Nathan Winters (Armory)

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Nathan Winters (Armory)

Post by Rolandhtg »

Player Nickname: Jason

Name: Nathan Winters
Codename: Armory
Age: 25
Date of Birth: 11/11/1988

Height: 5'9
Weight: 175
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: blue
Place of Origin: Portland, Maine
Nationality/Race: American
Classification/Origin of Powers: (Mutant/Cyborg)

Status: Resident
Occupation: Mechanical Engineer/Roboticist

Personality Profile: Nathan is a rather freewheeling young man, moving from project to project with speed and alacrity, but never in a sloppy, haphazard manner. His work is precise, inhumanly so. His mutant ability and cybernetics tend to mark him out as different, so he has few friends, but those epeopel he gets close to have a friend for life.
Physical Description: (Feel free to use text, an image, or both.)


General Power Information: Intuitive Technopathy

Ability One:Nthan is a mutant with a superhuman intuitive talent for inventing mechanical devices, backed up by the ability to visually perceive mechanical energy in action. This power allows him to instinctively recognize the potential and functional uses of any machine or technological device in his visual range, a skill that combined with his natural intelligence gives him the ability to conceive, design and build highly-advanced mechanical devices; and operate, modify and disassemble existing technology or create countermeasures for it. Nathan's superhuman talent for invention does not mean that he is of a superhuman intellect, even a genius at invention must for the most part consciously work out the theoretical principles behind the invention and then the design of the invention itself through a series of logical steps. In his case, however, many of these logical steps are worked out by his subconscious mind. Hence, Nathan himself might not be entirely aware of exactly how he figured out how to create an invention of his. Sometimes, he must disassemble a device he has made to even figure out how it works.
Ability Two: WIP

Ability Three: WIP

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Nathan's ability to sense energy flow is tied into his central nervous system and can be "jammed" by intense electromagnetic signals along certain wavelengths. Due to being tied in to his central nervous system, this jamming can render nathan extremely disoriented, with vertigo liek symptoms and nausea, At worse it can cause him to black out and lose conciousness.

Skills: Nathan is a skilled engineer, having an intuitive understanding of complex technologies, backed up by intense study of the principles behind them. Also a competant computer programmer and baker.

Background: Originally form Portland Maine, Nathan displayed an interest and aptitude for technology at an early age. As gifted as he was, nathan struggled in school, having difficulty with the fundamental math and scientific principles behind technology. This was realized to be an X-gene induced ability by a school counselor, who was herself a mutant. That year, nathan transferred to maince Acadamey fo Science and mathematics, which had a very progressive curriculum, and was able to help nathan develop his abilities and understanding. graduating from ASAM at 17, Nathan pursued a degree in engineering form the Massachusetts Instititue of Technology in Cambridge. During hsi time there, he was participatign in a Mutants Rights rallt when two Anti-mutant terrorists detonated suicide bombs in the crowd, killing 3 and injuring many, Nathan included. Surgeons at Mass General were unabel to save his left arm. Nathan however would not be deterred, and spent the next few weeks, between physical therapy sessions, building a cybernetic arm. Recent events have made him wary of his status as a mutant, he has decided to head to Cobalt to offer his expertise.

Criminal Record: none.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Nathan is a big fanboy regarding fictional invetors like Tony Stark, Reed Richards etc.
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