Jalen Morgan

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Jalen Morgan

Post by Derek25 »

Player Nickname:Derek
Name:Jalen Morgan
Codename: Flash Bang
Age: 23
Date of Birth:06/17/1991
Hair Color: blonde
Eye Color: brown
Place of Origin: Ohio
Classification/Origin of Powers:Metahuman
Occupation: Cook
Personality Profile: Jalen is an honest individual in most regards and is often just striving to better himself. He comes off as cold due to the fact that he has to keep his raging power
under control. He believes strongly that if he lets go he will destroy things and people he cares about. In some ways he is ruled by fear and that keeps him from realizing his true potential.

Physical Description:
http://s760.photobucket.com/user/Asron2 ... ort=3&o=29
http://s760.photobucket.com/user/Asron2 ... ort=3&o=73
http://s760.photobucket.com/user/Asron2 ... ort=3&o=76
http://s760.photobucket.com/user/Asron2 ... ort=3&o=36

General Power Information: Jalen's powers are three fold though he is not 100% control of all of them. He absorbs the energy around him and that is fuels the power of his fire manipulation, though he always has his lighter in a pinch for certain moments. He does have a decent bit of fire control such as amplifying or decreasing it but that is something he has to put serious effort
into maintaining for long or drawing forth at all.

Ability One: Energy Absorbstion. This is Jalen's main power, it is broad spectrum energy absorbtion and is used the most often. While he can use it to fuel his second power he also is capable of using it to sustain himself for a time though how long that is is anyones guess as he is still learning how to use his abilities.

Ability Two:Fire Manipulation: Without fire or energy of some kind Jalen can not use this power in anyway, though he does have his lighter for some of this. While he can use energy to fuel this power it is not a heavily controlled thing by any means. His control comes in his careful manipulation of the flame, and overcharging the flame can lead to disastrous things. When his emotions are on the high end they begin to fuel his powers but control is lessened. On a scale of 1 to 10 this power is at a 3. 1 being the weakest and 10 the strongest.

Ability Three:Fire Control: This is Jalen's ability to control the intensity of the flame. While he is capable of such he is wary to use this ability due to the unpredicatable nature of it due to his lack of control. He can do minor things with it, changing the color and making it slightly hotter but too much use will cause him to begin losing control and the energy built up will begin to leak out of him in unpredictable ways. This could in theory be used as an attack of sorts but for now he has NO control over releasing his energy in an explosion of power or such.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: He loses emotional control, will feel weakend as if he needs to eat, anxiety, panic attacks, and may become irritable as well. Also the obvious weaknesses of ice and water.

Skills: Cooking, Math, Tai Chi as a form of excercise and martial art along with using a quarterstaff in the martial art.

Background: Jalen was a normal kid till about 17 when his home blew up in a fire, ever since he began to develop abnormalities. This came to the attention of certain individuals in the medical profession who "adopted" him but in truth they took him for experimentation. Since then they have modified his cellular structure to absorb energy and to allow him to have a certain degree of control over energy though it is almost solely flames. This caused him to lose all contact with the outside world and he was labeled as a runaway not even bothering to become emancipated he seemed to completely vanish. When he escaped the scientists he began to hide and run. Although he had been isolated for a great time the experiment had had an unfortunate effect on him. He had begun to develop certain side effects such as an irritable nature or depression at times. Some might mistake this for Aspergers or some mental illness of sort though minor it might be. While on the run he heard about Cobalt hill and made his way towards there with all possible speed.
Criminal Record: None. He's been missing for 6 years.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: No more quirks to mention at this time other than what has already been mentioned.
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