Lei Ning Fang [Zen] [Security]

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Lei Ning Fang [Zen] [Security]

Post by Lanse »

IRC Nickname: This Character is an NPC and may be played by any Op.

Name: Lei Ning Fang
Alias: Zen
Age: 36
Date of Birth: December 10th
Hometown: Tongli, China

Height: 5'10
Weight: 150 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Nationality/Race: Chinese/Asian

Occupation: Security at Cobalt Academy

Personality Profile:

Lei is a calm and collected individual who tends to be rather laid back. In truths he is remarkably perceptive, and behind his easy going smile the Chinese man is often quietly surveying everything he sees. He assesses things as he sees them, and as a result is often able to react quickly if anything unexpected or dangerous occurs. Aside from his general nature of being aware, Lei is a nice man, soft-spoken. He tends to be fond of making bad jokes and rarely resists making a pun.

Physical Description:

He stands at just below average height, but carries himself as though he knows he's much taller. Lei's black hair is cut short, and his short bangs are typically swept across his forehead. He looks to be more in his late twenties rather than his thirties, due to his active lifestyle and healthy diet. His body is full of compact wiry muscle, and he bears a certain fluidity of motion in nearly everything he does.

Character Picture (Optional):


Mutation/Powers: Zen Understanding

Primary : Focused Ability Enhancement

Lei's mind and body structure is such that if he takes about ten seconds to concentrate, he can greatly enhance any one physical or mental attribute well beyond normal means. Switching between different abilities does not tire him, but if he is interrupted during the process of concentrating he will lose both the prior ability and not gain the one he was attempting to change to. If Lei concentrates for an entire minute, he may activate all of his Enhancement for a total of five minutes, whereupon he will fall into a comatose state for the next twenty-four hours. It is very much high-risk, high-reward, and it is worth noting that five minutes is merely the maximum he can go. If he activates all of his abilities at once, no matter when he ends it he will fall into a coma. Examples of specific abilities include, but may not be limited to:
  • Super-Strength: Lei is able to lift up to 500 lbs while using this enhancement, and his running and jumping ability are enhanced appropriately.
  • Super-Reflexes: This ability lets Lei react at super-human speeds, allowing him to effectively dodge bullets(as long as he can see the gun and shooter), and do more simple tricks like catching all the items from a tray someone just spilled.
  • Super-Constitution: This ability is a double edge sword, in that it will give Lei an almost tireless supply of energy, but when he changes out of it he will immediately become exhausted.
  • Super-Speed: While this is active, Lei can run up 100 mph.
  • Super-Cognition: One of Lei's first abilities, this lets him take in information and process it rapidly, and is mostly useful when it comes to learning new skill or technology.
  • Super-Charisma: While this ability has no physical change in appearance, it makes Lei seem more charming, better able to lead, and makes him far more convincing than he normally is.
Secondary : Inner Fire

By tapping into his inner ki, Lei can generate fire and then manipulate it. His ability to manipulate fire does not extend to other flames outside of what he creates, and he can only manipulate it while it is within a foot of himself. As long as the fire remains close, he can shape it anyway he desires, and the largest flame he can create is a ball of fire the size of a basketball. As this fire is internal, it has given him some resistance to being burned, although he is by no means immune to fire. Lastly, this ability has the curious effect of allowing him to burn out harmful effects to his system, like alcohol, drugs, poison, and some minor diseases.

Tertiary : Zen Teleportation

Lei claims that his ability to teleport is directly affected by the universe's need for him to be there. He claims that he must convince the universe that where he currently is is not where he is needed, and when he is successful in that, he teleports there. As a result, Lei's teleportation does not require line of sight, but anything that is not line of sight takes time. A basic break down is:
  • Line of Sight: Instant
  • Within a Mile: 2-3 seconds
  • Within 2-5 Miles: 5 Seconds
  • Within 6-20 Miles: 15 Seconds
  • Within 21-100 Miles: 30 Seconds
And going on from there. If Lei has not physically been to a place, and only seen it on TV or read about it, the time is multiplied by 10, with teleporting to different countries taking hours. The only exceptions to this are his hometown of Tongli, and the Academy. Because he so intimately familiar with his home he may teleport there instantly, and as Cobalt Academy is his new home he has taken the time to learn it in and out.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses/Side Effects :
  • Lei's abilities tend to rely on careful though and planning to use effectively
  • His abilities still leave him largely normal, and more powerful mutants or heavily armed people can still be a serious threat
  • Lei is always willing to give someone a second chance, whether he knows it is a good idea or a bad idea.

Lei grew up in the small village of Tongli, China. His parents were rice farmers, and when he was young his father began teaching him martial arts, and of the zen lifestyle. When Lei was eight, he was sent to a temple of monks to further his training, and also to relieve the burden of raising him from his family until he was able to work. Lei stayed there for five years, then returned home. For five more years he lived on the farm with his parents, holding a simple life up until he learned how to tap into his inner fire and his parents saw him holding and manipulating the flames. Knowing their child was meant for better things, they sent him on his way. He joined the Chinese military for a time, and was able to make a name for himself. By the age of thirty he had become an instructor to young recruits, teaching hand-to-hand combat and he also acted as a security consultant for various diplomats. When it was found out that he was a mutant, Lei was quietly let go, and after some searching he was interviewed at Cobalt Academy and took a job as security.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
  • Lei has a very impressive fish tank in his staff suite that he takes excellent care of.
  • He can watch the Three Stooges all day and laugh every time. He has the entire collection on DVD and VHS.
  • Lei speaks Cantonese and Mandarin, and because he is such a quick study, his Chinese accent when speaking English is very light.
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