Drake Travis [Stutter Step]

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Drake Travis [Stutter Step]

Post by Mokole »

Player Nickname:Drake

Name: Drake Travis
Codename: Stutter Step
Age: 25
Date of Birth: 8-15-1988

Height: 5'11"
Weight: 175lbs
Hair Color: Black, Short and spiky, with a white shock on the right side starting at his temple.
Eye Color: Green
Place of Origin: Houston, Texas
Nationality/Race: Caucasian mutt
Classification/Origin of Powers: metahuman

Status: Refugee
Occupation: Camera Man

Personality Profile: Drake is a man who likes his comforts. He enjoys being outside and working for himself. Freedom, being able to be on his own. He is a compassionate man, easy going and friendly.

Physical Description: A young, handsome man, Drake is tanned from being outside, slim and well-toned. He keeps his hair short and refuses to dye the white streak on the side on his head. He eyes are a deep, emerald green, giving him a piercing gaze.


General Power Information: Speedster

Ability One: Super speed: Drake can move at Supersonic speeds, allowing him to outrun low caliber bullets, cross liquids, and attack more quickly than most others, if he knew much about fighting. In addition, there are a few minor abilities he possess. When moving, he generates a field that keep him from ripping out of his clothes and suppresses the sonic boom of his passing. He has no control of this, and it offer no protection to outside forces.

Ability Two: Rapid Healing. A sign of the source of his powers, Drake metabolism allows him to heal much faster than normal, so long as he is not making active use of his Super speed. This power is particularly draining on him, requiring his to rest and eat,

Ability Three: Stutter Step: A power Drake has only recently discovered, and barely understands. He can, by moving quickly, make "Duplicates" of himself. At this time no duplicate can be more than 5 feet away from at least one more, and he can only create 3 of them at the most. While this stunt makes him very hard to hit, it is terrifically draining on him, forcing him, at this point, to stop running after its use and to catch his breath.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Drake's weakness comes from the very limitations of his power. He can only run for so long before becoming winded. The power multiplies how fast he can move, but does not force him to work any harder for that. Running normal speeds and supper speed work on the same time scale, just different distances. Also, his metabolism forces him to eat large quantities. Failing to eat for a day will start to cause him to lose weight considerably, as well as be unable to use his powers.

Skills: Drake is a skilled Camera Operator, having worked on many low budget films and is very close to being eligible for the local 600 union. He can cook decently well, and knows a fair amount about fine drinks.

Background: Drake was born in Houston, Texas, living in the Woodlands and growing up a typical child of the 90's. He's always been a fan of the supers, actually managing to secure some autographs of a few of the lesser known heroes in and around the Houston Metroplex. It was with some disappointment that Drake passed through his teen years never manifesting the X-gene. Following his interests, Drake moved to Florida to study at Full Sail University, graduating and moving on to New York. There he kept his interest in Supers alive, and started working his way up the ranks in the local Indie Film community. Even being held hostage a handful of times couldn't dampen his enthusiasm for the City, but he did start feeling more and more frustrated by his lack of ability to really make a difference. Then came the night in Central Park.

As he was coming home, Drake suddenly found himself in the middle of a battle between one of the local super groups and their enemies. Keeping his head down, the young man ran for safety. And that is his last memory.

As if waking up from a dream, Drake realized six months had passed and he was now living in Salem, in the middle of a job for a low budget horror film. He still doesn't remember those six months, but he learned quickly that he now has the power of super speed. In fairly quick order,Drake realized he was in over his head, and he applied for training at Cobalt Hill.

(ST Info: Drake's powers come from the fact that he was killed in the battle in central park, and brought back to life by one of the supers. Due to a fluke of the super's powers and Drake's own state, he was forced into a meta-human status. His memory loss is due to the pain he experienced in his transformation.

Criminal Record: Other than some speeding tickets, Drake has a clear record.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Drake is still a fan boy when it comes to the more well known of the Supers. He loves movies and can spend hours holding forth on the subject. When relaxing, Drake has trouble staying still, but that's always been true. He really sees his powers as a chance to help people, once he can control them fully.
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