Scarlet Hannigan aka Solace

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Scarlet Hannigan aka Solace

Post by MarloCross »

Player Nickname: Solace

Name: Scarlet Caycee Hannigan/Cross
Codename: Solace
Age: 18 on April 1st
Date of Birth: April 1st, 1996

Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 95 lbs
Hair Color: strawberry Blonde
Eye Color: Black with White Pupils
Place of Origin: Born in Manchester New Hampshire, Raise in Foster Care. Currently in Boston, Mass.
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Villan
Occupation: Henchman for Fausto Rossetti/Gideon

Personality Profile: (Your character's personality, mindset, worldviews, etc.)
Scarlett is a troubled young woman with more than a few issues. She lived a hard life through the foster care system. Her eyes identified her a mutant, thus contributing to a rough upbringing. She suffers from depression, abandonment issues and a string of smaller disorders that can manifest in violence. As a result , Scarlet is a time bomb. She is socialy stunted and behaves like a 5 year old when she doesn't get her way. She hates to be touched by those she doesn't trust: Everyone.

Personality Profile:
Physical Description: Short and skinny, Scarlet is often seen wearing a canvas jacket with a hood, which she keeps up. The jacket is two to three sizes too big, showing only her finger tips fro the sleeves. She wears contacts to hide her eyes and wears baggy cloths, such as shorts and long skirts with combat boots.


Powerset: (How would you classify your character's particular set of abilities? Having even a loose theme is more likely to get approved than a random grab bag of powers.)
Quantikenesis: The Mental manipulation of Quantum physics, particularly theories related to the Schrödinger's Cat experiment.

Ability One: Schrödinger Teleportation: By slipping around corners to where she can no longer be seen by reasoning, sentiet beings, Scarlet can reappear in a similarly unobserved area within 30 feet of her location.

Ability Two: Pocket Dimension: Scarlet can also create a shadowy pocket dimension based around the same premise of her teleportation. It comprises a photo negative 30 foot radius around her. Only she can survive inside the Void, as it drains the energy/life from those that she pulls in.

Ability Three: Tactile Telekenisis: Any mailiable object, such as wire, rope, mud or water, that Scarlett touches, she can shift and manipulate its motion. metal, Stone and wood cannot be shifted unless formed in loops like a chain or wire as they are otherwise too solid. Her choice object are 100 ft industrial chains she keeps in her picket dimension. Using these Chains, she can pull others into her pocket dimension. Objects with mechanical moving parts, like safes and door locks, are harder to manipulate, but can be done with some concentration. With the Tactile TK, Solace can give the appearance of Super strength, lifting nearly half ton with strain. This is simply lifting power, not crushing or striking force.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
Power Limits:
Her teleoprtation can only be done if people don't see her. Even partial vision blocks her power. To do this, she slips into her pocket dimension, moves to the mirror location and reappears there.
She can drag others into her PD, but they must be touching her chain and ONLY her chain, as she has attuned herself to them. Again, any others must not see this. Shadows are usualy a good bet for her.
Her Pocket dimension is fatal for more than 10 minutes, as it's a reflection of her tattered psyche. They will slowly freeze to death if not released.
Her Tactile TK is limited to 500 lbs easily, a half ton with strain, which causes bloody noses and loss of conciousness in some cases.

Born to [Memory Erased], Scarlet was given up for adoption. Her infant years were spent in a Catholic Orphanage, where she stayed until the age of three where she was taken into her first Foster home. Her eyes marked her as a mutant and her hyper religious foster family shunned her. They saw her as a charity, a status symbol to show how generous they were. She stayed for 3 years, then was moved back to the Orphanage. Her next home came at 10 to the Bakersons, Phil and Delores. Delores was a paraplegic and Phil a local businessman. Scarlet was removed at the age of 13 when her mutant powers manifest and she shattered Phil's arm. She claimed he had been molesting her, but the charges were never properly filed nor made. Her next foster home was to [Uh Uh Uh. I'm not Telling] where she now lives. Feeling abandoned by her mother, Scarlett seeks a place in the world and wants some one to love her. She feels abandoned by everyone she's ever been close to, save for Gideon. Her mind is that of a 10 year old in terms of emotional development, especialy in her lack of comprehension about death and mortality.

Projected Power Growth & Development: As she is emotionaly stunted, it is unlikely that Solace's powers will ever grow.

Skills: She has an incredible singing voice

Criminal Record:
Suspected in 3 separate bank robberies
Suspect in 12 different assaults and destruction of public property

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: She doesn't like to be touched, a scar from years of abuse. She is childlike in thought and has no concept of the value of life...yet.
Last edited by MarloCross on Thu Oct 17, 2013 5:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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