Vasska d'Marius

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Vasska d'Marius

Post by Ua0031 »

Player Nickname:Ua/Ua0031

Name: Vasska d'Marius
Age: N/A Different world has different Year length.
Date of Birth: n/a Alternate Calander

Height: 7ft
Weight: 275
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Luminescent Orange
Place of Origin: Imarel, Anthalas, Sovereignty of Anthalas
Nationality/Race: N/A
Classification/Origin of Powers: Extraplanar (Mutant, human, metahuman, cyborg, etc.)

Status:Refugee/Villain (Trainee, resident, staff, villain, refugee, other)
Occupation: N/A

Personality Profile:Speciesist, Cold, Uncaring, Sociopathic (Your character's personality, mindset, worldviews, etc.)

Physical Description: (Feel free to use text, an image, or both.)


General Power Information: Vasska was once a powerful Noble of an Ancient line of people who lived and breathed magic. He was a necromancer, who excelled in the use of Shadows as a
weapon. And is Racially gifted with superior intellect, learning capapbilities, and telepathic Communication.

Ability One: Umbrakinesis, the remenants of his powers off world

Ability Two: Teleportation: He can used the shadows as a form of instant travel, from one shadow to another. This is a short range teleport.

Ability Three: Telepathy: Telepathic Communication

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: His greatest weakness is that he believes himself to be genetically superior. Unlike humans or even mutants his evolution was not random, it was the creation
of the gods. As such, he act's like a total dick, and is often times easily goaded. Also, lack of knowledge of this world is a large setback.

Skills: Learning. His mind is actually superior to humans. He processes information faster and has a higher retention rate than the average human. So he picks up and learns quickly.
Also, Dancing, as a noble it was important to learn to dance.

Background: Vasska was born a noble of the Shar'Vaire race. A imperialistic, highly magical culture that had actively attempted to conquer the world, and nearly succeeded numerous
times. However, with age comes wisdom and Vasska realized that was not the best path and began to search for his own way to gain power. Vasska's powers stem from the intense training he did
at various Magical Academies on his home world. He is here because he was searching for someone he lost. And this was where all of his research and scrying brought him. Unfortunately though
he did not realize magic works differently here, and lost his magic by and large, but has retained some of his racial abilities and even some of his magic that manifests itself as mutant

Criminal Record: N/A

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: He's an Alcoholic. Not dangerous, but Wine is his weakness and he drinks a lot of it.

Posts: 11
Joined: Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:58 pm

Re: Vasska d'Marius

Post by Tabris »

At this point in time we (The Admin/Ops) have to reject your application, due to it's vaugeness and lack of detail. Please feel free to reapply with a bit more detail at your leisure.

- Midas
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