Endymion - [Mythless]

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Endymion - [Mythless]

Post by Goldbolt »

Player Nickname: Sho

Name: Endymion
Codename: Mythless
Age: Ageless (He's both forever, and a day)
Date of Birth: He technically wasn't "born"

Height: 6'10
Weight: 210lbs
Hair Color: None
Eye Color: Golden
Place of Origin: The Ether of an Alternate-Earth
Nationality/Race: Sine-Fabula (Without-Story)
Classification/Origin of Powers: Magic

Status: Refugee
Occupation: None

Personality Profile: Endymion can be quite charismatic once you get to know him. At first he may seem brash and petulant, stoic and serious, yet inquisitive and naive though still very intelligent. He doesn't like not understanding things. He can be viscously protective of those he becomes close to.

Physical Description:
Image Image The human appearance the uninitiated see.
Endymion is a mostly humanoid figure of a very tall stature. His flesh is what one would call a pale olive. His face looks almost feline, but a little more angular, his eyes are slanted and golden, his ears are pointed with a tufting of rusty feathers at their tips, and there are a pair of fangs visible beneath his lips. The creature's head is smooth and bald, body muscular, hands end in three fingers and a thumb, and its legs are digitigrade, ending with a series of splayed clawed toes. He sports a long nigh-prehensile tail that ends with a harsh looking blade. Lastly, the creature sports a pair of wings that are neither bird nor bat, but a mesh of the two. Leathery dark gray, covered up to where the coverts would be on a bird's wing in a fluffy layer of rusty mottled feathers.


General Power Information: As an otherworldly creature from a different plane, Endymion functions on a different level of existence and physics. Things that are perfectly natural to him seem impossible to the average human. However, he is also bound by an unspoken set of rules and strict morals that will show if he disobeys them.

Ability One: Wish Granter: This ability could be seen as a form of Probability Manipulation. Endymion is unable to call upon this power at will, it will function only if the need is right or he is asked to. The effects are strictly random. This is limited strictly to beliefs and enchanted items. No, Endymion cannot conjure you up a car, but an object out of fantasy such as wanting a bowl that will always fill with food when asked is entirely possible. Healing injury and illness is another example.

Ability Two: Creature of the Ether: Endymion is not native to this plane of existence and still holds a strong connection to his plane of origin, He is capable of leaving this plane and returning to his own. This functions basically as Extra-Dimensional shifting. He is no longer in the physical world and hence unaffected by things such as walls, doors, and other barriers. This also effects peoples' perceptions of him. Unless Endymion wills it, they won't see him as the bizarre looking creature, but as someone normal.

Ability Three: Winged Flight: Under normal circumstances, a creature like Endymion could not fly, yet he does. There is no special organ, no air bladders, no hollow bones. It’s almost as if his methods were magic.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
  • Despite his powers and appearance, Endymion is neither an angel nor a god.
  • Endymion doesn't need normal food, but he still needs to eat. Endymion feeds upon inspiration. Being read to, hearing music, visiting a museum, and other cultural experiences and arts sustain his body. Endymion will grow physically weak and sick if he doesn't get this form of nourishment.
  • The success of Endymion's Wish Granting power is heavily fueled in belief, if someone doesn't think he can do the task, odds are he will fail or it will turn out wrong. An example of this would be: A woman has a horrifically burned hand and Endymion says he can make it better. If the woman truly believes Endymion can, it will succeed. If she doubts him the healing either won't occur at all or it will happen only wrong, like instead of a healthy hand it would heal as a fleshy mitten.
  • He requires a form of rest and has a need to recharge his abilities. If Endymion does not return to the Ether at least once a week his physical and magical powers will slowly dwindle.
  • Alignment Points: Endymion as he is in the present is Grey. He is neither fully good, nor fully bad, he is neutral. However, his actions have a direct effect on his appearance and attitude. Every choice he makes and path he takes will reflect on his appearance and alter it and his mindset accordingly.
  • Anchor: As Endymion did not originate in this realm of existence or even on the physical plane for that matter, Endymion requires an object as an anchor to this world. If this object is destroyed it will take a good amount of Endymion's powers and memories of his time on Earth before forcibly driving him back to the Ether. Even if the Anchor is not destroyed, if someone holds it, they basically own Endymion.
  • Mythless: There is a reason Endymion chose this as his alias. He has no What on this plane and is therefore open to being labeled and Named. Being given the wrong Name can irrevocably damage him physically, mentally, and emotionally. It will make him someone new.
  • A myth without a story. A Sine-Fabula, or Mythless to be more accurate. He is a creature cut off from his origins before his myth could full take root.

  • Sword Fighting both with an actual sword in hand, and with his tail.
  • Sharp memory, it may not be eidetic, but Endymion will never forget a good story or favor. Alternately he will never forget being wronged. He's very good with important dates.
  • Related to the above, Endymion is a trivia sponge.
  • Endymion is good at making small enchanted items, imbuing them with a piece of his power. These are generally charms for good luck, health, and protection, and rely completely on whether or not the wearer believes in them.

Background: Endymion comes from a world much like the distant past of the Cobalt Universe's. A world resembling a time before technology and one of myths and legends. Even in his home dimension, Endymion could be said to barely exist. As such he existed precariously, feeding off the legends of True and firmly rooted myths, something he felt he could never be.

In addition to Feeding off tales, Endymion found a foothold in filling in the blanks so to speak. He's been both a Guardian Spirit and a Death Guide, and learned the hard way that those are two professions that should never mix. As a Guardian Spirit, Endymion could only stay with a charge until they were considered an adult in their society.
After guarding several people throughout their lives, Endymion wanted to help them even afterwards, and so moved on to Guiding Souls to the next world. This proved to become a problem and when he saw that his next client, was indeed a former charge. But she was so young! Barely a year had to have passed since he was her guardian. He couldn't let her die.

He didn't. He killed another before their time to spare her, the very person who was destined to kill the young woman. Though Endymion's intentions were noble, he created a snag in Fate's tapestry and had to pay for it. The girl would live on her borrowed time, but Endymion would find no solace in borrowing from other myths anymore. His punishment was exile. He was forced into needing a physical body, and his powers were greatly weakened.

Upon being sent to a world that was not a part of any myths he was familiar with, nor one that even held a spark of what he could have been, Endymion powers were further weakened. He cannot use them for himself, only others. Endymion is effectively a stranger to not only this realm, but to what this reality has as its Ether. It's not his Ether, but for all intents and purposes it can still sustain him.

Criminal Record: Quite the opposite, being here is effectively his punishment. On Endymion's home dimension, he's in exile for failing to properly reap a soul.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
  • Endymion is afraid of water. The presence of a large body of water triggers something in the back of Endymion's mind. He's unsure what it is, but refuses to go into anything deeper than a bath tub or wading pool. Also, he can't swim.
  • He takes offense to most pet-names.
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