on mutant development, psychoses, and behavior. Mallory posited that mutants were unique in that mutant abilities had a tendency to cultivate extreme personality disorders, something he theorized had to do with trauma during the adolescent stage of development. He began publishing papers on C.B.T.(Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) engineered for mutants and other beings with supernatural or preternatural abilities.

In 2008, for his PhyD, he wrote a paper addressing the psychological evolution of super powered beings, and the advent of sociopathy, due to the lack of human predators. The paper addressed both the concept that Sociopathy was a form of psychological evolution, and held that the presence of superhuman abilities mainly caused beings who possessed this trait to act on their impulses rather than suppress them like most people. This drew attention from many different government and private sector organizations, in no small part due to him graduating 4 years ahead of his class.

Shortly after graduating, he was consulted by a Pharmaceutical Company to create a benzodiazepine compliment that would aide in reducing involuntary ability triggers and help reduce the stress often caused by the burden of having abilities. The drug has not yet been cleared by the FDA for human/mutant trials. Mallory left the project due to personal concerns.

In 2010, Mallory opened a small psychiatric facility in New York, New Path Clinic, aiming to get directly involved with people. He gathered several other psychologists, nurses, and doctors who shared in his beliefs. They offered their services to mutants and relatives of mutants, as well as law enforcement and private sector business. However, that did not prove to be enough.

Mallory's work at New Path slowly altered the way he saw the world. Surrounding himself with all the pain and suffering the world inflicted on mutants both physically and mentally. Trying to prove that he held the answers to the mutant-human conflict, Mallory worked obsessively to find ways to make a unified societal structure. While maintaining his patient load, assisting his staff and local law enforcement, and teaching classes for mutant relations and affairs.

In order to prove his methods worked he became more and more involved to the point of excluding his own colleagues. Focusing only on his work he continued to take on more and more, never backing down and never asking for help. Devoting everything to work he slowly found himself without time and without energy to meet the demands he had created on himself.

Nearing a critical level of burnout, Mallory armed with his own superior intellect and experience, took to self reflection and, rather than risking permanent burn out, released his firm grip on the functions of his Clinic and responsibility, much to the relief of his co-workers, staff, colleges, and friends. Further more, his overly clinical approach left him feeling mechanical rather than personal, the very goal he had sought after in founding the clinic.

Leaving the facility to operate under the direction of a fellow colleague he took a sabbatical. Once again he found himself traveling the world seeking some sort of inspiration. Years before, he had come to the realization that he could functionally live forever; but he wasn't sure that something he really wanted. Mallory wander for a time, easily finding working for such an over qualified medical mind. Working at clinics and even spending a few months as an E.M.T.

But it was the rush of battle and the excitement of the field of war that called to him. Two years ago Mallory was employed by the FBI as a consultant and expert witness in crimes related to mutant or super powered individuals. He was also consulted over the interdepartmental utilization of mutants within government organizations. He was offered a position within the FBI and has undergone FBI training at Quantico.

After 8 months with the Bureau he felt his skill set was better served else where. He left on good terms and still often consults on special cases. And through the advice of a colleague, Mallory headed for Salem in order to make contact with the META Facility Cobalt Sanctum. While Mallory was content to return to New York as a Doctor, he was told that he might find a bit more excitement, and possibly a new found sense of purpose, among the refugee and detainees.

Criminal Record: None.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:

James has almost completely lost his accent due to years of social blending. Occasionally, he will let a tell-tale colloquialism slip.

James is a licensed Psychiatrist and a Biologist, possessing a Medical Doctorate, Doctorate in Psychology, and a Doctorate in Biology. He is certified with the A.P.A. and the A.M.A. He has a specialized Biology degree in the field of Teratology.

Mallory's falsified his own death record in 1973 at the age of 66. His official cause of death is listed as heart failure.

In college, the both times, he collected autographs of famous medical doctors.

James has a soft spot for 'bad science' movies. While outwardly he will point out every possible flaw. The imaginative nature of such outlandish 'science' often brings a childish smile to his face, and can sometimes lead to just a touch of inspiration.

Mallory occasionally makes use of a self designed pneumatic semi-automatic flechette pistol which launches medical grade needles filled with various chemical mixtures to sedate or kill his opponents. The guns are collapsible and can be reduce down into component parts that are not readily identifiable as weapons grade. Each gun has a 15 round capacity with a CO2 charge that last for 30 shots. He keeps at least one in his doctors bag(collapsed) at all times.
Last edited by madnessarrow on Tue Mar 08, 2016 4:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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