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Post by Sisip »

Just for posterity, this is what transpired after her Jersey Devil character was denied:

[19:00] * TwinbeeMk2 isn't sure she's up for rp...
[19:01] <@Sisip> Annie :)
[19:01] <AnE> Hiii
[19:02] <Ethan`> can I drop in?
[19:02] <@Sisip> Hey Annie, what was the name of your French kid? The one who saved Sisip/
[19:02] * TwinbeeMk2 feels awful actually..
[19:02] <@Sisip> Sure can Ethan. :)
[19:02] <AnE> Etienne.
[19:02] <@Sisip> That's it!
[19:02] <@Sisip> Sisip was just rememberig him.
[19:02] <@Sisip> Well.. him.. not his name.
[19:03] <Ethan`> who do you want?
[19:04] <@Sisip> Your choice.
[19:06] <ShoDinDins> ;-;
[19:06] <ShoDinDins> Etienne
[19:06] <TwinbeeMk2> >.>
[19:07] <ShoDinDins> awwwww Andi! You put a little ticker timer for how old tony is
[19:08] * ShoDinDins is now known as Kraken
[19:08] <@Sisip> (laughs)
[19:08] <@Sisip> I did, cause I kept forgetting
[19:08] <@Sisip> It's so much easier to load Sisips character page and just look on there.
[19:09] * TwinbeeMk2 does wish sisp had let her know before she made an ass of herself...
[19:09] <Kraken> known what?
[19:09] * TwinbeeMk2 still feels stupid
[19:10] <@Sisip> I wish we had also, since you want to do this publically. As I explained, things have been SLIGHTLY busy here lately, here and in our real lives. We discussed it, this was the soonest we could get to it.
[19:10] <TwinbeeMk2> I know..still...leaves me feeling embaressed
[19:11] <@Sisip> I can't help that. This isn't yoru first rodeo here, you know we don't like unapproved characters to play until they're approved.
[19:11] <@Sisip> So we can avoid things like this.
[19:11] <TwinbeeMk2> then why say play them?
[19:12] <@Sisip> Because we don't expect you to make them your primary character straight out of the gate when you have so many to choose from.
[19:12] <AnE> Plus when someone's new they can just putter around and get a feel for the rp.
[19:12] <Kraken> we say they can be played -without- their powers
[19:12] <Kraken> unnofficially
[19:13] <@Sisip> It took a while, yes, but I'd hope you'd understand that there are factors beyond our control involved here. This isn't your fault, this isn't our fault. It just happened. There's no need to be embarassed.
[19:13] <Kraken> but it's still better to wait before getting them overly involved
[19:14] <TwinbeeMk2> I guess..
[19:14] * TwinbeeMk2 sighs
[19:14] <@Sisip> But, as we have said.. to everyone.. if you want to discuss your character you can whisper either @ .. or join us in the Ops room.. that way you avoid the increased embarassment of having this hashed out in public.
[19:14] <TwinbeeMk2> did you at least like her...?
[19:16] <@Sisip> As I've said, as we've said, if you want to discuss your character? It's probably better to do it in private.
[19:16] * ^Omari^ ( has joined #CH*OOC
[19:16] <Kraken> go to pm or the op channel, Twinbee, that way you don't feel so on display
[19:17] <Kraken> just you and the ops. no one else has to see it
[19:17] <@Sisip> See it or comment. That's why we brought the ops room back. No peanut gallery.



[19:18] <TwinbeeMk2> did you like her..?
[19:19] <Sisip> No, I did not. I don't like characters that are already existing. You made her THE jersey devil. That bothers me. Then you made her some sort of anime rainbow thing, which makes no sense at all. I've a big dislike of anything winged and rainbow unless it's some sort of Aztec god.

The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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