Ronald "Ron" Mitchell

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Ronald "Ron" Mitchell

Post by Matt »

Player Nickname: Matt

Name: Ronald Mitchell
Codename: Migrator, or “Mig” for short.
Age: 27
Date of Birth: 11/17/1985

Height: 5’7”
Weight: 170lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Place of Origin: Surrey, England
Nationality/Race: British
Classification/Origin of Powers: Metahuman

Status: Resident
Occupation: Various menial jobs, was most recently a shepherd in Morocco.

Personality Profile: Ron has a very loose sense of humor often veering towards the surreal. He would probably make an excellent comedian if he put his mind to it.

Physical Description: Image


General Power Information: Ron has access to a dimension he calls the “Migrator Realm”. His knowledge of this dimension thus far extends to its ability to allow him to effectively teleport.

Ability One: Migrator Realm: Ron has access to an alternate dimension, which he can enter at will and reappear elsewhere in the present dimension, effectively allowing him to “teleport”. This is the present limit of his knowledge of what access to the realm would allow him to do.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Ron hasn’t yet managed to figure out a way to bring objects not himself and the clothes he’s wearing into the Migrator Realm, which means that motion through it is entirely based around him walking – therefore, the longer he travels, the more exhausted he’ll be upon exiting the Migrator Realm. In a practical sense, he is limited to short distances.

Skills: Ron has comparatively few, time spent in the Migrator Realm has limited his ability to effectively acquire skills. He is fairly good at herding animals, but by no means exceptional. He does, however, have a certain flair for languages, generally being able to make himself understood in most of the major European languages. Beyond that, he's hopeless.

Background: Ron's earliest memory is of being served soup at an orphanage when he was about seven, which is perhaps explained by the random nature of his powers. The nature of his powers didn't exactly promote an academic career, Ron had a habit of disappearing when an exam got too stressful. Sent from menial job to menial job, Ron worked at various fast-food restaurants and other you're-going-nowhere places, bumming around Europe as he put some semblance of a life together. Social interaction was never much for him, as his ability to disappear makes him functionally immune to social sanction, so he thought he'd struck pay dirt when he landed a job as a sheepherder in Morocco. Unfortunately, after a few too many one night in a bar, Ron went after someone who accused him of having sex with the sheep, which led to his prompt expulsion from that job as well.

While staying in a youth hostel on his next-to-last-dime, he'd heard about this strange place for oddballs like himself called "Cobalt" - which he initially misheard as "Cow Bait". After using the internet to conduct a bit of research on Cobalt, he spent his last dime to get a job monitoring animals being sent to the States via ship. He has just arrived at Cobalt.

Criminal Record: None.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Ron has completely mischaracterized his relationship to the Migrator Realm – he doesn’t “travel to it”, he returns to it – he’s naturally of the Migrator Realm, and is actually a visitor to this reality.

Ron also has a very poor sense of when he’s crossed the line, having access to what is essentially his own permanent escape route has made developing such a sense somewhat superfluous. This often grates upon nearby individuals, who may not take kindly to the things Ron says.
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