Felix Thade

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Felix Thade

Post by Jake »

Player Nickname: Jake

Name: Felix Thade
Codename: Chemist
Age: 22
Date of Birth: March 10, 1992

Height: 5'2"
Weight: 110 lb
Hair Color: Naturally black.
Footnote: Almost never black.
Eye Color: Naturally green
Footnote: They make very interestingly colored contact lenses
Place of Origin: Atlanta, GA
Nationality/Race: Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: meta-mutant

Status: Resident
Occupation: System Architect for Rexis and Tarn Chemical Supplier

Personality Profile: Given the nature of his abilities and the effects they have on him, Felix' personality varies drastically from encounter to encounter. At base he is standoffish and pensive - the perfect personality archetype to be molded by whatever substance is being pumped through his.... well I guess they qualify for veins.

Physical Description:
Felix is a relatively short, fair-skinned young man with hair that rarely stays the same color for very long and almost always spotted with cosmetic contact lenses. He is sleight of build but not pathetically scrawny - he has a surprising (but not altogether large) amount of lean muscle on him.
Typically he is seen in jeans and a t-shirt (probably with a sarcastic phrase printed across it) and a hooded sweatshirt in the cold. He looks the part of an elf, at 5'2" and in that youthful-but-not-young looking way that only models, actors, and twinks seem to pull off.


General Power Information: Chemical Alchemy

Ability One: Chemical Synthesis
Felix can synthesize chemicals out of a base with physical contact and some effort. The more radical the change the more effort and time required, but typically speaking volatile bases change more easily than stable ones: so changing water to gasoline would take a great deal of effort, but turning isopropyl alcohol into Gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid would be considerably easier. These substances do not need to be chemically similar - electron and proton manipulation allow any type of alchemy to occur - but again, large differences in chemical structures lead to more effort and longer transmutation times

Ability Two: Toxin Control
While not able to synthesize living tissue in the same way he can a good inorganic base, Felix can have an effect on people suffering from any degree of venom or toxicity. This takes more time the further along the toxin has progressed, but he is almost instantly capable of pausing a reaction occuring in the body provided he has heavy contact and a subject that is not physically resisting him (and thereby ruining his concentration). He can sober up the drunk or purge poison from those bitten/dosed.

Ability Three: Biochemical Flesh
Felix's body is a chemical weapon waiting to happen. His skin's natural oils, his blood, his sweat and saliva - all of them have a bit of a chemical 'spin' to them that is a side effect of using his other abilities. With effort, he can directly alter his own body's properties in a variety of ways - he can be toxic, hallucinogenic, a stimulant, a depressant... don't get in a fist-fight if you've got an exposed wound, or you can expect to get dosed.
As a side-effect he can also make himself slightly flame retardant, more pain-resistant, or the like.
Felix is, as one might imagine, almost invulnerable on the poison/toxin front. He regularly ingests more lethal chemicals in a week in a sort of 'mutant health regiment' than the entire annual Salem obituary column.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
As one might expect from a person who is, pardon the exaggeration, made of drugs, Felix can be downright mentally unstable when stressed. In the heat of combat or while suffering through a great deal of mental or physical pain he is apt to snap to a manic state and be unable to process information as a normal human being should. If his situation agitates him enough, it's entirely possible for him to become high off of the experience.
Speaking of which, it's almost impossible for Felix to get high except in this fashion... so the more stressed he gets, the more trouble he looks for to get that release.
As common sense would dictate, he's not the best person to send for diplomatic errands - unless, perhaps, they occur in a very well-ventilated and stress-free environment.

Felix excels at math, science, computers, and about nothing else. He's capable of basic coding and hacking and solving surprisingly complex algorithms, but he's not the genius that all geniuses wish they could be.

Background: (Your character's life up until they arrived within Salem or Cobalt Hill. When did their powers manifest? How did it happen? How did they obtain their powers, what is their origin? What was the reaction from family & friends, if any? These sort of things help flesh out your character!)
Felix was born with his mutation in Atlanta, GA. As early as five he would sometimes cough a vapor that was capable of killing small rodents and cry tears that could agitate sensitive skin. His father was a higher-up at the CDC and had plenty of friends in interesting places... as a father, he wanted to see his son healthy: and no matter how it seemed outwardly, he was /sure/ this mutation would have negative side-effects on his child. So with best intentions, he took Felix to a "specialist" for a unique and very expensive series of experiments, attempting to chemically scrub all the 'dangerous' chemicals from his system and give him some sense of normalcy.
For eight years these experiments continued, and they did seem to be having an effect on Felix, just not the effect anyone had hoped for. Whether it was the experiments or puberty is uncertain to Felix, but almost assuredly it was both: the boy was practically nonhuman. There was very little actual blood in his bloodstream (though what little there was seemed to be remarkably efficient at delivering oxygen), instead there was a chemical cocktail consisting largely of the synthetic drugs they'd been pumping through him for his 'wellness program'.
Felix' entire life changed when, in a typical fit of teenage rebellion, he'd gotten into a fight with his father over the death of his mother - who had died at childbirth, and it was largely speculated that this was Felix' fault - and lost control. High on the type of drugs normal people can't take, he became convinced that his father was the ultimate evil in this universe. Fortunately Felix did not kill his father that day, but the man wound up in the hospital with a very low chance for survival - poisoned on those very same aforementioned drugs.
The young man left home and begin living in an apartment that his father helped endorse: he lived off of his father's money away from most of society for 9 years - he took up hobbies that one can use to interact with people without really interacting with them, largely on the computer. He found work as a systems architect for a chemical supply company (ironic, he thought at the time), and only very recently he found out about Cobalt Hill... on the one hand, he knew he would never be able to interact with people on the tremendously personal scale that most human beings take for granted, being able to connect with people who are very 'different' is probably as close to that feeling of being truly connected as he's going to get... and so he picked up and moved. The nice part about not knowing anyone in person is that you never have to say goodbyes, and your electronic friends are always there to encourage you when you arrive at your new homestead.

Criminal Record:

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
-Stutters when stressed. Badly.
-Sometimes gets lost in his own head... even when in mid-conversation with someone else.
-The side effects of anxiety are a literal natural high. Also hallucinogenic.
-In addition to his hair and eyes changing color (more like changing hue, usually) he always has an unnatural odor... anything from corpse to candy cane. He can control this, but not really erase it. Comes with the territory.
-Astrophobic - not afraid of being in the dark, or being alone, but afraid of being in the dark and alone while outside under the stars. Lovecraftian horror novels. Whatcha gonna do?
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