Sabrina Wilcox [Tempest]

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Sabrina Wilcox [Tempest]

Post by Tempest »

Public Information

Name: Sabrina Wilcox
Alias: ELE-A-596, Tempest
Age: 21
Date of Birth (Year Not Required): July 6
Hometown (city, state, country): Unknown

Height: 5'9''
Weight: 195 lbs
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Grey
Nationality/Race: American/Caucasian

Occupation: Student
Personality Profile: Like the wind she controls she's bold, and confident. No one can stop her when her mind is set to something.
Physical Description: See pic.
Character Picture:

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Mutation/Powers (Maximum of three):

Aerokinetics: Sabrina has the ability to control the air. Using the air as a weapon she can create miniature tornadoes, and cyclones, or powerful gust of wind to blow the enemy away, or to provide a shield to deflect attacks. With the aid of the wind she can run swiftly by resisting wind resistance, jump higher and farther creating gusts of wind to cushion her fall, like Storm she could have the winds propel her to fly. (90 Mph, maybe subsonic in the future). She could even run up vertical surfaces by creating a wind current behind her. She can also create air blades to cut through things, or fire off powerful wind gusts to cause physical damage. Her powers can affect the area within a 100 foot radius in her line of sight.

Heat and Cold Resistance: Can withstand the harsh temperatures ranging from 0 Fahrenheit to 115 Fahrenheit.

Hasn't been unlocked as of yet.

Weaknesses: Her aerokinetics ability are connected to her emotions. Just the slight feeling of stress could stir up a mini twister or a gust of wind to blow people around like rag dolls.

Several years ago a company carried out a series of illegal and immoral experiments on human subjects, forever altering the DNA of any children they might have. Many of these couples would have these kids and leave them for the company to have for a large bundle of cash. This was the case for Experiment ELE-A-596, best known as Sabrina. She was both hated and liked due to her being the only aerokinetic and the pride and joy of the head scientist. With Sabrina they put her through basic training such as combat, survival; while home schooling the children in each proper grade level and abilities. The goal was to train each child to be the ideal perfect solider, but that dream came crashing down when karma came a knocking. The federal governments attention was drawn to this and like most people who was caught with a dark secret -- the termination of the lab experiments began. Soon it was Sabrina's turn and boy did she give them hell. She fought till she was out of the facility; but now she was on the run. Moving from city to city dodging and fighting the companys search party; she had became a drifter trying to find a place to belong as well as to call home. That all changed when she found the Cobalt is where she has found a home and will do anything to keep it that way....that's legal of course.

Quirks/Extras (Special skills, links, etc.): Has some combat experience..would have gotten more if the company wasn't found out.
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