Trent Black -- Staff--

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Trent Black -- Staff--

Post by Sly »

Public Information---------------------------------

Name: Percy Trent Noire
Alias: Trent Black
Age: 27
Date of Birth:Oct 31 1985
Hometown (city, state, country): Originally New Orleans, Been in New York city since 2002

Height: 6'1
Weight: 197
Hair Color: Auburn
Eye Color: Bright green with black Sclera's
Nationality/Race: Mixed mutt, due mutations darkening of skin to a deeper color etc hard place.

- Lives off a wealth he proquired earlier in life, deals with helping charties now when he can
- rehabilitated Man

Personality Profile:

His intelligence separates him from most people, making him a Misanthrope that looks down on most people, and he don't seem be emotionally healthy. thou his years as a bartender have trained him hide this so no one even seems know whats hes thinking, till its to late.Trent will do anything or everything needed to save his family or friend's, but will run from most fights unless children or family/friends are involved. thou not a coward he will fight when needed. Due to the past year or two with the organzation, he has been dealing with his mental issues.

Physical Description:

He was a short lean man of a little Over six foot <6'1>. He was rather plain looking, thou some kind him very attractive. Due his working out habits, hours of labor and mutations he was very lean muscular and very chisled like a swimmer, or a runner.. His hair is Soft auburn which is a rather a odd mix with his bright green eyes, who's Sclera's are pure Black also. His skin is a deep olive tan, giving him a exotic look thou hes more a mutt then anything. The nails on both his feet and hands were pure black from some strange mark of mutation , like the deep black Sclera which no one knows why.

Character Picture:

Restricted Information

Primary :

Psychic Hyper-Intelligence abilities.

He evolved into a psionic being of advanced intellectual and cognitive ability. This allows him to organize, construct and formulate his thoughts at a inhuman speed and hyper intelligent quality.He's able to store everything that he experiences with his senses in a natural human level photographic memory which due the level of his Intelligence and mental speed seems inhuman.His thought's are processed so fast he can process complex data at incredible speeds to make snap decisions about his surroundings, understand things in ways most wouldnt think of and create complex scenarios to track the probability of an event by piecing together data he has allowing him to predict and react at his peak response to physical stimulate, if seen. this power has evolved to be so fast that its ratio is currently unknown. Thou he has become a form of living psionic energy and posses great reserves of the mental/life force due to this, tempting life/enegry vampires of many types.

-The speed helps naturally shield him from psychic assaults and manipulations. as well his other powers makes it all but for the strongest or skilled psionics to affect him.

Secondary :

Trent is a potent telepath, but limited telepath. He can manipulate, surpress/erase , modify and control the thoughts, subconscious/mindsets,memories, perceptions/sensations and upper brain functions of others. this provides him with a host of classic skills and the ability to negate the use of abilities, to increase/decrease mental capacity, and break down mental barriers. thou he must be able to touch someone, to be able to do any of this.. except

-Psionic sensing/communciation. He can sense the minds of others around him, and mentally receive and/or transmit information in the fifty feet unless their sheilded and often.. can pick up residueal psionic enegery that been used in the past in a area. his mind so sharp even without his first power, mixed thi allows him gather what type and how enegry was even used at times, and able tell the powers of people apart like in their -scent-

- Due to his mental speed most telepaths have issues keeping up with, and he can do work most consider time consuming in a short period as his minds speed is so hyper cognitive.

Telekinetic Aura

His telekinesis just like his telepathy was damaged now, creating a weaker power then he used to have. His range is a max of fifty feet, and his max weight being a total two tons, manipulate and control many objects with the mind without physically touching them, levitate Himself and other objects (including heavy objects), create powerful blasts, shaped objects and form protective shields. thanks to his brain he can track dozens if not more of lifting, thou they all add to his total weight >even thou he does not for some reason>

-Intuitive aptitude: Can disassemble complex devices explosively (separating every last component, such as screws, nuts, circuit boards, etc.) and, just as quickly, easily assemble complex devices. This also has enabled her to even attain awareness, knowlegde of and control over objects understanding them with a mix his mind, and this power.

weakness : thou with his powers and Intellect, he still is very human and can be killed like any human if damaged to much, and his powers now weake then they used to be. Also he can now over exert himself burning out his powers for a short time as he is regrowing to his old levels

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future?
1. speed, become a seperate entity again, as well other functions
2. range may increase alittle, ability do more then communcate/sense at range, skills
3. range may increase , ability handle more weight.

Born In 1985, the Young man who would grow to be Trent came from a well off upper class family, the Man was raised in a normal life on comfort and dreams of becoming a Musician. The boy was a excellent learner, playing all kinds of instruments and excelling in school and Home. He lived a total Normal Life. Having girl friends, enjoying the normal aspects of life, never seeming notice anything wrong. His family seemed to have this strange uncle thou, who always came by and visited always checking in on Trent.

He was Happy and easy to get along with until the day he turned 15. His hair started to streak white and nails darken, make up and shame began to hide his form, until One day? after close a year of hiding he came out to his girlfriend. She freak ed on him, calling him a mutant, freaking, she screamed and left the house, pressing false charges of rape, and eventually lead some local mutant hate group to come and destroy his house.. He was saved due luck. He left new Orleans homeless, he comes in search of home, traveling up the coast till he reached new york. the man meet a younger woman, taking him in. His powers and well the money he had due all family dying helped them build a well off company, which his mind and her business savvy lead.

Years passed and the mutant went to a school, slowly becoming a teacher at the school. He and his lovely red getting married. the times go, people come and go.. the Woman got shot and almost died in a coma, from trying help a herione addict. he went crazy, going through a very dark series events he rather forget. Trying to Boost his natural powers, trent turned to sciene, creating what he thought be a way boost his powers beyond his dreams.. it did. he went crazy from power and destroyed the lab, killed his wife in the accident, and burnt out his powers, and messed with his genetics

a orgranztion found him, working on rehibaltion him back ti a sane man, helping him deal with all the demons of his past, he now is going back school he did evils some, of them at. working to pay back the damages he did.. and become a better man.

Quirks/Extras (Special skills, links, etc.):
Undeveloped/ Unmanifested and Side effects of abilities

Unknown But the genetic experts agree his genetic potential is no where near tapped out, He seems to have the makings of a Potent psionic trapped inside him. thou no ones sure if any this other potentials will ever tap and how strong they truly are. with his expsoure and burn out of his powers partial from the -deaise- he now is unshore.

Due to his great amount of potential and energies, He also seems to contain more energy then the average man when it comes to being drained in a psionic or life force way. able withstand it for longer , recover easier.this power thou seems to attract them, as hes a richer and more full meal, tasty better, lasting longer and even recovering faster. This does not mean he could last forever, and if done his weakness kicks harder.

Abilities of Note.
Trent has a great Natural intellectual way above the human standard even without his powers. these are not totally mutant in nature thou and seem come from hard studies as a child and natural talent,He is naturally adept at Higher Academics, technologies and many mental feats. A close to perfect natural memory, and perhaps One of the Better minds of this time, proficient in Numerous fields of science and technology, a visionary theoretician and inspired machine smith,he is also a gifted tactician and strategist. His Idea of Science is far beyond that of contemporary science on the level of reed or such in some levels.. thou these abilities are all natural and are not equal to any form of techno-path etc.

Physical status-
Trent possesses the normal human strength of a man of his age, height, and build who engages in intensive regular exercise. His reflexes are razor sharp, thou not inhuman. thou he still limps a little every Now and then from the old scar's

He is a trained fighter mixing marital arts and boxing on a moderate level, He observes all the elements of a adversary's fighting style -- physical cues, ability, etc. He then analysis their fighting style, probabilities of attack, angles of motion; at the same time controlling his own body completely, and kicks in with the appropriate response, thou at the limit of his skill and physical capacity. He is trained in small arms, tactics and hit/run gulleria tatics also due to past teachers.

Thanks to his natural mix of intelligence and Inhuman mental capacity, he can learn skills fast and master them with ease, thou he still has train, his trianing time is cut down alot and his mind remembers every bit training. He can learn pick up Languages, instruments, Computers, Technologies and such with great ease. As his mind just remembers every lesson. Thou skills that are primarily Physical such marital arts, running, dance can be remember with great ease. He still has train himself normally but often take allot less time mixed now with his ability of hypercognetive and Intuitive Aptitude Make most things learning a breeze for him.

He has numerous tattoos
-His left pec has a tattoo of a deep red heart with a black crack which is now a little messed up due his scarring,
-on Right his shoulder down to the bicep is a large tattoo depicting a skeleton with a jester's hat on holding a set of aces in a skeletal hand.thou all four of the cards are odd colored.the spades are jade colored, the Hearts red, the diamonds violet and the clubs are blue.
-On his right pec is a Purple diamond with what appears small fang's at bottom corner biting into his chest.
- along his hip at the happy dip is a Mistle toe. right above the V of the happy trail.
-the words "Knowledge is power.Power is Corrupts, So study and Be evil" along his collar bone left collar bone
-the words " Only god or those i choose can Judge me" along his right collar bone in sanskrit..
- Has a half sleeve over left arm from just above elbow moving wrap around whole arm and back to top shoulder. the arm was perceived seemed solid black till you got close enough and saw hundreds small designs, words, sayings in different languages and meanings. He also has a similar sleeve around the right shoulders mention prevous tattoo.
- On his back from shoulder blades flaring up and then down towards lower back are huge angelic wings. deep black with the tips in red dripping blood.
-between the dripping bloody wings. was names down along his spine. All the names his family from mother to siblings with the words "never forgive or forget" written under them.
-a set of thick tribal markings sliding down the inside hips which curl back and under the words on his maller back and over his rear. Down from them slide down thick lines which spread out alittle on his outter Hips.

He has two studs or rings depending on mood in each ear. One in his right eyebrow. A stud in his tongue. He always wears a necklace with a large Irish knot work ring. as well as always wears a Obsidain wedding band to show his his commitment. a few more may exist under the layers of cloths

Common clothing.
When at work Trent always wears solid black suits or dress cloths depending which job. Outside of work, he wears mostly jeans with a huge sweaters, or loose t-shirts. The man sometimes dress in more trendy goth or such sub culture clothing when going out. But most time is a common jean and t-shirt man. His shoes are always skid resistant steel toe shoes he always wears due to work. At school he often wears the same he does when at work, suits or dress cloths of solid black.


Trent has a huge scar in center his left pec, as well stabs wounds along both sides his trunk. Down his left leg is a few nasty scars six from close range bullets and rest from brutal beatings and stabbings.
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