Saqwana Kings

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Saqwana Kings

Post by saqwana »

Player Nickname: Jaime

Name: Saqwana Kings
Codename: n/a
Age: 32
Date of Birth: oct 13th 1981

Height: 5'6"
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair Color: black with red accents
Eye Color: Green
Place of Origin: Hopi Reservation ins Arizona U.S.A.
Nationality/Race:Hopi and Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Metahuman(mystical)

Status: Civilian
Occupation: Private Detective

Personality Profile: She is generally open minded and kind to most people she has a tendency be somewhat nomadic never living in the same place for very long, as a result she has been traveling the country from about 14 years.
Physical Description: Image


General Power Information: she can emphatically link with animal spirits those allowing her to understand and communicate with them. this is a secondary effect of her primary ability which allows her to take on traits of animals and people.

Ability One: animal traits: he must focus on a particular animal first though before gaining the power. such as If she focuses on a Peregrine falcon she can gain the ability to fly and perform two hundred mile an hour dive bombs on people. Her shamanistic blood protects her from the impact so she doesn't get crushed by it, if she takes on the power of a cheetah for example she can run straight a ways at speeds in excess of 60 miles an hour. if she takes on a bear aspect she would have far greater than human strengths, and etc

Ability Two: Shaman Physiology: her mystically empowered give her and immunity to all natural toxins, viruses, and bacteria. Her base level strength is similar to a female body builder but without the very heavily muscled frame. She can also normally run at the speed of an Olympic runner

Ability Three: Human aspects: she can take on human aspects if she spend s enough time with a person she can take on there aspect by creating and empathetic bond but in doing so she risk massive damage to herself if she copies another's power.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: She is limited by two factors one she can only have one aspect at a time and two if she remains in the aspect too long she can become lost in the spirit with a chance of never coming back.

Skills: She is an excellent tracking, she always very aware of where is and as such tends pick up on details others might miss, she is an excellent marksmen.

Background: Though she grew up normally on an Indian reservation, she discovered at an early age she had an emphatic connection to animals. From this connection she would learn their thoughts and words, to the point where people figured she was made as she was constantly carrying on conversations with various animals around the land. As this happened she became more and more reserved and hid her abilities. When she was about 18 they switched on full force and she has been wandering since. During her wandering she became certified as a private detective.

Criminal Record: no criminal record

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: She tends to eat fish and vegetables raw, she also only uses water and natural soaps and deoderant.
Last edited by saqwana on Fri Mar 15, 2013 12:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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