Meraine [Ceiling Cat]

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Meraine [Ceiling Cat]

Post by Kmira »

Player Nickname: Kmira

Name: Meraine
Codename: Ceiling Cat, Dark Dancer
Age: About that...
Date of Birth: Unknown

Height: 5'6''
Weight: Approximately 80lbs
Hair Color: Dark Brown/Black
Eye Color: Grey
Place of Origin: Middle East
Nationality/Race: Persian/Indian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Supernatural/Magic

Status: Visitor
Occupation: Meddler

Personality Profile: She's... oh, she's different. Both cheerful and cynical, Meraine is a nosy, interfering, mischievous free spirit- difficult to pin down and define. She's usually a good-natured person [indeed, protective of anything considered 'hers'], but once her ire has been raised, it's not necessarily safe to be in her general vicinity... and it's never safe to be on her blacklist.

Physical Description:


General Power Information: Meraine's power set is a curious mix of innate talent and demon-awarded ability

Ability One: Demonic possession- Accompanying insanity aside, this gives Meraine the ability to do magic, and it gives her a secondary form with wings, clawed feet [you know the deal] and the ability to fly.

Ability Two: Umbragenesis/Umbrakinesis- This power, though mostly ignored, includes shadow creation, shadow-walking, and shadow-crafting which makes perfectly solid items of a curious, silvery-black substance that eventually breaks down if exposed to to too much sunlight.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Demonic possession is arguably bad for you. It's certainly bad for the lady's psyche. Admittedly, when she's talking to the voice in her head, there's actually someone there, but her connection to reality is occasionally tenuous indeed. It also effects her physiology- the secondary demonic form never completely goes away even when she -looks-... as normal as Meraine gets, and as is only logical for a creature who flies, Meraine's bones are hollow. She's a perfectly vicious little creature in a pinch, but she weighs considerably less than she ought to for her size and is remarkably easy to -break- should she ever get into a physical fight. As the host for a being of utter chaos, Meraine also gets a bit... itchy when things are too calm. The 'chaos' doesn't need to be bad things- any change or growth also qualifies- but she needs to be in a place where things are happening that aren't procedural and predictable.

Skills: She's been living on her own for a long while indeed and knows a few things about surviving, certainly. Some of these skills are logical- she's surprisingly good with knives and light swords, for example, and exquisitely larcenous, but she's also an exceptional dancer [particularly belly-dancing] and she's an unbelievably good babysitter.

Background: Product of a flatly abusive upbringing [yes yes, we've heard this story before], the desert-born woman manages to be surprisingly well-grounded and happy, as things go, but back when she was a teenager... Well! Things went, shall we say, 'poorly' when her powers manifested and it left the young lady in a bad situation. As is often the case, something elected to take advantage of her vulnerable state and offered Meraine power, safety, even revenge. Being a teenager... well, what's not to like about that offer? And so she became the corporeal host of a Chaos Magus- a type of demon incapable of materializing physically on the prime material plane without voluntary assistance. Possession usually results in the gullible vessel being entirely subsumed by the demon's mind [which was certainly the intent this time as well], but being nothing if not stubborn, she manages to coexist with the creature in her head and they've finally worked out living arrangements to everyone's satisfaction, so there are no longer arguments about who did the dishes last and whose turn it is to clean up after the dog. To fuel her demon's need for chaos, she now wanders at will, encouraging things to change- sometimes for good and sometimes for ill. Crazy technological innovation, say, is preferable, but a stock-market crash is pretty delicious...

Criminal Record: None. But there really should be.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Instead of actually owning much of her own, though she does have some possessions and an apartment somewhere, Meraine tends to... borrow things. No, truly! Various clothes and items she needs at a given time tend to end up in her possession and, once she's done with them, they reappear back whence they came. She also loves children, hates gravity and is curiously upset by mint tea.
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