Alex 'Lux' Veritas

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Alex 'Lux' Veritas

Post by Veritas »

Player Nickname:Veritas

Name:Aletheia Veritas
Codename: Lux
Age: 17
Date of Birth: 22nd May

Height: 5'9
Weight: 135lbs
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue-Grey
Place of Origin: Greece
Nationality/Race: Greek
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Refugee / Student
Occupation: Librarian

Personality Profile: Alex, or Lux as she is known to most has a shy personality. Her particular mutation has forced her to become socially withdrawn in fear of what she might say next.
Always willing to help when she can, Lux tries her best not to become the center of attention instead enjoying her time in the background with her books.

Physical Description: Slightly taller than average Lux appears to be a beautiful young woman, although she tries to hide this behind glasses and a blonde curtain of messy hair, which on occasion she manages to straighten out.

General Power Information: Lux et veritas (Light and Truth) Lux's mutation focuses on positive energies such as truth and light, being unable to tell even the smallest of lie nor mislead in anyway as well as being able to create and manipulate light.

Ability One: Veritas (Truth) - Lux is unable to tell a lie, not even a white one to make someone feel better about themselves. If asked a question she will answer truthfully and without any hesitation, if she does not know the answer to a question she will either stay silent or admit she doesn't know. If asked if she doesn't know something she will also answer truthfully. Her mutation has left her untrusting of others, as this ability also allows her to detect if someone is lying.

Ability Two: Lux (Light) - Lux has the ability to create and manipulate light, the most basic form of this is a simple orb of light that she can project to light up an area in the distance. (Think 'Lumos Maxima' from Harry Potter) More complex forms of control are as of yet unknown to her.

Ability Three:

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Not being able to lie, (even thinking about lying causes her to have headaches) or even misdirect or mislead leaves Lux in very awkward social situations at times, or worse causes people to get hurt because she can't withhold information either. She can only have one light orb active at any one time, the orb is a set it and forget it style. To launch another she must first extinguish the current orb.

Skills: Lux is very well versed in many subjects, mostly because of her continued reading of books. The only thing she really seems to excel at is learning.

Background: Lux spent most of her childhood like a normal girl, running around getting in trouble, getting caught smoking and drinking behind the school when she was 12 and all kinds of other stupid things kids normally do. It wasn't until she was 14 that things got odd, the headmaster of her school was asking her if she knew who was providing alcohol to the kids, while her brain was saying no her mouth spewed out the name of the man, much to her own horror. She instantly lost all of her 'friends' after that. Every so often, when asked a question she would find herself unable to say anything other than the truth, as if her mind was betraying her. She wanted to lie but the truth instantly popped out, leaving her feeling like she was not in control of herself.

Things just kept getting "worse" from then on out, at times she would be asked a question and would answer truthfully... some people caught onto this and asked her disturbingly personal questions to which she always answered truthfully. Not that she didn't start crying and most of the time she couldn't be understood through her tears. The kids would pin her down and ask her questions out in the schoolyard after classes, one of the teachers eventually saw what was going on and stopped it. He asked her what was going on and she spent the next 20 minutes filling him in on everything.

The look on his face was that of bewilderment, he had no idea how to react to this or what to say, instead he sent her to the school psychologist whom upon talking to her for an hour thought she was the most honest and nice girls that she had ever met. When Lux said that she couldn't lie, that even thinking about it made her head hurt the woman looked at Lux with a look of concern. Blood tests and brain scans were done after seeing that at times Lux was telling the truth even when she didn't want to. The tests of course revealed the source of these issues. The school didn't know how to deal with this and neither did Lux or her family.

The mutation was not immediately obvious, but nobody wanted to chance that she would turn out to be a danger, various 'Cures' were attempted including electroshock therapy. A lobotomy was scheduled, however it was suddenly canceled. A sigh of relief escaped her lips as a man in a very nice looking suit. Her english was not the best but from what she understood the man wanted to take her to some kind of sanctuary a place designed specifically for 'gifted' individuals. She could have sworn he meant cursed but she paid no mind to it.

Criminal Record: Various minor in possession/consumption charges.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Lux wears glasses most of the time, she also is afraid of the dark. Inside a dark room frightens her, sometimes depending on the room or such this could be so debilitating that she just closes her eyes and rocks herself in the corner.
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