Vessita Rosse

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Vessita Rosse

Post by Vess »

Player Nickname:Vess

Name: Vessita Rosse
Codename: Gold
Age: 24
Date of Birth: December 31, 1988
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 110
Hair Color: Honey brown
Eye Color: Gold
Place of Origin: Isola Tiberina
Nationality/Race: Greek
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant
Status: Resident
Occupation: Artist/Painter

Personality Profile: Vessita tends to be always calm and centered, but the girl has no filter and tends to blurt out whatever comes to mind. She is generally a happy person and considers everyone a friend until she is given a solid reason not to.

Physical Description:



General Power Information: Vessita was born with a set of golden wings, enabling her to fly. In her adolescent years she developed the power to bend and control light.

Ability One: Vessita is able to use her golden wings to fly. She can fly 3 to 4 hours at a time by herself, but can only go for short distances if carrying any real weight with her.

Ability Two: Vessita has the ability to control all aspects of light. This ability can be used to give light or create darkness, and also includes bending the light to change colors. With this ability, she can create a certain sort of invisibility.

Ability Three: Vessita has a very keen sense of vision and can see details most others cannot at long distances.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Vessita becomes exhausted after long flights or flights carrying anything or anyone with her and requires time to recover. She cannot wear any kind of armor while flying due to the weight, which makes her vulnerable. The invisibility she can create by bending the light has a slight flaw to where a sharp eye can detect flashes of rainbow reflections if paying attention..

Skills: She is a skilled, accomplished painter


Dr. and Dr. Rosse, a pair of middle aged anthropologists 15 years happily married, made their way carefully up a steep slope on the south side of the Greek isle of Isola Tiberina , careful not to lose their footing on a loose rock. They were fit and energetic for their age, more than ready to face the dangers their exploration required.

The couple made their trip to research the legend of the Golden People, a race of human beings who supposedly inhabited the island centuries ago, reputed to have powers blessed on them by the Greek Gods themselves. So far, they had only found traces of the previous explorers who had come before, returning empty handed if at all.

I wasn’t too long before they noticed an opening in the face of a cliff. Jane Rosse pointed “I think it’s a cave. We should go and take a look.” They heard then a soft but steady voice behind them “I wouldn’t if I were you”. They both whirled around to find what seemed to be a 9 year old girl wearing a dirty smock and what seemed to be a pale golden cape over her shoulders, holding a spear, the head aimed at Victor Rosse’s face.

Two hours and a considerable amount of fast talking and assurances of peace later, the couple sat in the cave by a small fire sipping fresh fruit juice from clay cups, carefully studying the slight girl sitting across from them. She kept a wary eye on them, her spear readily handy at her side. “I am the last. The few who were left either died of old age or were killed by the last group who came here. They hunt us for our wings and our gold” she straightened her back with pride “but not one has ever left the island with even a feather or a pebble.” Her look became grim “There were many with the last group, and they slaughtered everyone. There was only two left, and they were about to escape with their bounty. I crawled out of my hiding place and made sure that didn’t happen. That was about … hmmmm … three summers ago.”

Jane Rosse exclaimed “You’ve been living here alone for three years?” The girl pouted and stuck her tongue out at them as any normal child would “I can hunt and forage for myself just fine. The spring runs clear and my cave protects me”. Victor nodded to her wings, now spread out over her shoulders “They say your people were gifted your wings and magical powers from the Gods themselves. Is this true?” The little girl scrunched her nose “That’s what my grandfather said. My mother said we were changed by living so close to the volcano for so many years.” She giggled “My Uncle Van said one of our ancestors had an unnatural obsession with the yellow tailed swan that swam in the mountain lake, and we are the product of that”.

Vessita left her island and returned home with Dr. and Dr. Rosse, her interests peaked with the tales of the modern world. She grew up in a loving home in a small town in southern Vermont, the tribe’s gold she brought with her funding a large estate and facilities for her new guardians to use to research her own DNA. The wealth also provided a private education for Vessita, her parents finding it necessary to keep the girl isolated and out of the public eye.

(Ten years later)

“I’ve almost got it Vess! I think I’ve finally isolated the strand of DNA that gives you your wings and your powers” Victor Rosse proudly announced at the dinner table one evening. “It won’t be long now before I perfect the process to reproduce others like you to rebuild your race.” Vess threw back her head and laughed “You mean you’re just discovering sex now Father? No wonder Mother has been so uptight all these years.” Victor’s face grew red as he blustered “No girl of mine will ever …..” He took a breath “Well I suppose you’re a young woman now. Maybe we should experiment with ….” Jane Rosse gave her husband a sharp look “No Victor. Just no. She’s just a woman like any other.”

Just two days after that dinner, Victor and Jane Rosse were killed in an airplane crash as they were traveling for research. After a period of grief, Vessita sold the estate and all the family assets and went in search of others who were more like herself …. different. It was then she found Cobalt Hill. She made herself useful enough to the residents to earn her stay.
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