Sayge / Dawn Midnightslayer

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Sayge / Dawn Midnightslayer

Post by Sisip »

Okay, so it was relayed to me that this tart is RPing without a character sheet.

She knows we require one. She's been fussing about it, about not being inspired, for about a month now (at least).

So she hops in and hits on Vile's character.

I will be talking to her when I see her come online.

It doesn't take much. We allow people to RP even with a bare minimum sheet. She can get off her ass and give us one or she can fuck off.

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Re: Sayge / Dawn MidnightBreaker

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From Vile:
[22:15] <Sunder> okay, can't find it. dawn submitted anywhere?
[22:18] <Dawn_Midnightslayer> been redoing it
[22:19] <Sunder> Ahh, well then i'm not blind then. Just like reading char sheets
[22:19] <Dawn_Midnightslayer> nope, not blind
[22:20] <Kyrstin> yet
[22:20] <Dawn_Midnightslayer> been poked at to play for months, so getting around to it now
Sunder mentioned it to her last evening apparently and she got obviously defensive.

So I'll speak to her, politely, today. Offer her assistance. Remind her that unless she has a sheet, she can't RP.
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Re: Sayge / Dawn Midnightslayer

Post by Sisip »

[19:39] <Sisip> Hey there :) I saw that you were RPing last night, which is awesome, but I'd really appreciate it if you created a character sheet for everyone to refer to. :)
[19:41] <Sayge> definitely
[19:42] <Sisip> Excellent. :) I look forward to seeing it. ^_^
[19:43] <Sayge> looks more like a bullet point presentation at the moment then actually writing, but ill tr to make something out of it
[19:43] <Sayge> hoping to have a chance to work on it tomorrow
[19:44] <Sisip> If you use our form it's pretty much fill in the blanks. :) And getting a general idea is great to start, we can work with you after we see the basic idea.
[19:53] <Sayge> speaking of which, never did see sunders on there
[19:55] <Sisip> Yeah... he's there ... ?f=27&t=82
[19:55] <Sisip> Everyone who RP's here is required to have a sheet. ^_^
[19:55] <Sayge> hmm. some how missed that one
[19:56] <Sayge> oh, i know
[20:20] <Sayge> how are things going for you today?
[20:21] <Sisip> Going pretty well, thank you. :)

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Re: Sayge / Dawn Midnightslayer

Post by Sisip »

[13:39] <Sayge> still need to fix that character sheet link on the site
[13:41] <@SisipWork> Which link would that be again?
[13:41] <Sayge> character creation rules page
[13:42] <@SisipWork> Ah. Yeah. You can still find the items on the Forum by clicking the Forum link, which does work. ;)
[13:42] <becka> nods
[13:42] <Sayge> yah... still need to fix it though
[13:43] <@SisipWork> Well aware. It will get fixed when I have a chance to get to going through the html. In the meantime you can use the Forums to help create your character sheet.
[13:44] <@SisipWork> Since we're discussing things that 'need' to be done.
[13:46] <Sayge> mmhmmm
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Re: Sayge / Dawn Midnightslayer

Post by Sisip »

I'm not a very patient person.

Sayge has until Sunday March 1st 2015 to get a basic character sheet up. Even if it needs work.

I need to see effort on her part.

IF SHE ROLEPLAYS before posting a sheet - she's done. She's been spoken to, she's well aware.

I don't like slamming the hammer down, but this has been a struggle since day one of her showing up.
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Re: Sayge / Dawn Midnightslayer

Post by Sisip »

[20:13] <Sayge> hmm. wonder if it is okay for me to pop in again
[20:13] * Dillon in one bite ;-;
[20:14] <Mib> Ok heres redo number two
[20:14] <Mib> And hello there sayge
[20:15] * becka thinks on how to enter play the most effectivly
[20:15] <Dillon> post a sheet first, Sayge. please.
[20:15] <Sayge> yah yah.. working on it
[20:16] <Dillon> looking good, Mib.
[20:16] <Mib> wooo, any critiques?
[20:17] <@Sisip> ... mpe629.jpg
[20:17] <@Sisip> <3
[20:17] * @Sisip clicks on the sheet to preview!
[20:17] <Sayge> still have to drawn the character too
[20:18] <@Sisip> Well, if we don't see a basic sheet by at least Sunday you don't have to worry about it. :)
[20:22] <Sayge> sunday?
Then in private:
[20:23] <Sisip> Yes, I would appreciate seeing one by Sunday. You've been lurking in the room for quite some time, and I get having no inspiration, but you were inspired to RP with no sheet at all, and if two newcommers to the room itself can manage it in less than week I'm sure you can whip something up.
[20:24] <Sayge> ah, yah, been working on it today
[20:24] <Sayge> i am not much of a polific writer
[20:24] <Sayge> hence I always challenged myself with text games to become better
[20:25] <Sisip> It doesn't have to be a master piece. We just need a general idea that we can then work with you on as part of the process.
[20:27] <Sayge> sorry for the trouble
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Re: Sayge / Dawn Midnightslayer

Post by Sisip »

[18:50] <Sayge> yah, had another character pop up as I was trying shoe horn my other one into the character sheet
[18:50] <Sayge> er, character idea
I enjoy the negative connotation of her having to 'shoe horn' her character into our restrictive forms.
[18:55] <Sayge> fleshing out a background and character sketches that not happy with yet
[18:56] <@Sisip> Just remember, Sayge, that an indepth background can be worked on during approval process, and sketches can always wait until you get a better feel for her.
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Re: Sayge / Dawn Midnightslayer

Post by Sisip »

[19:11] <Sayge-AFK> i has sheet?
[19:12] <Sayge-AFK> I still finishing sketches though
[19:12] <Sayge-AFK> also register on the site
[19:43] <Sayge>
[19:45] <Sisip> Great! Please post it on the forums! :)
[19:46] <Sayge> okay
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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