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Joined: Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:16 am


Post by lllithid »

Player Nickname: Luc, Lukas`

Name: John
Codename: None
Age: Unknown
Date of Birth: Unknown

Height: 6’
Weight: 180lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Colour: Brown
Place of Origin:Unknown
Nationality/Race: Tulpa
Classification/Origin of Powers: Independent Tulpa

Status: Refugee/Other
Occupation: None

Personality Profile: Tending towards being a bit of a wallflower these days, John seems quiet and introverted. This isn’t due to his powers making long term friendships difficult; but due to his nature as a Tulpa. He existed in the background of someone’s brain, and tends to be most comfortable in the background of the real world. This isn’t to say that he can’t be extroverted, outgoing or even charming, just that he tends to be the quiet one in a crowd if left to his own devices. He is a people-watcher and can be very observant about people; but isn’t the type to abuse what he knows. Among friends, John tends to be less passive, but is usually willing to try most things, provided a good case is made for it.

Physical Description: John is perhaps the most generic looking, normal seeming person in the history of ever. Average height, average build, average hair and eyes. Now, a lot of people are ‘average’, but John seems so entirely average, so completely normal, so magnificently average that it almost stands out; almost. He tends to dress in simple clothes, not lacking a fashion sense, but not having a flair for fashion.
Average Male Face.jpg

General Power Information: Tulpa. An imaginary person who has managed to stop being imaginary somehow.

Ability One: Nonentity Assumption. While John’s normal identity is that of ‘John’, he can abandon it temporarily. In so doing, be becomes a psychic sponge, soaking up the ambient thoughts, beliefs and ideas of everyone around him. In so doing, he becomes a background element to all of them. He ceases to register as important or noteworthy in an absolute way. A good way to picture this, is as a PC who can at will become a nameless, faceless NPC in the background of any scene; someone so unremarkable as to almost not exist. This power is able to fool electronic senses like cameras and the like, is universal across species; and even goes so far as to effect unearthly or artificial beings if he should ever encounter them. The effect lasts until cancelled or after 24 hours, whichever comes first.

Ability Two: Not Really a People. John’s body isn’t made of meat and minerals. It isn’t clear what it’s made of, but it isn’t person-stuff. He does not sleep, does not eat and does not breathe. He has no bodily requirements, because his body is not “real” in the traditional definition. When inspected, he seems to have all the parts he should (X-rays reveal bones and all that, and his blood registers as human), but only when being immediately examined. If the same blood, for example, was left unattended for any length of time it would just vanish into the ether. In fact, all physical evidence of his presence has a way of vanishing after a bit, be it fingerprints or bloodstains. This has a neat side effect in that he doesn’t so much heal from injuries; as the damage simply ‘goes away’ after a bit restoring him to his baseline standard self.

Ability Three:

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:John’s primary power isn’t so much fickle as it is overly functional. If John activates it and isn’t able to concentrate on his goals before hand, he ceases to have them when he drops his identity. He becomes a nonentity, a passive background element in both body and mind; and thus becomes unable to really change anything; until 24 hours pass and he reappears wherever the whims of fate have taken him.
As a secondary weakness, the second aspect of his powers; the ‘Not Really a People’ is far broader then John is comfortable with. Over the course of a long time (months or years), it tends to erase things in his background like bank records, photographs, emails and so forth. This means that John must be diligent to constantly monitor and maintain his identity, lest it vanish.

Skills: John seems to possess all sorts of average skill sets, but nothing to any amazing degree. He isn’t a pianist, but might know a tune. He isn’t a computer whiz, but can do generic things. He possesses all the skills that an ‘everyman’ might conceivably have; but no more.

Background: John has memories of the last few years at Cobalt. He remembers Christmases, funerals, joy and sadness. He has dated, he has broken up and he has cheated. He has had friends and enemies, and even the odd frienemy. But, it’s all gone now. The sanctum has no records of him, his old friends don’t recognize him anymore; even old pictures he should be in have a lack of him in them. This would be had enough, but this is at least the third time John can remember where this has happened. As for his past before the school and the sanctum; he remembers it all, but will not speak of it.

Criminal Record: None. Even if he had one, it would have long vanished.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Its unclear how, but animals (and certain feral mutants) seem to be able to register that John isn’t really a person. They don’t react with hostility, so much as they seem to lack the normal feelings they might have towards him. Mosquitoes don’t bite him, dogs don’t get excited when he enters a room; cats are someone even less empathetic. This sense is impossible to put into words, he seems human but somehow just..isn’t.
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