Alexia Rinaldi [Chill]

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Alexia Rinaldi [Chill]

Post by Remu »

Player Nickname: AnE / Chill

Name: Alexia Rinaldi
Codename: Chill
Age: 23
Date of Birth: February 28th

Height: 5'4"
Weight: 120 lbs.
Hair Color: Platinum Blonde
Eye Color: Pale Blue
Place of Origin: Rochester, NY
Nationality/Race: Black/Italian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Resident
Occupation: Dancer / Trust fund baby

Personality Profile: Alexia is rather up-and-down; her highs are high, her lows are low, and she clutches her grudges in an iron grip. Frequently curt and sarcastic, sometimes snide, and a bit of a brat when she has the energy for it. When she lacks the energy, she can be tolerable, if coolly polite. Alexia is known at times to be contrary, difficult, quietly argumentative, and generally blunt. This is typically attributed to insecurities about numerous faults within herself, but she isn't one to talk about feelings much so it rarely, if ever, seems to come up, and seems far from being resolved.

Physical Description: Alex seems to have embraced her more youthful appearance, able to pass for a person a few good years younger than her twenty-three turnings, but with an average, well-rounded physique. A head full of nape-length platinum blonde hair contrasts with a tawny brown complexion, with a few freckles sprinkled across her nose. Being gender-fluid (but primarily identifying as female), she'll seem like night and day when presenting herself as female or male. As a male, he'll be comfortable in jeans, skate shoes and a beanie, but when presenting as female, you'll rarely find her without a liberal application of cherry red lipstick and dramatic eyeshadow, black liner and mascara. There are a few tattoos on her person, her ears are pierced several times over, and she sports both a tongue and nose stud, rings in her left eyebrow, and snakebites.


General Power Information: Ice Princex

Ability One: Cryokinesis - Alexia is able to generate and manipulate ice. This includes pulling moisture from the air and freezing it, forming ice into different shapes, control it through seemingly telekinetic means, and even making snow fall. The limit on this power is line of sight, and she can keep it going until the point of dehydration, at which point it will cease working simply to keep her body from losing water.

Ability Two: Frostform - By converting every molecule of her body into that of water, Alexia has the ability to shapeshift into a form made of pure ice. While a humanoid, ice version of herself is the most common transformation, she can take on any shape that she can imagine. However, any shape does not mean any size; she is naturally restricted by her own mass. This ability can also be used for the use of bursting into snow, which serves no real purpose but for a dramatic exit. While transformed, she loses the ability to manipulate any ice or cold outside of her own body.

Ability Three: Thermokinesis - Alexia has the ability to lower the temperature within a maximum 20-foot radius. It can go as low as 10 degrees below 0 Fahrenheit. This change can linger for as long as an hour after she has exited an hour. While she can reverse the effects, she is unable to raise the temperature beyond its original starting point. This also enables her to drop the temperature around herself but keep it comfortable within her immediate vicinity.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
  • Unlike many elemental-based mutants, Alex is not naturally immune to the effects of the cold or ice on herself. For this reason, she often wears gloves, even in warm weather. However, this does nothing to stop the frostbite-like effects that her powers have begun to leave on her hands. Though it isn't obvious, she's already suffered minor nerve damage and it only seems to increase the more that she uses her abilities.
  • On the opposite ends of the spectrum, Alexia cannot tolerate extremes of heat; it makes her sluggish and weak, moreso than the average person, and she seems to suffer greater damage from fire and heat than most people.
  • Water fuels her ice-generation power, and as such she requires a significant amount of hydration for it to work. If she is dehydrated, she is unable to create frost.
  • In her frostform, Alexia can be melted, and because she cannot change the temperature enough to freeze herself back into place, she must be transported to an area that is 32 degrees fahrenheit or lower to re-solidify.
Skills: Thanks to a childhood filled with activities that she halfheartedly pursued at her parents' behest yet miraculously managed to excel at, Alexia is a talented pianist and violin player, has a beautiful singing voice, possess several chess trophies (in storage), and is in the habit of waking up at five AM as a direct result of years of ice skating and ballet practice. She is fluent in Italian.

Background: Alexia, as a child, wanted for nothing. The youngest of 3, and the only child born of a second marriage, she was always considered the baby, and also expected to follow in the footsteps of two successful elder sisters. She was pushed into dozens of extracurricular activities (or chores, as she called them) growing up, generally at the expense of having actual friends, not counting her nannies. Life continued as normal until her early teens -- not only did her rebellious stage hit (and really never went away), but the development of her mutant powers resulted often in the terrorizing of some classmates with frostbite and amusing others with interior snowstorms. It took some time before Alex's family grew used to her new abilities, but her parents never saw her differently -- or, so they thought. Their daughter's struggling sexual and gender identity initially proved to be of more concern than her ability to freeze things solid.

Some time was spent trying to 'cure' Alex, both of her blossoming mutant powers and her curious tendencies to walk the line between a male and female identity. It began with failed persuasion and bribes, then led to painful, ridiculously ineffective methods in the hope that their daughter would stop coming home with black eyes and bloody noses. Eventually, Alex grew fed up and declared that she was moving out. Of course, despite being the parents of an undesirable, Alexia's mother and father supported her entirely, and have to this day, serving as a very cushiony fallback as she's failed at numerous legitimate jobs, quite possibly brought shame their good name with several less-than-legitimate jobs, moved out state, and even dropped out of college.

Due to the apparent, if achingly slow, deterioration of the nerves in her hands, Alexia has now moved to Salem, to see if there's a source of help in the sanctum to halt or reverse the effects of her powers, while taking on a job as a dancer at Sully's.

Criminal Record: None.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
  • Alexia likes television and movies (particularly horror; the gorier the better). It enables her laziness. She also reads frequently; A Song of Ice and Fire is her favorite series.
  • Though she has no real 'tells' of being a mutant (as her unusual hair and eye color are easily attributed to dye and contacts), heavy use of her powers makes her eyes 'frost over' white.
  • She's an avid gamer, but a bit of a sore and very mouthy loser.
  • Despite, or maybe because of, being pushed so hard at a young age to be an overachiever by her parents, she has chosen to do absolutely nothing with her life and seems to utterly lack ambition unless it's something that can get her into trouble -- she has, for example, participated in some questionable websites of the adult variety, and now earns an (unnecessary) living as an exotic dancer.
  • Tattoos include: "Winter is Coming" scrawled across the back of her neck, an articulate series of snowflakes left wrist, a trio of outlined stars on her right shoulder, and a trail of white feathers along her left hip.
  • Enjoys nail art and spends a ridiculous amount of money on salons and nail polish.
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