Insaniac by MarloCross(*)

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Insaniac by MarloCross(*)

Post by Remu »

IRC Nickname: Insaniac (Created by Marlo Cross for Public Use)

Name: Edwin Lewis Resnick
Known Aliases: Insaniac
Age: 36 but is physically 41 and Mentally fluctuates between 10 and 50
Date of Birth: February 10th, 1974
Hometown: Aurora, Illinois

Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 122 lbs
Hair Color: Bald
Eye Color: Brown
Nationality/Race: American/Caucasian

Occupation: Former Psychic Problem Solver for the Mafia, Entropy Fanatic

Criminal Record: Suspected of Criminal Tampering involving Mind Control

Personality Profile: Insaniac's recent ordeal with his Pulse Extract Harness and a botched memory wipe has left his mind a shattered mess of memories from every person he's ever wiped. He revels in entropy for it's own sake and thinks chaos and mayhem are acceptable pastime activities.

Physical Description: he is skinny and almost emaciated looking. His head is bald, due to his mutation and his eyes are a bit smaller than normal. he wears a gas mask looking helmet that guides a feed tube into the back of his head. This allows his pulse extract to hit his brain directly. The rest of his outfit is a black Gothic long-coat that hugs his curled skeletal frame underneath
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Mutation/Powers: Memory Manipulation

Primary: Memory Scanning: This is the most difficult to do for most of his powers. The person can be awake, which is harder, or asleep. When awake, Insaniac must verbally coax the subject into thinking about the memory, or something connected with it. If he wants to erase your marriage and make you think you were single, He would ask a series of questions, usually about how you met your spouse or your wedding day. Once he locks onto the correct memory, he can trace the significance of that memory through the course of your entire life, even the things you do not remember. Technically we remember everything, we simply cannot recall it. If done when the person is asleep, it is 5X faster because you subconscious is in control, making your mind an open book. when asleep, Insaniac can assess any memory string in seconds.

Secondary: Memory Altering: this is very time consuming. For time purposes, Every second of Memory takes 5 times that to alter it. A half hour conversation with grandma will take 2c1/2 hours to alter. This is why he prefers his subjects or victims to be sedated with his own special brew. This process is reversible by an experienced psychic who can reinstate the dormant memory with some lingering attachment to the fabricated one. Insaniac can simply erase his fabricated memories with no ill effects.

Tertiary: Memory Suppression: The human brain is very under utilized. The Open 90% of out brain is Insaniac's dumping grounds. By altering the neural chemistry in a person's brain, he can hide memories. It is important to remember he cannot destroy memories, just mask them with another.

Quaternary: Amnesia: As It sounds, Insaniac, at severe risk to himself, can instantly 'erase' any person's memories and effectively make them a blank slate. They will be able to talk and walk but motor skills and recall of anything else will be impaired. This is fixed the same way altered Memories are.

NOTE: Due to his new addiction to a fast acting Pulse derivative, Insaniac's powers are far more erratic and potent. His mental state is also deteriorating quickly.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses: The prolonged use of his powers has stricken Eddie Resnick with hyper-tension, migraines and Ulcers. He is on several medications for those ailments, but sees the giant bank account balance he has as welcomed reason for agony. Using his amnesia power will cause nose bleeds and, in subjects older than him by 15 or more years, he will experience a grand mal seizure which can be fatal. So far, he has been lucky.

as far as power drawbacks, Insaniac cannot change how a person felt, only what they perceive. Take a Memory where a Woman fights verbally with her husband. Insaniac puts in the memory of a savage beating. In her subconscious she relives all of her memories up to that point. Insaniac has to follow along, reading those memories to slowly alter them to fit the bruises on her face. The Next day she maybe visited her mother. He has to build another memory to fit what her other might do. This is why it takes so long. He must relive their lives from where their memory he altered starts.

Background: Eddie's powers manifested at the age of 13. After failing a math test, Eddie's strict mother sent him to his room. as the family slept, he unconsciously surfed his mother's memories in her sleep and altered the day's memory. When he awoke on Saturday, his loving mother took him to the Park to fly kites. She was so proud of her son.

Quirks/Extras: Edwin Lewis Resnick has a degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Anesthesiology which he uses to create his cocktails. Ones that make a person enter REM sleep longer but do not impede dreaming. Recently, Eddie has been working on the Extracted key ingredient of Pulse, much to it's maker's chagrin, and has built a delivery system to enhance his powers
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