Thomas Raye [Lanryn]

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Thomas Raye [Lanryn]

Post by Lan »

Player Nickname: Lanryn

Name: Thomas Raye
Codename: Lanryn
Age: 26
Date of Birth: 12/12/1986

Height: 6'2
Weight: 165
Hair Color: none
Eye Color: grey
Place of Origin: Alternate Reality Earth
Nationality/Race: African American - Filipino
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mage

Status: Traveler
Occupation: Wanderer

Personality Profile: Veteran. Suspicious of Authority. Distrustful of organizations.

Physical Description:
A lanky, almost wiry built dark skinned man of younger indeterminate age, with a shaved head. He is dressed in a simple pair of surplus jeans, a baggy over sized black hooded sweat shirt and a pair of well worn and scuffed work boots. An expensive looking pair of mirror shade raybans conceal his eyes, about his neck a pair of dog tags ride. Slung easily over a shoulder is a grey messenger bag. A generic look, easily ignored or forgotten, just one of the countless people you pass every day on the street.

General Power Information: Lanryn is a willworker. Utilizing innate magic, willpower, and the correct focus, he can alter reality to his whim.. for a price.

Ability One: Watch the Weaving. Utilizing his raybans as a focus, Lan is able to perceive the fundamental coding of reality. It allows him to perceive auras, note unique characteristics of an object or area, or even perceive medical information on a living being. This information manifests in code format, and various hues of color. It can easily cause sensory overload if there is to much stimuli or precautions are not taken

Ability Two: Redirection of forces. With concentration and focus, Lan can redirect forces around him, allowing minimal basic shielding. This also allows light refraction.

Ability Three: Mental Augmentation. Utilizing magic, Lan's mind operates like a computer, able to run multiple threads of thoughts simultaneously, he could hold a conversation, balance his checkbook, and be working through magical theory, all at once.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:His magic is accomplished by exterting willpower and innate magical might, through a focus, to alter reality. Reality however contains a great deal of inertia, it does not like to be altered, or changed. So when a mundane witnesses Lanryn practicing magic, that disbelief manifests in paradox. The more impossible the spell is, or the more mundanes that witness the magical event increases the severity of the paradox. This is something that clings to the mage, sometimes manifesting as a severe injury, or a disease. More diabolical repercussions of foolish magic use can include madness, hallucinations, and even spontanoeus magical explosion leading to a very messy end of a foolish mage. Paradox accumulates over time, taking weeks, even months to slowly bleed off.

Skills: Former Specialist in the United States Air Force. He prefers academics now.

Background: Lanryn is a by product of one of two warring factions in his reality. The genes of two fallen mages were combined, along with other modifications into his base genetic material. The project was considered a failure. Lan and many other lab created children ended up in foster care. He enlisted at 17 into the Air Force. He qualified for the para rescue program. Approximately five years ago the unit that Lan was assigned to was caught between three warring factions of supernaturals. Out of the 15 men, only Lan managed to survive. The budding magical powers granted him enough of an edge, that along with his military training he was able to make an escape from the area. Since then he has been
wandering, participating in many different adventures and tales. He remains on the move, assisting and helping out where he can while continuing to pursue his magical studies

Criminal Record: Alternate Reality Earth he is wanted for terrorism. These charges are false, meant only to hinder Lanryn in his attempts to remain anonymous.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Close proximity or contact with him results in a feeling like one just shocked themselves by shuffling their feet on the carpet. While using magic, this resonance increases, both in magnitutde and in area. It is not uncomfortable, but quite noticable.

During his awakening, lost the ability to stomach processed foods, claims to be able to taste the chemicals and processes involved in their creation. Lives off fruit and veggies, grains and water.

A traveller's book, capable of sending messages across the dimensional divide. Once Lanryn has 'tagged' a person with the book, a written correspondance can be sent to them, and then returned by magical means. This is the only method of sending messages across the dimensional divide.

The Marauders Bible. A stolen heavily encrypted and warded personal journal, described commonly as a 15th century computer database. Originally created by an ancient mage, who eventually went insane. It details an advanced understanding of other worlds and advanced magical theory. Lan has been researching it as a means to advance his understanding of dimensional science and travel. There are numerous layers of magical encryption, that Lan has not even detected yet. It is dangerous, like, voldemort dangerous. But it will be his only way of continuing his journey, both physically and in pursuit of the higher ideals and concepts of magical theorem
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