Bremmer Goodwin

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Bremmer Goodwin

Post by breeevil »

Player Nickname: breeevil

Name: Bremmer Goodwin
Codename: none, yet.
Age: 18
Date of Birth: 09/19/1994

Height: 5'3
Weight: 130
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Place of Origin: Carmel, California
Nationality/Race: Caucasion
Classification/Origin of Powers: fauna-path

Status: Trainee
Occupation: Gardener

Personality Profile: Bremmer tends to be very upbeat, happy and positive. She will say whatever she is thinking when she is thinking it.. like there was never a filter installed from her brain to her mouth. She will talk to anyone and everyone and is never shy; she is loud by nature, often forgetting to use her inside voice. The girl tends to be sarcastic and likes to joke and laugh with people.. she does understand the serious side of things, though.
Bremmer does not have much liking for violence, but in the world of mutants.. it's unavoidable and this is not something Bremmer is a stranger to, she is more than willing to defend herself and others.. especially people she feels close to.
Bremmer has a passion for the outdoors, she loves to hunt (and has amazing skills with a bow and arrows) and will spend weeks camping without complaint. If she is inside for too long or is unable to get outdoors to plant seeds, pick flowers or hunt she will start to get restless.. when this happens she does tend to runaway without warning for days on end.

Physical Description:


General Power Information: Faunapath

Ability One: Nature walking: Bremmer is able to put herself in to plants, trees or any other form of plant life. When she does this she cannot be seen by others as anything more than what she just went in to.. she can still speak and be heard and she can move the plant around. She is able to move, walk around or even strike someone/something if need be, but doing so will pull the plant out of the ground by the roots.

Ability Two: Calm animals: Bremmer is able to, when in the presence of a distressed creature, calm it down by means of communication. She cannot hold conversations with animals.. but is able to shush and coo at them in such a way that will soothe them and most of the time will result in the tranquil beast.

Ability Three: Summon vines: Not a skill she has much practice with.. Bremmer is able to call vines up from the earth to entrap or snare an enemy or game. The vines are thick and deep rooted.. pulling them off of oneself would be a difficult task and required a lot of strength. She has only recently discovered she can do this and doesn't know much about the power.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: When Bremmer takes over a tree, or bush or what have you, and decides to move while inside.. it will uproot the plant. Unless it is replanted, it will eventually wither and die. When a plant dies Bremmer can no longer live inside of it. When she is forced to kill something this way, she tends to get depressed so it is something she avoids at all cost.
In the event Bremmer fails to properly soothe an animal, she runs the risk of being attacked by it. She must be close to said creature, able to lay her hands on them for the power to work.
The vines can only be summoned on natural ground, meaning grass or dirt and not pavement/asphalt or indoors. The vines are just that.. vines. They are not thorned or serrated and can be cut through easily enoguh if whatever they are working on trapping has something to cut them with.

Skills: Bremmer is an amazing hunter. She can shoot an arrow and hit a target at 100 yards without second thought. Unless something distracts her, she does not miss. With that skill comes a talent for gutting and skinning game, she can also cure hide and is pretty good at breaking down her prey in to chunks for storage and identification. She likes to camp.. she has amazing survival skills and is someone who could easily just live off the land. With this comes the ability to identify most plants and what they can be used for.

Background: Bremmer was born in Carmel California to parents Jillian and David Goodwin, both pharmacists. She was the second born, an older brother by the name of Matthew was 2 when she came around.. but the two were always very close. her parents were very busy with work.. so Bremmer and her brother spent a lot of time with their mother's brother and his wife before they started attending school. From the time Bremmer was five, and matthew seven, their Uncle Wesley took them camping and hunting every single weekend. When she was eight, and her brother ten, they started spending their summer vacations traveling with their uncle to different countries.. their goal to shoot and kill every kind of animal they were allowed to hunt on the globe. And they were well on their way to doing so.. but when Bremmer was 13, her brother 15, something went wrong on a trip. Matthew was shot, on accident, by a member of their hutning party. Bremmer watched the bullet go right through him.. right through his chest.. and without thinking twice she dropped her weapons and ran to him and he died in her arms. In her grief, her powers came through. After leaving the hospital where they had tried to save the boy.. Bremmer leaned against a tree to make the necessary phone calls, only to realize a moment later she was no longer leaning against the tree. She could see her cell phone laying there on the ground.. could see the bark and the leaves.. could feel the water pulsing through her 'veins'. It was after his funeral that she went to a walk on the beach and came across a couple of dogs, fighting.. their owners unable to or scared to tear them apart. Bremmer ran to help.. talking to the dogs like "Hey guys.. it's cool.. leave each other alone." And.. they did.
Discovering these powers.. playing with them.. she got better and better at it but was never able to bring herself to tell her parents. The first hutning trip she took with her uncle was six months after her brother died.. and he is the one she told.
For the next few years she stayed living with her uncle.. he was the only one who knew about her and he was the only person she was reated to who was there when Matthew died.. the only person she thought could even kind of know how she was feeling. he let her be hersef.. let her practice when she wanted to.. hunted and camped with her whenever she wanted. He became the father figure of sorts that she needed.
It was he who found out about Cobalt and told her that is where she should go for a while, be with people who are like her.. who will understand her and who she wont feel like she has to hide from. he dropped her off a few days ago.. we'll see what happens next.

Criminal Record: None.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Bremmer hates bread.. will not eat it or anything resembling it.. not even things like chips and crackers. If she can't kill it herself or pull it from the earth, it does not enter her body. This includes things like medications (Unless it is a matter of life and death, of course. Also, she generally hates westernized medication, despite her parents professions..) or things like soda. While she is not usually very girly, the sight of a spider will send her hand-flapping and she is not too fond of bees, either. She has no qualms growing a garden or raising an animal with the intention of eventually eating it.. her powers don't make her cry over a chopped down tree or anything like that. Shy people make her nervous, if things are quiet for too long she will do silly things like burst in to dance or slap someone on the shoulder and yell YOU'RE IT! She tends to dress in earthy colors, browns, greens and tans.. sometimes black. Her clothes are always functional.. things she could go running in to the wilderness wearing and be okay for a few days.. not freeze to death or break a heel.
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