Laura Silves

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Laura Silves

Post by vile »

IRC Nickname: vile

Name: Laura Silves
Age: 26
Date of Birth: March 13, 1993
Hometown: Salem, Mass

Height: Standing: 7 feet. Nose to tail: 14 feet
Weight: 300 pounds
Hair Color: Bone white
Eye Color: Electric blue
Nationality/Race: American

Occupation: Other

Personality Profile: Laura's nature is to be friendly and outgoing but her looks and nature make that difficult. Scaring people is her favorite hobby and it tends to make friends an impossible feat. She is incredibly stupid and an airhead. It doesn’t get her down partly because she would be distracted by something else anyway.

Physical Description: The easiest description is: a hellish mix of a boa, goat and tapeworm. Her body is long and thickly muscled though not enough to decrease her agility or speed. The sickly pale skin on her body has an almost greasy feel to it like there's a thin layer of slime coating her and she's completely devoid of hair save for a ring of fluff around her throat. Long black claws and talons jut from her hands and feet and hundreds of needle-like teeth fill her black prehensile gums. An obscene long and thick tongue lies within her jaws and it constantly releases a very thick, noxious saliva. Her eyes are electric blue, have a cat-like pupil and partially stick out of her skull. Both pupils point in different directions and can move independently from each other. A pair of curved black horns stick out of her head, curling back roughly a foot and a half in length and she has a long, highly muscular tail.

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Primary : Mutated physiology. This is an ability related to her special physical mutation. Every joint she has is able to be manipulated and twisted at will. This allows her to have alternate methods of locomotion and her favorites are: swimming and slithering. The super flexible body allows her to mimic the motions of snakes, sharks and other highly flexible animals, granting her added speed in appropriate environments. The stretchy body doesn't end there! She can fit all manner of prey items down her throat, the skin capable of stretching quite a bit for the larger meals. And her stomach can cope with big meals too, stretching to accommodate them but remaining strong enough to withstand a still-living creature if she's fortunate enough to get one. Crawls up and across walls and ceilings with ease. Works on any surface but polished glass and metal. Enabled by ridges on feet and hands and using her claws.

Secondary : Toxicity. Laura's saliva carries a combination numbing and paralyzing agent that is absorbed through the skin. It is quite strong but the effects wear off fully after about an hour, leaving no lingering negative effects.

Tertiary : Airhead. The near lack of a short term memory works in her favor sometimes. Any powers of the mind fail to work on her. Telepaths would hear white noise, mind searching would find nothing, and any attempts to lodge a memory in her head would fail. If any alterations happened they wouldn’t last for long.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses : The greatest drawback is her monster instinct. She's unable to pass up the chance to scare a child or random person on the street and has difficulty ignoring prey items like squirrels, cats and dogs.

The hyper-flexible skeleton can be a pain to manage correctly and it is way too easy for her body to be bent too far. Bones can be put back in the wrong position and cause her pain and discomfort. It also makes fighting a pain as she can almost literally be tied into a knot.

Unable to climb glass and polished cement or metal. Has trouble walking on waxed or polished floors and can’t control herself at all at a higher speed.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future?

Background: Laura's life was painfully boring before her mutation sprung up. A sister and brother, her parents the standard pair. Father away at work in the daytime and came home to a home-cooked meal prepared by her mother. Her grades were generic, flat Cs across the board. Average! Painfully so. And then she changed. Everything changed. The screams of her family filled the house and she was chased out of her home. Days later she was found in Crowley's Row and forwarded to Cobalt to find her new life and complete her education.

After a brief stay at Cobalt, she got caught up in an anti-mutant rally gone terribly wrong. While she tried to scare off the protesters, things got violent, she was injured and gulped down the man who shot her before slithering into a sewer drain. Only briefly spotted once or twice since that episode, she's been living on the street or in the sewer system for all that time. A severe bite injury to one of her rear legs makes it nearly impossible to walk on two legs, leaving her on all-fours.

Cobalt didn’t go all that great for her. After many times of getting in trouble, and doing terrible in what classes she remembered to attend, she dropped out. It’s very well possible she simply left and forgot to one back. Before she could return to the sewers she ran into the patient Richard and found a job as security and bodyguard.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
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