Candice Paulsen (Candy Pop) [Trainee]

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Candice Paulsen (Candy Pop) [Trainee]

Post by TwinbeeMkII »

Player Nickname: TwinbeeMkII

Name: Candice Marie Paulsen
Codename: Candy Pop
Age: 19
Date of Birth: Feburary 14, 1995

Height: 4'7"
Weight: 85 lbs
Hair Color: Varies, though usually some type of blonde with dashes of other colors mixed in
Eye Color: Clear, occassionaly the tiniest hint of a shade of blue
Place of Origin: Stockholm, Swedan
Nationality/Race: Swedish
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Trainee
Occupation: Dancing, along with whatever happens to cross her mind at any given moment

Personality Profile: Candy has little in the way of larger goals on her mind, instead always letting the music and the rush dictate her moods. Always usually of high spirits, Candy is a fast friend, but few if any can truly understand how the girl's mind works. She's a flash of energy, always moving, never stopping. This can somewhat alienate her from others who just can't keep up with her pace in the world. Also due to her situation, she can focus on very little most of the time, giving her a hard time learning in class. Even then, she maintains a almost fanatical level of optimism, making her the ultimate "glass half full" person.

Physical Description: Image


General Power Information: Candy's powers revolve around the manipulation of her body's sugar production. Her mutation allows for the control of, and constant regeneration of her bodily sugars, which can further be manipulated in a few ways.

Ability One: Candy's main ability is the ability to generate her body's sugar into external physical manifistations. Due to her ability to manipulate said sugar, along with other chemical make ups inside her, she can turn the sugar into various objects. An example would be a large club made of rock candy. Along those lines, she can also create a wide variety of sugary treats as she can imagine them, should she have the right make up in her body. This makes her almost a human candy dispenser. Using her wits, she can form candy to suit almost any task she can think of.

Ability Two: Due to her unique mutation, Candy has an almost limitless supply of body sugars, allowing her freedoms from weaknesses normal humans might have involving such matters. On top of that, a main side effect from her mutation is the lack of need to sleep, her body on a constant high of energy and adrenaline. This can afford her more time in a day with which do do what she needs.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: One major drawback to her mutation, is that due to not needing sleep, her body is constantly running. Due to this fact, her mind can oftentimes seem flighty or loopy, or even abit twitchy. It also gives her a major lack of focus, something that can get her into trouble if she's not careful. Though she can often be seen eating her self made candy, it adds little to her diet, and as such, she must consume large quantaties of food often throughout the day to stave off physical burnout. Also due to the constant sugar high she's on, she's almost always moving, wether it be dancing, running around the building, or even spontanious excercising. As this is the case, a power dampener could possibly be fatal, as the sudden stop to her system's makeup could put her into arrest or possibly even cause her heart to explode.

Skills: Due to her boundless energy, Candy has become quite good at dancing, and even has started showing real talent in pop music, which she's always constantly listening to.

Background: Candy was once a fairly quiet kid living in Stockholm, somewhat studious in her habits. The typical shy bookworm, she was often a target for the bullies. In any other lifetime, she might grow up, go to collage, and perhaps take a desk job somewhere, being a pencil pusher her whole life. Fate would have different plans as, at the age of 13, Candy's x-gene would activate, changing her world forever. As she was chased by a group of bullies, Candy would suddenly find her tired, aching legs no longer aching. In fact, she didn't feel tired at all, as if she could outrun a hundred bullies. Candy did outrun those bullies, and she felt so alive she continued to run, and run, until she'd find the police tracking her down at the behest of her worried parents. They knew what happened, being that Candy's older sister had already come into her powers earlier on. Life tried to go normally for the family, but Candy's power caused her to fade further and further from her peers, and her growing lack of focus made public school a no win situation. To top that off, Candy had begun to run out to underground clubs and raves where someone like her would be considered normal. After many run ins with the law, her parents had no choice but to send their daughters away. That being the case, there was only one place they knew of that could handle the task: Cobalt.

Criminal Record: Small juvenile record

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Candy can be seen often eating her namesake constantly. Though it does little to sustain her body, it's something of a nervous quirk, so she'll eat as she's handing out candy to anyone who will have some. Another quirk is if startled or even struck, she may unconciously exert candy, causing a hail of sugary sweets flying about around her.
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