Kasey Vien

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Kasey Vien

Post by ThalinVien »

Player Nickname: ThalinVien

Name: Kasey Vien
Codename: Kas
Age: 21
Date of Birth: 6/7/1993

Height: 5'9"
Weight: 110
Hair Color: N/A (Horns atop her head)
Eye Color: Blue
Place of Origin: Maine
Nationality/Race: Draconic
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Firefighter I (Entry-level) for SFD
Occupation: Firefighter/EMT

Personality Profile: Bit of a tought broad, but once you get to know her or she feels she needs to she can lighten up, or get very professional, dending upon the situation at hand

Physical Description: A 5'9 blue scaled anthro dragon, she keeps herself immpeciably clean, scales shimmer in the sunlight, a curled set of horns come out of her head, her membrane ears protected behind these, a pair of membrane wings come out of her back


General Power Information: She's not overly special by any means, she has the muscle required of her to perform her duties as a firefighter, little more. Her horns give her the ability if she needs to to pound some heads, you will never see her use her wings at present.

Ability One: Able to listen to and recognise authoirty well. She knows her place and sticks to it no matter what

Ability Two: Very well performing in a burning building. What do dragons do? Breath fire! So she has an extremely high smoke tolerence level.

Ability Three: Strength. She may be short but she can haul heavy hose like no tomrrow. Might be useful in a fight too

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: She is rather highstrong and eggs on fights frequenty. She dosn't know when to quit when people get her upset, can anyone say roadrage! She also will always feel the need to outdo her coworkers, when she should take a break she isn't, this has landed her in trouble before and continues to.

Skills: She can live well in the woods, frequently goes hiking and camps out. She is a trained Firefighter and EMT, so is able to be a first responder in any situation

Background: She used to be a mechanic for the family generator/battery systems company. Wanting to move away from there she came down and joined Don's unit.

Criminal Record: Numerous speed violations. 1 OUI

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Wicked Maine accent bub! Loves her strong drinks, dosn't like getting drunk but likes a buzz.
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Re: Kasey Vien

Post by Sisip »

Hi there!

We're a bit confused when it comes to abilities for this character. The abilities that you've listed are more 'character / personality traits' rather than mutant/alien/ethereal abilities.

Please take a bit more time and flesh out the character if you wish to resubmit her.

The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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