Calvin Patampkin [Bonehead]

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Calvin Patampkin [Bonehead]

Post by MarloCross »

IRC Nickname: MarloCross

Name: Calvin Curtis Patampkin
Alias: Bonehead
Age: 18
Date of Birth: September 6th 1997
Hometown: New Market, New Hampshire

Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 420 lbs
Hair Color: light brown, short
Eye Color: green with glasses
Nationality/Race: American/Caucasian

Occupation: Janitor/Student

Personality Profile: A jovial and lighthearted guy, BoneHead is an easy guy to get along with. He's quiet and pensive most of the time, content with sweeping and mopping and fixing things in the Academy.

Physical Description: Since his mutation advanced, Bonehead is twice as wide as a typical person. Bone protrusions stick out of his elbows, knees spine and feet as well as a couple of prominent bottom canines, looking a little tusk like. He is still fairly chubby, but wears his jumpsuits most of the time, and a specially fitted pair of glasses.


Mutation/Powers: Bone Resin

Primary : Production of Resin

Bonehead can create and disperse through his pores what can only be described as liquid bone. It takes the form of a thick sludge that either stays in the pseudo-liquid state, or hardens into a substance resembling bone. Bonehead can produce roughly 50 lbs of the Bone Resin at any given time. Once the resin is out of his skin, he can make his body produce new resin, but it takes a few days to a week to produce another 50 lbs. His fragile frame dictates how much he can put on his body before risking being crushed. Bone Resin cannot be absorbed. It can only be reshaped while touching his skin.

Secondary : Shaping

Bonehead has mastered the ability to control the bone resin into hardening, liquefying again or shaping it into weapons, tools and even a bone carapace. it takes a few seconds for simple tools and weapons and can take him two or three minutes to gather enough resin to make his signature bone carapace armor that he wears when things go horribly wrong as they often do. The bone is resistant to damage at levels depending on thickness.

Tertiary : Enhanced strength

Though not super by any means, Bonehead has strength proportional to his new size and density. He can lift 500 lbs with some effort, but cannot get even close to a half ton. His muscles still need work, as his bone structure is the only thing keeping the weight up. Carrying is no problem. Lifting is another thing.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses : Milk Addict?!
As stated before, Bonehead can only secrete up to 50 lbs of bone resin per week. Any that he uses for weapons and tools that he replaces inside his body is left behind and will remain as shards of bone. In order to produce this resin, Bonehead must use extreme amounts of calcium. Normally, it would use his own bone mass and replace it with excess calcium already in his system. However, his osteogenesis imperfecta has set off an imbalance. To keep his body in check, he must consume twice the amount of calcium that an normal person needs simply to keep his bones from breaking. Thankfully his body metabolizes calcium faster than any other minerals. He can drink a gallon of milk in under and hour and NOT be sick. Also, If a bone shard on his body is broken, Bone-Head feels it. Though preferable to being shot or stabbed, it still hurts like a bastard.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? His physical mutation has already occurred. He can only advance in using his bone resin to heal others

Background: Like many young mutants, Calvin Curtis Potampkin was not well received by his parents. At birth, being diagnosed with osteogenesis imperfecta, he was seen as a burden. At 10 when the X-gene kicked in and corrected the imperfection and added his bone resin ability, he became a freak. His medical bills and frequent injuries were suddenly replaced by ridicule and threats. From then on his mother and father took to two things: Drinking and name calling.

They called him Bonehead. Not just because of his power, but because he was a bit behind in school due to his prior breaks and injuries before mutation set in.
One day, they simply just left Calvin at the Mall of new Hampshire. He walked home only to find his parents packing their home. Their explanation.

"Just...Just go. We don't need you, don't want you. Just go, you little bonehead!"

It took him a while of walking, stealing rides and hitching but he eventually made it to Salem. There are a lot of Ma and Pa stores around. A lot of houses with unlocked doors. and Milk. Lots of it.

He survived as best he could, distrusting any who might disturb his homeless wanderings. But, thanks to two Cobalt residents, Nick and Kevin, Bone-Head has found a home. Settling into the sanctum, he took a job as a custodian. Though not glamorous, he likes his job and his new home. Recently, Bonehead's body lost its ability. When it came back, it kicked into overdrive and made too much. To compensate, Bonehead grew larger. He now resembles a short ogre.

Quirks/Extras (Random fun facts about your character!): He's developed a bit of a pessimist streak and has begun dabbling in faith He carries a crucifix with him for luck.
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