Andrea -Omega- Submission

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Andrea -Omega- Submission

Post by Andrea »

Player Nickname: Nikol

Name: Andrea Payne
Codename: Omega
Age: 24
Date of Birth:1989

Height: 5,7
Weight: 120
Hair Color:Black
Eye Color: Green
Place of Origin: Canada
Nationality/Race: Canadian
Classification/Origin of Powers:Hybrid genetically coded of that of the canine species due to having virtually no immune system and several other diseases in the womb. Her father genetics by the name of Gabriel Payne injected the fetus combing canine DNA mixed human stem cells of her mother. It worked and her bones stopped breaking and began to form and her immune system finally kicked in but it also caused unforeseen mutations to arise within the young girl.

Status: Villain
Occupation: Master Theif

Personality Profile: A jaded moralist who is untrustworthy of everyone she meets due to her nature and history. She suffers from Kleptomania and enjoying the thrill of stealing has left her on the top of several list including Interpol and FBI most wanted. Despite this however she is a chaotic good individual she steals horrible secrets of organizations and shares them free of charge. Saves people in distress in the street and also tosses stolen property to those living on the street almost like a modern day robin hood.
Though many governments and hero’s view her as just a thief and a villain breaking the law the underground and homeless and downtrodden view her as a hero. With her animalistic instincts and lone wolf preference and trying to be to self-sufficient has led her to being the person she is today.
Physical Description:


General Power Information: Due to her genetics she has a animalistic sense of smell and hearing and seeing. She also has access to wolf like speed due to running on all fours and has sharpened teeth and claws. Also due to experience she is an expert hacker and detective and is a MacGyver able to knock things onto the fly and learn things quickly.

Ability One:MacGyver able to use a assortment of simple technologies and use it to her advantage.

Ability Two:Endurance has higher endurance than a normal person able to travel a quick speeds for a long time as fast as a wolf can run. She however does not have much strength and depends on her ability to traverse builds and endure large falls and to climb.

Ability Three: Stealth has a good sense of medium security and how to avoid it along with keeping out of the sight of others. Using her ears and other animal senses she finds it easy for her to void detection unless she is facing a higher power or super advanced security tech like a predator drone of high end military hard ware.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Basic things for most humans just has a higher endurance and is hart to hit

Skills: She is a master thief and knows how to survive not sure what skills to list.

Background:After fifteen years of trying to start a family turning to medical incrimination due to defects in Kristen Paynes womb she finally conceived a child. However to their horror the child suffered from multiple ailments and would likely die once outside the womb the two looked everywhere. However the only help offered from the medical field was to abort and try again. This was unacceptable to Gabriel he would not wait another eight years and decided to take matters into his own hands. Being geneticists he began to inject the fetal tissue with tissue from wolf DNA after during research on lab rats earlier in his career.
The baby inside accepted the DNA and began to become healthy however what was burn looked more like a wolf then a little girl. This horrified both of them at first but as time passed they began to love the young girl. They had to keep her secret however due to her appearance they knew the world would not accept her and that government would attempt to take her away and study her. So she was home schooled and raised on the large farm to the age of fifteen.
By the age of sixteen her mother had died of cancer and she flipped and took everything she owned and ran. Through the woods and into the city and lived like a animal. She ran into a young group of kids her age that had formed a small gang and which started her life of crime. Before too long the small gang was stealing from electronics stores and candy stores alike robbing them blind. However during one robbery her friends were caught by police and instead of taking them in they killed them due to no one caring for them.

With a heavy heart and anger at her pack of friend being killed she broke into the police station and planted drugs in the cops desk and got him arrested. After this thrill of breaking into some place as hard as a police station she began to think about how amazing it would be to hit a museum or art gallery as her friends had always dreamed of. With the coming years she would do just that stealing jewelry or other items on ever content on the planet. She is nitrous for dropping the jewels in slums and drove hero’s insane due robbing for sport.
She lives on being a protector of the weak and doing the right thing when she sees it needs to be done and lives her life as he wants and ignores all rules.

Criminal Record:
Eighty counts of Robery
Forty counts of Assault of officer
Fifteen counts of GTA
Hundred and ten counters of Wreck less driving
-The list goes on and on however there is no murder a few broken bones but that’s about it. If someone was to have a high enough intelligence and access to the case and video’s they would come to the conclusion that she goes out of her way to protect police and prevent death.-

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
When nervous their ears twitch and tail wags or acts up.
Is addicted to meats and food and once someone starts cooking come running and will attempt to steal food if not offered some.
Prefers sleeping in vents and tight places does not feel safe in beds
Paints her claws cute colors every other day
Is a snoop and spy’s on everyone’s business
A extreme flirt and tease using seduction and sex appeal to get what she wants.
Hurts her back to walk upright and prefers a strange four legged walk but will stand most of the time.

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Joined: Sun Dec 29, 2013 5:28 pm

Re: Andrea -Omega- Submission

Post by Andrea »

Not sure how this character would enter role play anyways
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Re: Andrea -Omega- Submission

Post by Sisip »

The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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